Created socket at /tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -N -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=yes SSH command for node ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no Created socket at /tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.qnxnr0d5 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -N -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.qnxnr0d5 -oControlMaster=yes SSH command for node ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.qnxnr0d5 -oControlMaster=no Created socket at /tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.h28gc0ao Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -N -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.h28gc0ao -oControlMaster=yes SSH command for node ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.h28gc0ao -oControlMaster=no vvvv BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:48:12.987728 start [RunEnvTests] Run several environment tests <<<< 2024-09-10 04:48:12.987831 start [TestSshConnection] Test SSH connection Command: ssh exit Command: ssh exit Command: ssh exit ---- PASSED [TestSshConnection] Test SSH connection -------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:48:13.255138 time=0:00:00.267307 [TestSshConnection] Test SSH connection <<<< 2024-09-10 04:48:13.255235 start [TestIcmpPing] ICMP ping each node Command: ssh 'fping -e && fping -e' is alive (0.014 ms) is alive (0.100 ms) is alive (0.148 ms) is alive (0.010 ms) is alive (0.068 ms) is alive (0.070 ms) Command: ssh 'fping -e && fping -e' is alive (0.088 ms) is alive (0.019 ms) is alive (0.078 ms) is alive (0.067 ms) is alive (0.014 ms) is alive (0.066 ms) Command: ssh 'fping -e && fping -e' is alive (0.093 ms) is alive (0.084 ms) is alive (0.017 ms) is alive (0.073 ms) is alive (0.065 ms) is alive (0.009 ms) ---- PASSED [TestIcmpPing] ICMP ping each node ------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:48:13.402524 time=0:00:00.147289 [TestIcmpPing] ICMP ping each node <<<< 2024-09-10 04:48:13.402575 start [TestGanetiCommands] Test availibility of Ganeti commands Command: ssh 'gnt-backup --version && gnt-cluster --version && gnt-debug --version && gnt-instance --version && gnt-job --version && gnt-network --version && gnt-node --version && gnt-os --version && gnt-storage --version && gnt-filter --version && ganeti-noded --version && ganeti-rapi --version && ganeti-watcher --version && ganeti-confd --version && ganeti-luxid --version && ganeti-wconfd --version' gnt-backup (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-cluster (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-debug (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-instance (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-job (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-network (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-node (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-os (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-storage (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-filter (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-noded (ganeti) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-rapi (ganeti) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-watcher (ganeti) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-confd (ganeti) version compiled with ghc 9.0 running on linux x86_64 ganeti-luxid (ganeti) version compiled with ghc 9.0 running on linux x86_64 ganeti-wconfd (ganeti) version compiled with ghc 9.0 running on linux x86_64 Command: ssh 'gnt-backup --version && gnt-cluster --version && gnt-debug --version && gnt-instance --version && gnt-job --version && gnt-network --version && gnt-node --version && gnt-os --version && gnt-storage --version && gnt-filter --version && ganeti-noded --version && ganeti-rapi --version && ganeti-watcher --version && ganeti-confd --version && ganeti-luxid --version && ganeti-wconfd --version' gnt-backup (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-cluster (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-debug (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-instance (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-job (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-network (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-node (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-os (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-storage (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-filter (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-noded (ganeti) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-rapi (ganeti) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-watcher (ganeti) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-confd (ganeti) version compiled with ghc 9.0 running on linux x86_64 ganeti-luxid (ganeti) version compiled with ghc 9.0 running on linux x86_64 ganeti-wconfd (ganeti) version compiled with ghc 9.0 running on linux x86_64 Command: ssh 'gnt-backup --version && gnt-cluster --version && gnt-debug --version && gnt-instance --version && gnt-job --version && gnt-network --version && gnt-node --version && gnt-os --version && gnt-storage --version && gnt-filter --version && ganeti-noded --version && ganeti-rapi --version && ganeti-watcher --version && ganeti-confd --version && ganeti-luxid --version && ganeti-wconfd --version' gnt-backup (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-cluster (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-debug (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-instance (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-job (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-network (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-node (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-os (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-storage (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 gnt-filter (ganeti ) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-noded (ganeti) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-rapi (ganeti) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-watcher (ganeti) 3.1.0~alpha1 ganeti-confd (ganeti) version compiled with ghc 9.0 running on linux x86_64 ganeti-luxid (ganeti) version compiled with ghc 9.0 running on linux x86_64 ganeti-wconfd (ganeti) version compiled with ghc 9.0 running on linux x86_64 ---- PASSED [TestGanetiCommands] Test availibility of Ganeti commands -- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:48:19.212860 time=0:00:05.810285 [TestGanetiCommands] Test availibility of Ganeti commands ^^^^ BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:48:19.213030 time=0:00:06.225302 [RunEnvTests] Run several environment tests **** 2024-09-10 04:48:19.213089 skipping [TestClusterInit] gnt-cluster init, test(s) create-cluster disabled Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /var/lib/ganeti/rapi/users' ganeti-qa ganeti-qa writeCommand: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'openssl x509 -in /var/lib/ganeti/rapi.pem' -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICrjCCAZYCAQEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwHTEbMBkGA1UEAwwSZ2FuZXRpLmV4 YW1wbGUuY29tMB4XDTI0MDkxMDAyNDgwNFoXDTI5MDkwOTAyNDgwNFowHTEbMBkG A1UEAwwSZ2FuZXRpLmV4YW1wbGUuY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8A MIIBCgKCAQEAkUHyOVDAuzcA3rP52V06On5NNymvK9pPPDPVpqgSiNkvh6K8DIw9 bDIGun8gtIVooE9ThJoHsbTKaESxGP8d9Ys+N6YW0BUURnEjsPpVeMcs1bEp62Fp D44qANskyS45UwORzreEaY6BCpCeu8fS76hMHV2UAXICedSZQXs95kekpfTnU+ru qHAkuR+xq1cQXyvrnzhpRk7lM9iJmBrMX363Dem8ZcNDfcEBlkzL3e32ptdSmVtP lsKPq2ONrKhgu2gbgM45YYuVLZkjsjpwNvRPH3xOLNTsBtPjJlnYmbLAM5rjFEMF u29BxjLIVok6iXhXGkI9bEBsx9J7eM1tpQIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IB AQBlkHOGw/BG7j4kPgQ8cC7TkWsJU5j73v1Nmn8BhK2VqZj5G/5O4hPwDg+KmKC1 t4dMWcEUt/rY9aZFTQ9IgGmo/3pEzG7JLS9+d/DwrPxz8Gzu6fgm5gzzjh7Kt9yL 03/Bg910EZO9tAnsc4dBHvPyqGhtub5l9WrxH1Pm87ZrEH3jPWgeW3F65qEAij8o IHG2xrLrW2sEnyLg9pqo2fu/44Cy4BL8duaHJWiANHcjMgAQh2SwLW4hr4GIC71N IrHxKdaF9kZwBdJ/n1aPCv3ElmGMA+97PJMjpqkKfhPu5NLmnhqhfVlJzOcdpNm+ XX/xa2JKTE0iymOPtR3tS9QF -----END CERTIFICATE----- RAPI protocol version: 2 Command: ssh 'iptables-save | grep -v '\''ganeti_qa_script'\'' | iptables-restore' Command: ssh 'iptables-save | grep -v '\''ganeti_qa_script'\'' | iptables-restore' Command: ssh 'iptables-save | grep -v '\''ganeti_qa_script'\'' | iptables-restore' <<<< 2024-09-10 04:48:19.374210 start [TestNodeList] gnt-node list ----- Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output pinst_cnt,mtime,ndparams,sip,dfree,master,sinst_list,name,pinst_list,ndp/ovs_name,bootid,ndp/spindle_count,dtotal,serial_no,powered,ndp/oob_program,sinst_cnt,ndp/exclusive_storage,ctime,csockets,custom_ndparams,cnodes,pip,uuid,spfree,mfree,mnode,hv_state,ndp/ovs,sptotal,master_candidate,tags,disk_state,mtotal,cnos,group,drained,ctotal,role,ndp/ssh_port,ndp/cpu_speed,master_capable,offline,group.uuid,vm_capable,ndp/ovs_link >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output bootid,cnodes,cnos,csockets,ctime,ctotal,custom_ndparams,dfree,disk_state,drained,dtotal,group,group.uuid,hv_state,master,master_candidate,master_capable,mfree,mnode,mtime,mtotal,name,ndp/cpu_speed,ndp/exclusive_storage,ndp/oob_program,ndp/ovs,ndp/ovs_link,ndp/ovs_name,ndp/spindle_count,ndp/ssh_port,ndparams,offline,pinst_cnt,pinst_list,pip,powered,role,serial_no,sinst_cnt,sinst_list,sip,spfree,sptotal,tags,uuid,vm_capable >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output pinst_cnt,mtime,ndparams,sip,dfree,master,sinst_list,name,pinst_list,ndp/ovs_name,bootid,ndp/spindle_count,dtotal,serial_no,powered,ndp/oob_program,sinst_cnt,ndp/exclusive_storage,ctime,csockets,custom_ndparams,cnodes,pip,uuid,spfree,mfree,mnode,hv_state,ndp/ovs,sptotal,master_candidate,tags,disk_state,mtotal,cnos,group,drained,ctotal,role,ndp/ssh_port,ndp/cpu_speed,master_capable,offline,group.uuid,vm_capable,ndp/ovs_link,pinst_cnt,mtime,ndparams,sip,dfree,master,sinst_list,name,pinst_list,ndp/ovs_name,bootid,ndp/spindle_count,dtotal,serial_no,powered,ndp/oob_program,sinst_cnt,ndp/exclusive_storage,ctime,csockets,custom_ndparams,cnodes,pip,uuid,spfree,mfree,mnode,hv_state,ndp/ovs,sptotal,master_candidate,tags,disk_state,mtotal,cnos,group,drained,ctotal,role,ndp/ssh_port,ndp/cpu_speed,master_capable,offline,group.uuid,vm_capable,ndp/ovs_link >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output ndp/ovs_link,vm_capable,group.uuid,offline,master_capable >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output ndp/cpu_speed,ndp/ssh_port,role,ctotal,drained >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output group,cnos,mtotal >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output disk_state,tags,master_candidate,sptotal,ndp/ovs,hv_state,mnode >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output mfree,spfree >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output uuid,pip >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output cnodes,custom_ndparams,csockets,ctime,ndp/exclusive_storage >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output sinst_cnt,ndp/oob_program,powered,serial_no,dtotal >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output ndp/spindle_count,bootid,ndp/ovs_name,pinst_list >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output name,sinst_list,master >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output dfree,sip,ndparams >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output mtime,pinst_cnt >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: unknown_entity, error details: Node name not found Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestNodeList] gnt-node list ------------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:48:25.133810 time=0:00:05.759600 [TestNodeList] gnt-node list Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist <<<< 2024-09-10 04:48:25.133902 start [TestInstanceList] gnt-instance list Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/nic_type,nic.macs,nic.bridge/5,,hv/disk_discard,disk.uuid/12,disk.size/8,disk.size/11,hv/cpu_cores,disk.size/1,nic.bridge/4,,disk.spindles/0,nic.networks.names,hv/spice_bind,,hv/root_path,hv/cpu_mask,,disk.uuid/4,console,disk.size/3,be/minmem,os,be/memory,hv/kvm_pci_reservations,hv/usb_mouse,nic.vlan/6,nic.uuid/7,nic.ip/6,disk_usage,be/auto_balance,hv/pci_pass,hv/serial_speed,disk.uuid/8,hv/cdrom2_image_path,hv/debug_threads,hv/bootloader_args,disk.uuid/0,nic.vlan/5,disk.spindles/10,nic.uuid/1,be/vcpus,nic.ip/0,hv/disk_type,hypervisor,disk.spindles/13,disk.uuid/6,custom_osparams,nic.mode/4,hv/cpu_type,,,nic.mac/3,,be/spindle_use,nic.ip/5,disk.uuid/9,hv/floppy_image_path,,disk.count,hv/use_guest_agent,pnode,hv/spice_playback_compression,admin_up,hv/scsi_controller_type,nic.modes,disk.spindles,,hv/spice_streaming_video,,disk.uuids,disk.spindles/6,nic.ip/3,nic.vlan/0,nic.uuid/4,,hv/use_localtime,hv/kernel_args,tags,disk.spindles/9,,hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression,,hv/vga,hv/cdrom_image_path,hv/devices,hv/viridian,uuid,,disk.size/5,,,hv/vnc_tls,,oper_vcpus,hv/keymap,serial_no,oper_ram,nic.vlan/7,hv/migration_downtime,,,custom_beparams,nic.uuids,hv/disk_aio,nic.uuid/0,nic.uuid/6,,,,disk.size/9,nic.names,nic.mode/5,sdb_size,disk.size/15,disk.spindles/12,hv/blockdev_prefix,,nic.bridge/0,hv/vnet_hdr,disk.uuid/13,status,hv/vnc_x509_verify,nic.mode/7,,,disk.size/2,nic.networks,,disk.uuid/2,nic.vlan/1,disk.spindles/1,disks_active,,disk.size/14,nic.vlan/2,hv/boot_order,hv/machine_version,disk.size/0,nic.bridge/7,admin_state_source,hv/cdrom_disk_type,nic.mac/2,nic.mode/2,nic.mode/6,,disk.spindles/11,,hv/pae,hv/mem_path,disk.size/7,hv/cpu_weight,nic.mac/4,hv/use_bootloader,hv/drop_capabilities,hv/bootloader_path,nic.uuid/5,,nic.bridge/6,,disk.names,,,disk.uuid/15,vcpus,hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression,hv/spice_password_file,,hv/cpu_cap,,nic.mac/5,hv/reboot_behavior,hv/user_shutdown,hv/spice_image_compression,nic.mac/0,mac,disk.size/4,hv/startup_timeout,,hv/migration_caps,custom_hvparams,nic.bridge/1,nic.mode/3,disk.uuid/7,nic.ip/2,,,,nic.uuid/2,disk.uuid/14,,custom_nicparams,disk.uuid/11,hv/vnc_x509_path,hv/initrd_path,nic.ip/1,hv/disk_cache,,hv/kvm_path,disk.spindles/15,nic.mac/7,ip,hv/acpi,network_port,disk.sizes,disk.uuid/5,,nic.mac/6,disk.spindles/2,oper_state,hv/usb_devices,disk.uuid/3,,nic_network,hv/spice_ip_version,hv/vhost_net,disk.uuid/1,disk.spindles/5,nic.mode/1,nic.vlan/4,nic_link,forthcoming,hvparams,snodes,hv/spice_use_vdagent,nic.bridge/3,disk_template,,osparams,hv/use_chroot,nic.uuid/3,,bridge,disk.size/10,nic.bridges,nic.vlans,hv/vif_script,hv/vif_type,nic.bridge/2,hv/serial_console,hv/kvm_extra,hv/security_model,hv/extra_config,hv/security_domain,disk.spindles/8,nic.vlan/3,,hv/soundhw,ctime,hv/init_script,hv/device_model,hv/extra_cgroups,hv/cpu_sockets,hv/spice_use_tls,nic_mode,be/maxmem,nic.ip/7,disk.uuid/10,nic.links,hv/kvm_flag,hv/cpuid,be/always_failover,nic.mode/0,nic.ips,,hv/spice_tls_ciphers,,mtime,sda_size,nic.mac/1,nic.count,disk.spindles/3,disk.size/6,hv/vnc_bind_address,hv/num_ttys,hv/kernel_path,admin_state,nic.ip/4,disk.spindles/4,hv/virtio_net_queues,,beparams,,,disk.spindles/14,disk.size/12,disk.size/13,,hv/vnc_password_file,name,hv/cpu_threads,disk.spindles/7 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output admin_state,admin_state_source,admin_up,be/always_failover,be/auto_balance,be/maxmem,be/memory,be/minmem,be/spindle_use,be/vcpus,beparams,bridge,console,ctime,custom_beparams,custom_hvparams,custom_nicparams,custom_osparams,disk.count,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,disk.names,disk.size/0,disk.size/1,disk.size/10,disk.size/11,disk.size/12,disk.size/13,disk.size/14,disk.size/15,disk.size/2,disk.size/3,disk.size/4,disk.size/5,disk.size/6,disk.size/7,disk.size/8,disk.size/9,disk.sizes,disk.spindles,disk.spindles/0,disk.spindles/1,disk.spindles/10,disk.spindles/11,disk.spindles/12,disk.spindles/13,disk.spindles/14,disk.spindles/15,disk.spindles/2,disk.spindles/3,disk.spindles/4,disk.spindles/5,disk.spindles/6,disk.spindles/7,disk.spindles/8,disk.spindles/9,disk.uuid/0,disk.uuid/1,disk.uuid/10,disk.uuid/11,disk.uuid/12,disk.uuid/13,disk.uuid/14,disk.uuid/15,disk.uuid/2,disk.uuid/3,disk.uuid/4,disk.uuid/5,disk.uuid/6,disk.uuid/7,disk.uuid/8,disk.uuid/9,disk.uuids,disk_template,disk_usage,disks_active,forthcoming,hv/acpi,hv/blockdev_prefix,hv/boot_order,hv/bootloader_args,hv/bootloader_path,hv/cdrom2_image_path,hv/cdrom_disk_type,hv/cdrom_image_path,hv/cpu_cap,hv/cpu_cores,hv/cpu_mask,hv/cpu_sockets,hv/cpu_threads,hv/cpu_type,hv/cpu_weight,hv/cpuid,hv/debug_threads,hv/device_model,hv/devices,hv/disk_aio,hv/disk_cache,hv/disk_discard,hv/disk_type,hv/drop_capabilities,hv/extra_cgroups,hv/extra_config,hv/floppy_image_path,hv/init_script,hv/initrd_path,hv/kernel_args,hv/kernel_path,hv/keymap,hv/kvm_extra,hv/kvm_flag,hv/kvm_path,hv/kvm_pci_reservations,hv/machine_version,hv/mem_path,hv/migration_caps,hv/migration_downtime,hv/nic_type,hv/num_ttys,hv/pae,hv/pci_pass,hv/reboot_behavior,hv/root_path,hv/scsi_controller_type,hv/security_domain,hv/security_model,hv/serial_console,hv/serial_speed,hv/soundhw,hv/spice_bind,hv/spice_image_compression,hv/spice_ip_version,hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression,hv/spice_password_file,hv/spice_playback_compression,hv/spice_streaming_video,hv/spice_tls_ciphers,hv/spice_use_tls,hv/spice_use_vdagent,hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression,hv/startup_timeout,hv/usb_devices,hv/usb_mouse,hv/use_bootloader,hv/use_chroot,hv/use_guest_agent,hv/use_localtime,hv/user_shutdown,hv/vga,hv/vhost_net,hv/vif_script,hv/vif_type,hv/viridian,hv/virtio_net_queues,hv/vnc_bind_address,hv/vnc_password_file,hv/vnc_tls,hv/vnc_x509_path,hv/vnc_x509_verify,hv/vnet_hdr,hvparams,hypervisor,ip,mac,mtime,name,network_port,nic.bridge/0,nic.bridge/1,nic.bridge/2,nic.bridge/3,nic.bridge/4,nic.bridge/5,nic.bridge/6,nic.bridge/7,nic.bridges,nic.count,nic.ip/0,nic.ip/1,nic.ip/2,nic.ip/3,nic.ip/4,nic.ip/5,nic.ip/6,nic.ip/7,nic.ips,,,,,,,,,nic.links,nic.mac/0,nic.mac/1,nic.mac/2,nic.mac/3,nic.mac/4,nic.mac/5,nic.mac/6,nic.mac/7,nic.macs,nic.mode/0,nic.mode/1,nic.mode/2,nic.mode/3,nic.mode/4,nic.mode/5,nic.mode/6,nic.mode/7,nic.modes,,,,,,,,,nic.names,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nic.networks,nic.networks.names,nic.uuid/0,nic.uuid/1,nic.uuid/2,nic.uuid/3,nic.uuid/4,nic.uuid/5,nic.uuid/6,nic.uuid/7,nic.uuids,nic.vlan/0,nic.vlan/1,nic.vlan/2,nic.vlan/3,nic.vlan/4,nic.vlan/5,nic.vlan/6,nic.vlan/7,nic.vlans,nic_link,nic_mode,nic_network,oper_ram,oper_state,oper_vcpus,os,osparams,pnode,,,sda_size,sdb_size,serial_no,snodes,,,status,tags,uuid,vcpus >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/nic_type,nic.macs,nic.bridge/5,,hv/disk_discard,disk.uuid/12,disk.size/8,disk.size/11,hv/cpu_cores,disk.size/1,nic.bridge/4,,disk.spindles/0,nic.networks.names,hv/spice_bind,,hv/root_path,hv/cpu_mask,,disk.uuid/4,console,disk.size/3,be/minmem,os,be/memory,hv/kvm_pci_reservations,hv/usb_mouse,nic.vlan/6,nic.uuid/7,nic.ip/6,disk_usage,be/auto_balance,hv/pci_pass,hv/serial_speed,disk.uuid/8,hv/cdrom2_image_path,hv/debug_threads,hv/bootloader_args,disk.uuid/0,nic.vlan/5,disk.spindles/10,nic.uuid/1,be/vcpus,nic.ip/0,hv/disk_type,hypervisor,disk.spindles/13,disk.uuid/6,custom_osparams,nic.mode/4,hv/cpu_type,,,nic.mac/3,,be/spindle_use,nic.ip/5,disk.uuid/9,hv/floppy_image_path,,disk.count,hv/use_guest_agent,pnode,hv/spice_playback_compression,admin_up,hv/scsi_controller_type,nic.modes,disk.spindles,,hv/spice_streaming_video,,disk.uuids,disk.spindles/6,nic.ip/3,nic.vlan/0,nic.uuid/4,,hv/use_localtime,hv/kernel_args,tags,disk.spindles/9,,hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression,,hv/vga,hv/cdrom_image_path,hv/devices,hv/viridian,uuid,,disk.size/5,,,hv/vnc_tls,,oper_vcpus,hv/keymap,serial_no,oper_ram,nic.vlan/7,hv/migration_downtime,,,custom_beparams,nic.uuids,hv/disk_aio,nic.uuid/0,nic.uuid/6,,,,disk.size/9,nic.names,nic.mode/5,sdb_size,disk.size/15,disk.spindles/12,hv/blockdev_prefix,,nic.bridge/0,hv/vnet_hdr,disk.uuid/13,status,hv/vnc_x509_verify,nic.mode/7,,,disk.size/2,nic.networks,,disk.uuid/2,nic.vlan/1,disk.spindles/1,disks_active,,disk.size/14,nic.vlan/2,hv/boot_order,hv/machine_version,disk.size/0,nic.bridge/7,admin_state_source,hv/cdrom_disk_type,nic.mac/2,nic.mode/2,nic.mode/6,,disk.spindles/11,,hv/pae,hv/mem_path,disk.size/7,hv/cpu_weight,nic.mac/4,hv/use_bootloader,hv/drop_capabilities,hv/bootloader_path,nic.uuid/5,,nic.bridge/6,,disk.names,,,disk.uuid/15,vcpus,hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression,hv/spice_password_file,,hv/cpu_cap,,nic.mac/5,hv/reboot_behavior,hv/user_shutdown,hv/spice_image_compression,nic.mac/0,mac,disk.size/4,hv/startup_timeout,,hv/migration_caps,custom_hvparams,nic.bridge/1,nic.mode/3,disk.uuid/7,nic.ip/2,,,,nic.uuid/2,disk.uuid/14,,custom_nicparams,disk.uuid/11,hv/vnc_x509_path,hv/initrd_path,nic.ip/1,hv/disk_cache,,hv/kvm_path,disk.spindles/15,nic.mac/7,ip,hv/acpi,network_port,disk.sizes,disk.uuid/5,,nic.mac/6,disk.spindles/2,oper_state,hv/usb_devices,disk.uuid/3,,nic_network,hv/spice_ip_version,hv/vhost_net,disk.uuid/1,disk.spindles/5,nic.mode/1,nic.vlan/4,nic_link,forthcoming,hvparams,snodes,hv/spice_use_vdagent,nic.bridge/3,disk_template,,osparams,hv/use_chroot,nic.uuid/3,,bridge,disk.size/10,nic.bridges,nic.vlans,hv/vif_script,hv/vif_type,nic.bridge/2,hv/serial_console,hv/kvm_extra,hv/security_model,hv/extra_config,hv/security_domain,disk.spindles/8,nic.vlan/3,,hv/soundhw,ctime,hv/init_script,hv/device_model,hv/extra_cgroups,hv/cpu_sockets,hv/spice_use_tls,nic_mode,be/maxmem,nic.ip/7,disk.uuid/10,nic.links,hv/kvm_flag,hv/cpuid,be/always_failover,nic.mode/0,nic.ips,,hv/spice_tls_ciphers,,mtime,sda_size,nic.mac/1,nic.count,disk.spindles/3,disk.size/6,hv/vnc_bind_address,hv/num_ttys,hv/kernel_path,admin_state,nic.ip/4,disk.spindles/4,hv/virtio_net_queues,,beparams,,,disk.spindles/14,disk.size/12,disk.size/13,,hv/vnc_password_file,name,hv/cpu_threads,disk.spindles/7,hv/nic_type,nic.macs,nic.bridge/5,,hv/disk_discard,disk.uuid/12,disk.size/8,disk.size/11,hv/cpu_cores,disk.size/1,nic.bridge/4,,disk.spindles/0,nic.networks.names,hv/spice_bind,,hv/root_path,hv/cpu_mask,,disk.uuid/4,console,disk.size/3,be/minmem,os,be/memory,hv/kvm_pci_reservations,hv/usb_mouse,nic.vlan/6,nic.uuid/7,nic.ip/6,disk_usage,be/auto_balance,hv/pci_pass,hv/serial_speed,disk.uuid/8,hv/cdrom2_image_path,hv/debug_threads,hv/bootloader_args,disk.uuid/0,nic.vlan/5,disk.spindles/10,nic.uuid/1,be/vcpus,nic.ip/0,hv/disk_type,hypervisor,disk.spindles/13,disk.uuid/6,custom_osparams,nic.mode/4,hv/cpu_type,,,nic.mac/3,,be/spindle_use,nic.ip/5,disk.uuid/9,hv/floppy_image_path,,disk.count,hv/use_guest_agent,pnode,hv/spice_playback_compression,admin_up,hv/scsi_controller_type,nic.modes,disk.spindles,,hv/spice_streaming_video,,disk.uuids,disk.spindles/6,nic.ip/3,nic.vlan/0,nic.uuid/4,,hv/use_localtime,hv/kernel_args,tags,disk.spindles/9,,hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression,,hv/vga,hv/cdrom_image_path,hv/devices,hv/viridian,uuid,,disk.size/5,,,hv/vnc_tls,,oper_vcpus,hv/keymap,serial_no,oper_ram,nic.vlan/7,hv/migration_downtime,,,custom_beparams,nic.uuids,hv/disk_aio,nic.uuid/0,nic.uuid/6,,,,disk.size/9,nic.names,nic.mode/5,sdb_size,disk.size/15,disk.spindles/12,hv/blockdev_prefix,,nic.bridge/0,hv/vnet_hdr,disk.uuid/13,status,hv/vnc_x509_verify,nic.mode/7,,,disk.size/2,nic.networks,,disk.uuid/2,nic.vlan/1,disk.spindles/1,disks_active,,disk.size/14,nic.vlan/2,hv/boot_order,hv/machine_version,disk.size/0,nic.bridge/7,admin_state_source,hv/cdrom_disk_type,nic.mac/2,nic.mode/2,nic.mode/6,,disk.spindles/11,,hv/pae,hv/mem_path,disk.size/7,hv/cpu_weight,nic.mac/4,hv/use_bootloader,hv/drop_capabilities,hv/bootloader_path,nic.uuid/5,,nic.bridge/6,,disk.names,,,disk.uuid/15,vcpus,hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression,hv/spice_password_file,,hv/cpu_cap,,nic.mac/5,hv/reboot_behavior,hv/user_shutdown,hv/spice_image_compression,nic.mac/0,mac,disk.size/4,hv/startup_timeout,,hv/migration_caps,custom_hvparams,nic.bridge/1,nic.mode/3,disk.uuid/7,nic.ip/2,,,,nic.uuid/2,disk.uuid/14,,custom_nicparams,disk.uuid/11,hv/vnc_x509_path,hv/initrd_path,nic.ip/1,hv/disk_cache,,hv/kvm_path,disk.spindles/15,nic.mac/7,ip,hv/acpi,network_port,disk.sizes,disk.uuid/5,,nic.mac/6,disk.spindles/2,oper_state,hv/usb_devices,disk.uuid/3,,nic_network,hv/spice_ip_version,hv/vhost_net,disk.uuid/1,disk.spindles/5,nic.mode/1,nic.vlan/4,nic_link,forthcoming,hvparams,snodes,hv/spice_use_vdagent,nic.bridge/3,disk_template,,osparams,hv/use_chroot,nic.uuid/3,,bridge,disk.size/10,nic.bridges,nic.vlans,hv/vif_script,hv/vif_type,nic.bridge/2,hv/serial_console,hv/kvm_extra,hv/security_model,hv/extra_config,hv/security_domain,disk.spindles/8,nic.vlan/3,,hv/soundhw,ctime,hv/init_script,hv/device_model,hv/extra_cgroups,hv/cpu_sockets,hv/spice_use_tls,nic_mode,be/maxmem,nic.ip/7,disk.uuid/10,nic.links,hv/kvm_flag,hv/cpuid,be/always_failover,nic.mode/0,nic.ips,,hv/spice_tls_ciphers,,mtime,sda_size,nic.mac/1,nic.count,disk.spindles/3,disk.size/6,hv/vnc_bind_address,hv/num_ttys,hv/kernel_path,admin_state,nic.ip/4,disk.spindles/4,hv/virtio_net_queues,,beparams,,,disk.spindles/14,disk.size/12,disk.size/13,,hv/vnc_password_file,name,hv/cpu_threads,disk.spindles/7 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.spindles/7,hv/cpu_threads,name,hv/vnc_password_file,,disk.size/13,disk.size/12,disk.spindles/14, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,beparams, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/virtio_net_queues,disk.spindles/4,nic.ip/4,admin_state,hv/kernel_path,hv/num_ttys,hv/vnc_bind_address >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/6,disk.spindles/3,nic.count >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.mac/1,sda_size >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output mtime, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/spice_tls_ciphers,,nic.ips,nic.mode/0,be/always_failover >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/cpuid,hv/kvm_flag,nic.links,disk.uuid/10,nic.ip/7 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output be/maxmem,nic_mode,hv/spice_use_tls >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/cpu_sockets,hv/extra_cgroups,hv/device_model >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/init_script,ctime,hv/soundhw,,nic.vlan/3,disk.spindles/8,hv/security_domain,hv/extra_config >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/security_model,hv/kvm_extra,hv/serial_console,nic.bridge/2,hv/vif_type,hv/vif_script,nic.vlans,nic.bridges >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/10,bridge,,nic.uuid/3,hv/use_chroot >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output osparams,,disk_template,nic.bridge/3,hv/spice_use_vdagent,snodes,hvparams,forthcoming >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic_link,nic.vlan/4,nic.mode/1,disk.spindles/5,disk.uuid/1,hv/vhost_net,hv/spice_ip_version,nic_network, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.uuid/3,hv/usb_devices,oper_state,disk.spindles/2,nic.mac/6, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.uuid/5,disk.sizes,network_port,hv/acpi,ip,nic.mac/7,disk.spindles/15 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/kvm_path,,hv/disk_cache,nic.ip/1,hv/initrd_path,hv/vnc_x509_path,disk.uuid/11,custom_nicparams,,disk.uuid/14 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.uuid/2, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.ip/2,disk.uuid/7,nic.mode/3,nic.bridge/1,custom_hvparams,hv/migration_caps,,hv/startup_timeout >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/4,mac,nic.mac/0 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/spice_image_compression,hv/user_shutdown,hv/reboot_behavior >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.mac/5,,hv/cpu_cap,,hv/spice_password_file,hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression,vcpus >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.uuid/15,,,disk.names,,nic.bridge/6,,nic.uuid/5 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/bootloader_path,hv/drop_capabilities,hv/use_bootloader,nic.mac/4,hv/cpu_weight,disk.size/7 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/mem_path,hv/pae,,disk.spindles/11,,nic.mode/6,nic.mode/2,nic.mac/2 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/cdrom_disk_type,admin_state_source,nic.bridge/7,disk.size/0,hv/machine_version,hv/boot_order,nic.vlan/2 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/14,,disks_active,disk.spindles/1,nic.vlan/1,disk.uuid/2 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,nic.networks,disk.size/2,,,nic.mode/7 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/vnc_x509_verify,status,disk.uuid/13,hv/vnet_hdr,nic.bridge/0,,hv/blockdev_prefix >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.spindles/12,disk.size/15,sdb_size,nic.mode/5,nic.names,disk.size/9 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,,,nic.uuid/6,nic.uuid/0,hv/disk_aio,nic.uuids,custom_beparams >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,,hv/migration_downtime,nic.vlan/7,oper_ram,serial_no,hv/keymap,oper_vcpus >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,hv/vnc_tls,,,disk.size/5,,uuid,hv/viridian,hv/devices >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/cdrom_image_path,hv/vga, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression,,disk.spindles/9,tags,hv/kernel_args,hv/use_localtime, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.uuid/4,nic.vlan/0,nic.ip/3,disk.spindles/6,disk.uuids >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,hv/spice_streaming_video,,disk.spindles,nic.modes,hv/scsi_controller_type >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output admin_up,hv/spice_playback_compression,pnode,hv/use_guest_agent,disk.count,,hv/floppy_image_path,disk.uuid/9 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.ip/5,be/spindle_use,,nic.mac/3, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,hv/cpu_type,nic.mode/4 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output custom_osparams,disk.uuid/6 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.spindles/13,hypervisor,hv/disk_type,nic.ip/0,be/vcpus,nic.uuid/1,disk.spindles/10,nic.vlan/5,disk.uuid/0 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/bootloader_args,hv/debug_threads,hv/cdrom2_image_path,disk.uuid/8,hv/serial_speed >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/pci_pass,be/auto_balance,disk_usage,nic.ip/6,nic.uuid/7,nic.vlan/6,hv/usb_mouse,hv/kvm_pci_reservations >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output be/memory,os,be/minmem,disk.size/3,console,disk.uuid/4,,hv/cpu_mask,hv/root_path, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/spice_bind,nic.networks.names,disk.spindles/0,,nic.bridge/4 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/1,hv/cpu_cores >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/11,disk.size/8,disk.uuid/12,hv/disk_discard, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.bridge/5,nic.macs,hv/nic_type >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: unknown_entity, error details: Instance name not found Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestInstanceList] gnt-instance list ----------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:48:33.892471 time=0:00:08.758569 [TestInstanceList] gnt-instance list Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist <<<< 2024-09-10 04:48:33.892584 start [TestJobList] gnt-job list ------- Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output opstatus,opend,opexec,id,status,priority,start_ts,end_ts,archived,opresult,received_ts,summary,opstart,oppriority,ops,oplog >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output archived,end_ts,id,opend,opexec,oplog,oppriority,opresult,ops,opstart,opstatus,priority,received_ts,start_ts,status,summary >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output opstatus,opend,opexec,id,status,priority,start_ts,end_ts,archived,opresult,received_ts,summary,opstart,oppriority,ops,oplog,opstatus,opend,opexec,id,status,priority,start_ts,end_ts,archived,opresult,received_ts,summary,opstart,oppriority,ops,oplog >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output oplog,ops,oppriority,opstart,summary >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output received_ts,opresult >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output archived,end_ts,start_ts,priority,status,id,opexec,opend >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output opstatus >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-job list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output id' 1 2 3 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-job list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output id 3 2 1' 3 2 1 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-job list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output id 2 3 1' 2 3 1 Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestJobList] gnt-job list --------------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:48:35.528114 time=0:00:01.635530 [TestJobList] gnt-job list Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist **** 2024-09-10 04:48:35.528180 skipping [TestNodeAddAll] Adding all nodes to cluster, test(s) create-cluster disabled <<<< 2024-09-10 04:48:35.528286 start [TestJobqueue] gnt-debug test-jobqueue Command: ssh 'gnt-debug test-jobqueue' Testing job submission Job submission tests were successful Testing job dependencies Submitted jobs 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Waiting for job 4 ... Waiting for job 7 ... Waiting for job 5 ... Waiting for job 6 ... Waiting for job 8 ... Job dependency tests were successful Testing job success Tue Sep 10 04:48:43 2024 - INFO: Expanding names Tue Sep 10 04:48:43 2024 - INFO: Executing Tue Sep 10 04:48:43 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 1 Tue Sep 10 04:48:43 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 2 Tue Sep 10 04:48:43 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 3 Tue Sep 10 04:48:43 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 4 Tue Sep 10 04:48:43 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 5 Tue Sep 10 04:48:43 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 6 Tue Sep 10 04:48:44 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 7 Testing multiple successful opcodes Tue Sep 10 04:48:44 2024 - INFO: Expanding names Tue Sep 10 04:48:44 2024 - INFO: Executing Tue Sep 10 04:48:45 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 1 Tue Sep 10 04:48:45 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 2 Tue Sep 10 04:48:45 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 3 Tue Sep 10 04:48:45 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 4 Tue Sep 10 04:48:45 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 5 Tue Sep 10 04:48:45 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 6 Tue Sep 10 04:48:45 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 7 Tue Sep 10 04:48:45 2024 - INFO: Expanding names Tue Sep 10 04:48:46 2024 - INFO: Executing Tue Sep 10 04:48:46 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 1 Tue Sep 10 04:48:46 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 2 Tue Sep 10 04:48:46 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 3 Tue Sep 10 04:48:46 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 4 Tue Sep 10 04:48:46 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 5 Tue Sep 10 04:48:46 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 6 Tue Sep 10 04:48:46 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 7 Testing job failure Tue Sep 10 04:48:47 2024 - INFO: Expanding names Tue Sep 10 04:48:47 2024 - INFO: Executing Tue Sep 10 04:48:47 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 1 Tue Sep 10 04:48:47 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 2 Tue Sep 10 04:48:47 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 3 Tue Sep 10 04:48:48 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 4 Tue Sep 10 04:48:48 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 5 Tue Sep 10 04:48:48 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 6 Tue Sep 10 04:48:48 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 7 Ignoring error for 'job fail' test: Opcode failure was requested Testing partial job failure Tue Sep 10 04:48:49 2024 - INFO: Expanding names Tue Sep 10 04:48:49 2024 - INFO: Executing Tue Sep 10 04:48:49 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 1 Tue Sep 10 04:48:49 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 2 Tue Sep 10 04:48:49 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 3 Tue Sep 10 04:48:49 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 4 Tue Sep 10 04:48:49 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 5 Tue Sep 10 04:48:49 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 6 Tue Sep 10 04:48:49 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 7 Tue Sep 10 04:48:50 2024 - INFO: Expanding names Tue Sep 10 04:48:50 2024 - INFO: Executing Tue Sep 10 04:48:50 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 1 Tue Sep 10 04:48:50 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 2 Tue Sep 10 04:48:50 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 3 Tue Sep 10 04:48:50 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 4 Tue Sep 10 04:48:50 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 5 Tue Sep 10 04:48:50 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 6 Tue Sep 10 04:48:51 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 7 Tue Sep 10 04:48:51 2024 - INFO: Expanding names Tue Sep 10 04:48:51 2024 - INFO: Executing Tue Sep 10 04:48:51 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 1 Tue Sep 10 04:48:51 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 2 Tue Sep 10 04:48:51 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 3 Tue Sep 10 04:48:51 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 4 Tue Sep 10 04:48:51 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 5 Tue Sep 10 04:48:52 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 6 Tue Sep 10 04:48:52 2024 - INFO: Sending log message 7 Ignoring error for 'job fail' test: Opcode failure was requested Job queue test successful ---- PASSED [TestJobqueue] gnt-debug test-jobqueue --------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:48:52.327601 time=0:00:16.799315 [TestJobqueue] gnt-debug test-jobqueue <<<< 2024-09-10 04:48:52.327726 start [TestJobCancellation] gnt-job cancel Command: ssh 'gnt-debug delay --submit 10.0' Stderr was: JobID: 13 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-debug delay --submit 3.0 2>&1' JobID: 14 Command: ssh 'gnt-job cancel 14' Job successfully cancelled Command: ssh 'gnt-job watch 14' Stdout was: Output from job 14 follows -------------------------- Stderr was: Job 14 failed: Unhandled Ganeti error: Job was canceled Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-job list --no-headers --output=id,status 14 2>&1' 14 canceled ---- PASSED [TestJobCancellation] gnt-job cancel ----------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:48:58.743197 time=0:00:06.415471 [TestJobCancellation] gnt-job cancel <<<< 2024-09-10 04:48:58.743344 start [TestResumeWatcher] Tests and unpauses the watcher Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster watcher continue' The watcher is no longer paused. Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster watcher info' The watcher is not paused. ---- PASSED [TestResumeWatcher] Tests and unpauses the watcher --------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:48:59.283897 time=0:00:00.540553 [TestResumeWatcher] Tests and unpauses the watcher <<<< 2024-09-10 04:48:59.283975 start [TestNodeList] gnt-node list ----- Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output pinst_cnt,mtime,ndparams,sip,dfree,master,sinst_list,name,pinst_list,ndp/ovs_name,bootid,ndp/spindle_count,dtotal,serial_no,powered,ndp/oob_program,sinst_cnt,ndp/exclusive_storage,ctime,csockets,custom_ndparams,cnodes,pip,uuid,spfree,mfree,mnode,hv_state,ndp/ovs,sptotal,master_candidate,tags,disk_state,mtotal,cnos,group,drained,ctotal,role,ndp/ssh_port,ndp/cpu_speed,master_capable,offline,group.uuid,vm_capable,ndp/ovs_link >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output bootid,cnodes,cnos,csockets,ctime,ctotal,custom_ndparams,dfree,disk_state,drained,dtotal,group,group.uuid,hv_state,master,master_candidate,master_capable,mfree,mnode,mtime,mtotal,name,ndp/cpu_speed,ndp/exclusive_storage,ndp/oob_program,ndp/ovs,ndp/ovs_link,ndp/ovs_name,ndp/spindle_count,ndp/ssh_port,ndparams,offline,pinst_cnt,pinst_list,pip,powered,role,serial_no,sinst_cnt,sinst_list,sip,spfree,sptotal,tags,uuid,vm_capable >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output pinst_cnt,mtime,ndparams,sip,dfree,master,sinst_list,name,pinst_list,ndp/ovs_name,bootid,ndp/spindle_count,dtotal,serial_no,powered,ndp/oob_program,sinst_cnt,ndp/exclusive_storage,ctime,csockets,custom_ndparams,cnodes,pip,uuid,spfree,mfree,mnode,hv_state,ndp/ovs,sptotal,master_candidate,tags,disk_state,mtotal,cnos,group,drained,ctotal,role,ndp/ssh_port,ndp/cpu_speed,master_capable,offline,group.uuid,vm_capable,ndp/ovs_link,pinst_cnt,mtime,ndparams,sip,dfree,master,sinst_list,name,pinst_list,ndp/ovs_name,bootid,ndp/spindle_count,dtotal,serial_no,powered,ndp/oob_program,sinst_cnt,ndp/exclusive_storage,ctime,csockets,custom_ndparams,cnodes,pip,uuid,spfree,mfree,mnode,hv_state,ndp/ovs,sptotal,master_candidate,tags,disk_state,mtotal,cnos,group,drained,ctotal,role,ndp/ssh_port,ndp/cpu_speed,master_capable,offline,group.uuid,vm_capable,ndp/ovs_link >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output ndp/ovs_link,vm_capable,group.uuid,offline,master_capable >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output ndp/cpu_speed,ndp/ssh_port,role,ctotal,drained >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output group,cnos,mtotal >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output disk_state,tags,master_candidate,sptotal,ndp/ovs,hv_state,mnode >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output mfree,spfree >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output uuid,pip >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output cnodes,custom_ndparams,csockets,ctime,ndp/exclusive_storage >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output sinst_cnt,ndp/oob_program,powered,serial_no,dtotal >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output ndp/spindle_count,bootid,ndp/ovs_name,pinst_list >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output name,sinst_list,master >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output dfree,sip,ndparams >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output mtime,pinst_cnt >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: unknown_entity, error details: Node name not found Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestNodeList] gnt-node list ------------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:49:04.989012 time=0:00:05.705037 [TestNodeList] gnt-node list <<<< 2024-09-10 04:49:04.989096 start [TestNodeListFields] gnt-node list-fields Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist Command: ssh 'gnt-node list-fields >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list-fields pip sip tags master group group.uuid powered ndparams custom_ndparams hv_state disk_state ndp/cpu_speed ndp/exclusive_storage ndp/oob_program ndp/ovs ndp/ovs_link ndp/ovs_name ndp/spindle_count ndp/ssh_port role pinst_cnt pinst_list sinst_cnt sinst_list drained master_candidate master_capable name offline serial_no uuid vm_capable bootid cnodes cnos csockets ctotal dfree dtotal spfree sptotal mfree mnode mtotal ctime mtime >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list-fields '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers' bootid|Text|BootID|Random UUID renewed for each system reboot, can be used for detecting reboots by tracking changes cnodes|Number|CNodes|Number of NUMA domains on node (if exported by hypervisor) cnos|Number|CNOs|Number of logical processors used by the node OS (dom0 for Xen) csockets|Number|CSockets|Number of physical CPU sockets (if exported by hypervisor) ctime|Timestamp|CTime|Creation timestamp ctotal|Number|CTotal|Number of logical processors custom_ndparams|Custom|CustomNodeParameters|Custom node parameters dfree|Storage size|DFree|Available storage space on storage unit disk_state|Custom|DiskState|Disk state drained|Boolean|Drained|Whether node is drained dtotal|Storage size|DTotal|Total storage space on storage unit for instance disk allocation group|Text|Group|Node group group.uuid|Text|GroupUUID|UUID of node group hv_state|Custom|HypervisorState|Hypervisor state master|Boolean|IsMaster|Whether node is master master_candidate|Boolean|MasterC|Whether node is a master candidate master_capable|Boolean|MasterCapable|Whether node can become a master candidate mfree|Storage size|MFree|Memory available for instance allocations mnode|Storage size|MNode|Amount of memory used by node (dom0 for Xen) mtime|Timestamp|MTime|Modification timestamp mtotal|Storage size|MTotal|Total amount of memory of physical machine name|Text|Node|Node name ndp/cpu_speed|Floating-point number|ndp/cpu_speed|The "cpu_speed" node parameter ndp/exclusive_storage|Boolean|ExclusiveStorage|The "exclusive_storage" node parameter ndp/oob_program|Custom|OutOfBandProgram|The "oob_program" node parameter ndp/ovs|Boolean|OpenvSwitch|The "ovs" node parameter ndp/ovs_link|Custom|OpenvSwitchLink|The "ovs_link" node parameter ndp/ovs_name|Custom|OpenvSwitchName|The "ovs_name" node parameter ndp/spindle_count|Number|SpindleCount|The "spindle_count" node parameter ndp/ssh_port|Number|ndp/ssh_port|The "ssh_port" node parameter ndparams|Custom|NodeParameters|Merged node parameters offline|Boolean|Offline|Whether node is marked offline pinst_cnt|Number|Pinst|Number of instances with this node as primary pinst_list|Custom|PriInstances|List of instances with this node as primary pip|Text|PrimaryIP|Primary IP address powered|Boolean|Powered|Whether node is thought to be powered on role|Text|Role|Node role; "M" for master, "C" for master candidate, "R" for regular, "D" for drained, "O" for offline serial_no|Number|SerialNo|Node object serial number, incremented on each modification sinst_cnt|Number|Sinst|Number of instances with this node as secondary sinst_list|Custom|SecInstances|List of instances with this node as secondary sip|Text|SecondaryIP|Secondary IP address spfree|Number|SpFree|Available spindles in volume group (exclusive storage only) sptotal|Number|SpTotal|Total spindles in volume group (exclusive storage only) tags|Custom|Tags|Tags uuid|Text|UUID|Node UUID vm_capable|Boolean|VMCapable|Whether node can host instances Command: ssh 'gnt-node list-fields field/does/not/exist' Stdout was: Name Type Title Description field/does/not/exist Unknown field/does/not/exist Unknown field 'field/does/not/exist' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestNodeListFields] gnt-node list-fields ------------------ >>>> 2024-09-10 04:49:05.790731 time=0:00:00.801635 [TestNodeListFields] gnt-node list-fields <<<< 2024-09-10 04:49:05.790816 start [TestInstanceListFields] gnt-instance list-fields Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list-fields >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list-fields pnode snodes admin_state admin_up admin_state_source disks_active tags console forthcoming disk_template hypervisor name network_port os serial_no uuid oper_state oper_ram oper_vcpus status nic.count nic.macs nic.ips nic.names nic.uuids nic.modes nic.links nic.vlans nic.bridges nic.networks nic.networks.names nic.ip/0 nic.mac/0 nic.uuid/0 nic.mode/0 nic.bridge/0 nic.vlan/0 nic.ip/1 nic.mac/1 nic.uuid/1 nic.mode/1 nic.bridge/1 nic.vlan/1 nic.ip/2 nic.mac/2 nic.uuid/2 nic.mode/2 nic.bridge/2 nic.vlan/2 nic.ip/3 nic.mac/3 nic.uuid/3 nic.mode/3 nic.bridge/3 nic.vlan/3 nic.ip/4 nic.mac/4 nic.uuid/4 nic.mode/4 nic.bridge/4 nic.vlan/4 nic.ip/5 nic.mac/5 nic.uuid/5 nic.mode/5 nic.bridge/5 nic.vlan/5 nic.ip/6 nic.mac/6 nic.uuid/6 nic.mode/6 nic.bridge/6 nic.vlan/6 nic.ip/7 nic.mac/7 nic.uuid/7 nic.mode/7 nic.bridge/7 nic.vlan/7 hvparams beparams osparams custom_hvparams custom_beparams custom_osparams custom_nicparams hv/acpi hv/blockdev_prefix hv/boot_order hv/bootloader_args hv/bootloader_path hv/cdrom2_image_path hv/cdrom_disk_type hv/cdrom_image_path hv/cpu_cap hv/cpu_cores hv/cpu_mask hv/cpu_sockets hv/cpu_threads hv/cpu_type hv/cpu_weight hv/cpuid hv/debug_threads hv/device_model hv/devices hv/disk_aio hv/disk_cache hv/disk_discard hv/disk_type hv/drop_capabilities hv/extra_cgroups hv/extra_config hv/floppy_image_path hv/init_script hv/initrd_path hv/kernel_args hv/kernel_path hv/keymap hv/kvm_extra hv/kvm_flag hv/kvm_path hv/kvm_pci_reservations hv/machine_version hv/mem_path hv/migration_caps hv/migration_downtime hv/nic_type hv/num_ttys hv/pae hv/pci_pass hv/reboot_behavior hv/root_path hv/scsi_controller_type hv/security_domain hv/security_model hv/serial_console hv/serial_speed hv/soundhw hv/spice_bind hv/spice_image_compression hv/spice_ip_version hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression hv/spice_password_file hv/spice_playback_compression hv/spice_streaming_video hv/spice_tls_ciphers hv/spice_use_tls hv/spice_use_vdagent hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression hv/startup_timeout hv/usb_devices hv/usb_mouse hv/use_bootloader hv/use_chroot hv/use_guest_agent hv/use_localtime hv/user_shutdown hv/vga hv/vhost_net hv/vif_script hv/vif_type hv/viridian hv/virtio_net_queues hv/vnc_bind_address hv/vnc_password_file hv/vnc_tls hv/vnc_x509_path hv/vnc_x509_verify hv/vnet_hdr be/always_failover be/auto_balance be/maxmem be/minmem be/spindle_use be/vcpus disk_usage disk.count disk.sizes disk.spindles disk.names disk.uuids disk.size/0 disk.spindles/0 disk.uuid/0 disk.size/1 disk.spindles/1 disk.uuid/1 disk.size/2 disk.spindles/2 disk.uuid/2 disk.size/3 disk.spindles/3 disk.uuid/3 disk.size/4 disk.spindles/4 disk.uuid/4 disk.size/5 disk.spindles/5 disk.uuid/5 disk.size/6 disk.spindles/6 disk.uuid/6 disk.size/7 disk.spindles/7 disk.uuid/7 disk.size/8 disk.spindles/8 disk.uuid/8 disk.size/9 disk.spindles/9 disk.uuid/9 disk.size/10 disk.spindles/10 disk.uuid/10 disk.size/11 disk.spindles/11 disk.uuid/11 disk.size/12 disk.spindles/12 disk.uuid/12 disk.size/13 disk.spindles/13 disk.uuid/13 disk.size/14 disk.spindles/14 disk.uuid/14 disk.size/15 disk.spindles/15 disk.uuid/15 ctime mtime vcpus be/memory sda_size sdb_size ip mac bridge nic_mode nic_link nic_network >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance list-fields '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers' admin_state|Text|InstanceState|Desired state of instance admin_state_source|Text|InstanceStateSource|Who last changed the desired state of the instance admin_up|Boolean|Autostart|Desired state of instance be/always_failover|Boolean|be/always_failover|The "always_failover" backend parameter be/auto_balance|Boolean|Auto_balance|The "auto_balance" backend parameter be/maxmem|Storage size|ConfigMaxMem|The "maxmem" backend parameter be/memory|Storage size|ConfigMaxMem|The "maxmem" backend parameter be/minmem|Storage size|ConfigMinMem|The "minmem" backend parameter be/spindle_use|Number|be/spindle_use|The "spindle_use" backend parameter be/vcpus|Number|ConfigVCPUs|The "vcpus" backend parameter beparams|Custom|BackendParameters|Backend parameters (merged) bridge|Text|NicBridge/0|Bridge of 1st network interface console|Custom|Console|Instance console information ctime|Timestamp|CTime|Creation timestamp custom_beparams|Custom|CustomBackendParameters|Custom backend parameters custom_hvparams|Custom|CustomHypervisorParameters|Custom hypervisor parameters custom_nicparams|Custom|CustomNicParameters|Custom network interface parameters custom_osparams|Custom|CustomOpSysParameters|Custom operating system parameters disk.count|Number|Disks|Number of disks|Text|DiskName/0|Name of 1st disk|Text|DiskName/1|Name of 2nd disk|Text|DiskName/2|Name of 3rd disk|Text|DiskName/3|Name of 4th disk|Text|DiskName/4|Name of 5th disk|Text|DiskName/5|Name of 6th disk|Text|DiskName/6|Name of 7th disk|Text|DiskName/7|Name of 8th disk|Text|DiskName/8|Name of 9th disk|Text|DiskName/9|Name of 10th disk|Text|DiskName/10|Name of 11th disk|Text|DiskName/11|Name of 12th disk|Text|DiskName/12|Name of 13th disk|Text|DiskName/13|Name of 14th disk|Text|DiskName/14|Name of 15th disk|Text|DiskName/15|Name of 16th disk disk.names|Custom|Disk_names|List of disk names disk.size/0|Storage size|Disk/0|Disk size of 1st disk disk.size/1|Storage size|Disk/1|Disk size of 2nd disk disk.size/2|Storage size|Disk/2|Disk size of 3rd disk disk.size/3|Storage size|Disk/3|Disk size of 4th disk disk.size/4|Storage size|Disk/4|Disk size of 5th disk disk.size/5|Storage size|Disk/5|Disk size of 6th disk disk.size/6|Storage size|Disk/6|Disk size of 7th disk disk.size/7|Storage size|Disk/7|Disk size of 8th disk disk.size/8|Storage size|Disk/8|Disk size of 9th disk disk.size/9|Storage size|Disk/9|Disk size of 10th disk disk.size/10|Storage size|Disk/10|Disk size of 11th disk disk.size/11|Storage size|Disk/11|Disk size of 12th disk disk.size/12|Storage size|Disk/12|Disk size of 13th disk disk.size/13|Storage size|Disk/13|Disk size of 14th disk disk.size/14|Storage size|Disk/14|Disk size of 15th disk disk.size/15|Storage size|Disk/15|Disk size of 16th disk disk.sizes|Custom|Disk_sizes|List of disk sizes disk.spindles|Custom|Disk_spindles|List of disk spindles disk.spindles/0|Number|DiskSpindles/0|Spindles of 1st disk disk.spindles/1|Number|DiskSpindles/1|Spindles of 2nd disk disk.spindles/2|Number|DiskSpindles/2|Spindles of 3rd disk disk.spindles/3|Number|DiskSpindles/3|Spindles of 4th disk disk.spindles/4|Number|DiskSpindles/4|Spindles of 5th disk disk.spindles/5|Number|DiskSpindles/5|Spindles of 6th disk disk.spindles/6|Number|DiskSpindles/6|Spindles of 7th disk disk.spindles/7|Number|DiskSpindles/7|Spindles of 8th disk disk.spindles/8|Number|DiskSpindles/8|Spindles of 9th disk disk.spindles/9|Number|DiskSpindles/9|Spindles of 10th disk disk.spindles/10|Number|DiskSpindles/10|Spindles of 11th disk disk.spindles/11|Number|DiskSpindles/11|Spindles of 12th disk disk.spindles/12|Number|DiskSpindles/12|Spindles of 13th disk disk.spindles/13|Number|DiskSpindles/13|Spindles of 14th disk disk.spindles/14|Number|DiskSpindles/14|Spindles of 15th disk disk.spindles/15|Number|DiskSpindles/15|Spindles of 16th disk disk.uuid/0|Text|DiskUUID/0|UUID of 1st disk disk.uuid/1|Text|DiskUUID/1|UUID of 2nd disk disk.uuid/2|Text|DiskUUID/2|UUID of 3rd disk disk.uuid/3|Text|DiskUUID/3|UUID of 4th disk disk.uuid/4|Text|DiskUUID/4|UUID of 5th disk disk.uuid/5|Text|DiskUUID/5|UUID of 6th disk disk.uuid/6|Text|DiskUUID/6|UUID of 7th disk disk.uuid/7|Text|DiskUUID/7|UUID of 8th disk disk.uuid/8|Text|DiskUUID/8|UUID of 9th disk disk.uuid/9|Text|DiskUUID/9|UUID of 10th disk disk.uuid/10|Text|DiskUUID/10|UUID of 11th disk disk.uuid/11|Text|DiskUUID/11|UUID of 12th disk disk.uuid/12|Text|DiskUUID/12|UUID of 13th disk disk.uuid/13|Text|DiskUUID/13|UUID of 14th disk disk.uuid/14|Text|DiskUUID/14|UUID of 15th disk disk.uuid/15|Text|DiskUUID/15|UUID of 16th disk disk.uuids|Custom|Disk_UUIDs|List of disk UUIDs disk_template|Text|Disk_template|Instance disk template disk_usage|Storage size|DiskUsage|Total disk space used by instance on each of its nodes; this is not the disk size visible to the instance, but the usage on the node disks_active|Boolean|DisksActive|Desired state of instance disks forthcoming|Boolean|Forthcoming|whether the Instance is forthcoming hv/acpi|Boolean|ACPI|The "acpi" hypervisor parameter hv/blockdev_prefix|Custom|hv/blockdev_prefix|The "blockdev_prefix" hypervisor parameter hv/boot_order|Custom|Boot_order|The "boot_order" hypervisor parameter hv/bootloader_args|Custom|hv/bootloader_args|The "bootloader_args" hypervisor parameter hv/bootloader_path|Custom|hv/bootloader_path|The "bootloader_path" hypervisor parameter hv/cdrom2_image_path|Custom|hv/cdrom2_image_path|The "cdrom2_image_path" hypervisor parameter hv/cdrom_disk_type|Custom|hv/cdrom_disk_type|The "cdrom_disk_type" hypervisor parameter hv/cdrom_image_path|Custom|CDROM_image_path|The "cdrom_image_path" hypervisor parameter hv/cpu_cap|Number|hv/cpu_cap|The "cpu_cap" hypervisor parameter hv/cpu_cores|Number|hv/cpu_cores|The "cpu_cores" hypervisor parameter hv/cpu_mask|Custom|hv/cpu_mask|The "cpu_mask" hypervisor parameter hv/cpu_sockets|Number|hv/cpu_sockets|The "cpu_sockets" hypervisor parameter hv/cpu_threads|Number|hv/cpu_threads|The "cpu_threads" hypervisor parameter hv/cpu_type|Custom|cpu_type|The "cpu_type" hypervisor parameter hv/cpu_weight|Number|hv/cpu_weight|The "cpu_weight" hypervisor parameter hv/cpuid|Custom|hv/cpuid|The "cpuid" hypervisor parameter hv/debug_threads|Boolean|hv/debug_threads|The "debug_threads" hypervisor parameter hv/device_model|Custom|hv/device_model|The "device_model" hypervisor parameter hv/devices|Custom|hv/devices|The "devices" hypervisor parameter hv/disk_aio|Custom|hv/disk_aio|The "disk_aio" hypervisor parameter hv/disk_cache|Custom|hv/disk_cache|The "disk_cache" hypervisor parameter hv/disk_discard|Custom|hv/disk_discard|The "disk_discard" hypervisor parameter hv/disk_type|Custom|Disk_type|The "disk_type" hypervisor parameter hv/drop_capabilities|Custom|hv/drop_capabilities|The "drop_capabilities" hypervisor parameter hv/extra_cgroups|Custom|hv/extra_cgroups|The "extra_cgroups" hypervisor parameter hv/extra_config|Custom|hv/extra_config|The "extra_config" hypervisor parameter hv/floppy_image_path|Custom|hv/floppy_image_path|The "floppy_image_path" hypervisor parameter hv/init_script|Custom|hv/init_script|The "init_script" hypervisor parameter hv/initrd_path|Custom|Initrd_path|The "initrd_path" hypervisor parameter hv/kernel_args|Custom|hv/kernel_args|The "kernel_args" hypervisor parameter hv/kernel_path|Custom|Kernel_path|The "kernel_path" hypervisor parameter hv/keymap|Custom|hv/keymap|The "keymap" hypervisor parameter hv/kvm_extra|Custom|hv/kvm_extra|The "kvm_extra" hypervisor parameter hv/kvm_flag|Custom|hv/kvm_flag|The "kvm_flag" hypervisor parameter hv/kvm_path|Custom|hv/kvm_path|The "kvm_path" hypervisor parameter hv/kvm_pci_reservations|Number|hv/kvm_pci_reservations|The "kvm_pci_reservations" hypervisor parameter hv/machine_version|Custom|hv/machine_version|The "machine_version" hypervisor parameter hv/mem_path|Custom|hv/mem_path|The "mem_path" hypervisor parameter hv/migration_caps|Custom|hv/migration_caps|The "migration_caps" hypervisor parameter hv/migration_downtime|Number|hv/migration_downtime|The "migration_downtime" hypervisor parameter hv/nic_type|Custom|NIC_type|The "nic_type" hypervisor parameter hv/num_ttys|Number|hv/num_ttys|The "num_ttys" hypervisor parameter hv/pae|Boolean|PAE|The "pae" hypervisor parameter hv/pci_pass|Custom|pci_pass|The "pci_pass" hypervisor parameter hv/reboot_behavior|Custom|hv/reboot_behavior|The "reboot_behavior" hypervisor parameter hv/root_path|Custom|hv/root_path|The "root_path" hypervisor parameter hv/scsi_controller_type|Custom|hv/scsi_controller_type|The "scsi_controller_type" hypervisor parameter hv/security_domain|Custom|hv/security_domain|The "security_domain" hypervisor parameter hv/security_model|Custom|hv/security_model|The "security_model" hypervisor parameter hv/serial_console|Boolean|hv/serial_console|The "serial_console" hypervisor parameter hv/serial_speed|Number|hv/serial_speed|The "serial_speed" hypervisor parameter hv/soundhw|Custom|hv/soundhw|The "soundhw" hypervisor parameter hv/spice_bind|Custom|hv/spice_bind|The "spice_bind" hypervisor parameter hv/spice_image_compression|Custom|hv/spice_image_compression|The "spice_image_compression" hypervisor parameter hv/spice_ip_version|Number|hv/spice_ip_version|The "spice_ip_version" hypervisor parameter hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression|Custom|hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression|The "spice_jpeg_wan_compression" hypervisor parameter hv/spice_password_file|Custom|hv/spice_password_file|The "spice_password_file" hypervisor parameter hv/spice_playback_compression|Boolean|hv/spice_playback_compression|The "spice_playback_compression" hypervisor parameter hv/spice_streaming_video|Custom|hv/spice_streaming_video|The "spice_streaming_video" hypervisor parameter hv/spice_tls_ciphers|Custom|hv/spice_tls_ciphers|The "spice_tls_ciphers" hypervisor parameter hv/spice_use_tls|Boolean|hv/spice_use_tls|The "spice_use_tls" hypervisor parameter hv/spice_use_vdagent|Boolean|hv/spice_use_vdagent|The "spice_use_vdagent" hypervisor parameter hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression|Custom|hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression|The "spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression" hypervisor parameter hv/startup_timeout|Number|hv/startup_timeout|The "startup_timeout" hypervisor parameter hv/usb_devices|Custom|hv/usb_devices|The "usb_devices" hypervisor parameter hv/usb_mouse|Custom|hv/usb_mouse|The "usb_mouse" hypervisor parameter hv/use_bootloader|Boolean|hv/use_bootloader|The "use_bootloader" hypervisor parameter hv/use_chroot|Boolean|hv/use_chroot|The "use_chroot" hypervisor parameter hv/use_guest_agent|Boolean|hv/use_guest_agent|The "use_guest_agent" hypervisor parameter hv/use_localtime|Boolean|hv/use_localtime|The "use_localtime" hypervisor parameter hv/user_shutdown|Boolean|hv/user_shutdown|The "user_shutdown" hypervisor parameter hv/vga|Custom|hv/vga|The "vga" hypervisor parameter hv/vhost_net|Boolean|hv/vhost_net|The "vhost_net" hypervisor parameter hv/vif_script|Custom|hv/vif_script|The "vif_script" hypervisor parameter hv/vif_type|Custom|hv/vif_type|The "vif_type" hypervisor parameter hv/viridian|Boolean|hv/viridian|The "viridian" hypervisor parameter hv/virtio_net_queues|Number|hv/virtio_net_queues|The "virtio_net_queues" hypervisor parameter hv/vnc_bind_address|Custom|VNC_bind_address|The "vnc_bind_address" hypervisor parameter hv/vnc_password_file|Custom|hv/vnc_password_file|The "vnc_password_file" hypervisor parameter hv/vnc_tls|Boolean|hv/vnc_tls|The "vnc_tls" hypervisor parameter hv/vnc_x509_path|Custom|hv/vnc_x509_path|The "vnc_x509_path" hypervisor parameter hv/vnc_x509_verify|Boolean|hv/vnc_x509_verify|The "vnc_x509_verify" hypervisor parameter hv/vnet_hdr|Boolean|hv/vnet_hdr|The "vnet_hdr" hypervisor parameter hvparams|Custom|HypervisorParameters|Hypervisor parameters (merged) hypervisor|Text|Hypervisor|Hypervisor name ip|Text|NicIP/0|IP address of 1st network interface mac|Text|NicMAC/0|MAC address of 1st network interface mtime|Timestamp|MTime|Modification timestamp name|Text|Instance|Instance name network_port|Custom|Network_port|Instance network port if available (e.g. for VNC console) nic.bridge/0|Text|NicBridge/0|Bridge of 1st network interface nic.bridge/1|Text|NicBridge/1|Bridge of 2nd network interface nic.bridge/2|Text|NicBridge/2|Bridge of 3rd network interface nic.bridge/3|Text|NicBridge/3|Bridge of 4th network interface nic.bridge/4|Text|NicBridge/4|Bridge of 5th network interface nic.bridge/5|Text|NicBridge/5|Bridge of 6th network interface nic.bridge/6|Text|NicBridge/6|Bridge of 7th network interface nic.bridge/7|Text|NicBridge/7|Bridge of 8th network interface nic.bridges|Custom|NIC_bridges|List containing each network interface's bridge nic.count|Number|NICs|Number of network interfaces nic.ip/0|Text|NicIP/0|IP address of 1st network interface nic.ip/1|Text|NicIP/1|IP address of 2nd network interface nic.ip/2|Text|NicIP/2|IP address of 3rd network interface nic.ip/3|Text|NicIP/3|IP address of 4th network interface nic.ip/4|Text|NicIP/4|IP address of 5th network interface nic.ip/5|Text|NicIP/5|IP address of 6th network interface nic.ip/6|Text|NicIP/6|IP address of 7th network interface nic.ip/7|Text|NicIP/7|IP address of 8th network interface nic.ips|Custom|NIC_IPs|List containing each network interface's IP address|Text|NicLink/0|Link of 1st network interface|Text|NicLink/1|Link of 2nd network interface|Text|NicLink/2|Link of 3rd network interface|Text|NicLink/3|Link of 4th network interface|Text|NicLink/4|Link of 5th network interface|Text|NicLink/5|Link of 6th network interface|Text|NicLink/6|Link of 7th network interface|Text|NicLink/7|Link of 8th network interface nic.links|Custom|NIC_links|List containing each network interface's link nic.mac/0|Text|NicMAC/0|MAC address of 1st network interface nic.mac/1|Text|NicMAC/1|MAC address of 2nd network interface nic.mac/2|Text|NicMAC/2|MAC address of 3rd network interface nic.mac/3|Text|NicMAC/3|MAC address of 4th network interface nic.mac/4|Text|NicMAC/4|MAC address of 5th network interface nic.mac/5|Text|NicMAC/5|MAC address of 6th network interface nic.mac/6|Text|NicMAC/6|MAC address of 7th network interface nic.mac/7|Text|NicMAC/7|MAC address of 8th network interface nic.macs|Custom|NIC_MACs|List containing each network interface's MAC address nic.mode/0|Text|NicMode/0|Mode of 1st network interface nic.mode/1|Text|NicMode/1|Mode of 2nd network interface nic.mode/2|Text|NicMode/2|Mode of 3rd network interface nic.mode/3|Text|NicMode/3|Mode of 4th network interface nic.mode/4|Text|NicMode/4|Mode of 5th network interface nic.mode/5|Text|NicMode/5|Mode of 6th network interface nic.mode/6|Text|NicMode/6|Mode of 7th network interface nic.mode/7|Text|NicMode/7|Mode of 8th network interface nic.modes|Custom|NIC_modes|List containing each network interface's mode|Text|NicName/0|Name address of 1st network interface|Text|NicName/1|Name address of 2nd network interface|Text|NicName/2|Name address of 3rd network interface|Text|NicName/3|Name address of 4th network interface|Text|NicName/4|Name address of 5th network interface|Text|NicName/5|Name address of 6th network interface|Text|NicName/6|Name address of 7th network interface|Text|NicName/7|Name address of 8th network interface nic.names|Custom|NIC_Names|List containing each network interface's name|Text|NicNetworkName/0|Network name of 1st network interface|Text|NicNetworkName/1|Network name of 2nd network interface|Text|NicNetworkName/2|Network name of 3rd network interface|Text|NicNetworkName/3|Network name of 4th network interface|Text|NicNetworkName/4|Network name of 5th network interface|Text|NicNetworkName/5|Network name of 6th network interface|Text|NicNetworkName/6|Network name of 7th network interface|Text|NicNetworkName/7|Network name of 8th network interface|Text|NicNetwork/0|Network of 1st network interface|Text|NicNetwork/1|Network of 2nd network interface|Text|NicNetwork/2|Network of 3rd network interface|Text|NicNetwork/3|Network of 4th network interface|Text|NicNetwork/4|Network of 5th network interface|Text|NicNetwork/5|Network of 6th network interface|Text|NicNetwork/6|Network of 7th network interface|Text|NicNetwork/7|Network of 8th network interface nic.networks|Custom|NIC_networks|List containing each interface's network nic.networks.names|Custom|NIC_networks_names|List containing the name of each interface's network nic.uuid/0|Text|NicUUID/0|UUID address of 1st network interface nic.uuid/1|Text|NicUUID/1|UUID address of 2nd network interface nic.uuid/2|Text|NicUUID/2|UUID address of 3rd network interface nic.uuid/3|Text|NicUUID/3|UUID address of 4th network interface nic.uuid/4|Text|NicUUID/4|UUID address of 5th network interface nic.uuid/5|Text|NicUUID/5|UUID address of 6th network interface nic.uuid/6|Text|NicUUID/6|UUID address of 7th network interface nic.uuid/7|Text|NicUUID/7|UUID address of 8th network interface nic.uuids|Custom|NIC_UUIDs|List containing each network interface's UUID nic.vlan/0|Text|NicVLAN/0|VLAN of 1st network interface nic.vlan/1|Text|NicVLAN/1|VLAN of 2nd network interface nic.vlan/2|Text|NicVLAN/2|VLAN of 3rd network interface nic.vlan/3|Text|NicVLAN/3|VLAN of 4th network interface nic.vlan/4|Text|NicVLAN/4|VLAN of 5th network interface nic.vlan/5|Text|NicVLAN/5|VLAN of 6th network interface nic.vlan/6|Text|NicVLAN/6|VLAN of 7th network interface nic.vlan/7|Text|NicVLAN/7|VLAN of 8th network interface nic.vlans|Custom|NIC_VLANs|List containing each network interface's VLAN nic_link|Text|NicLink/0|Link of 1st network interface nic_mode|Text|NicMode/0|Mode of 1st network interface nic_network|Text|NicNetwork/0|Network of 1st network interface oper_ram|Storage size|Memory|Actual memory usage as seen by hypervisor oper_state|Boolean|Running|Actual state of instance oper_vcpus|Number|VCPUs|Actual number of VCPUs as seen by hypervisor os|Text|OS|Operating system osparams|Custom|OpSysParameters|Operating system parameters (merged) pnode|Text|Primary_node|Primary node|Text|PrimaryNodeGroup|Primary node's group|Text|PrimaryNodeGroupUUID|Primary node's group UUID sda_size|Storage size|Disk/0|Disk size of 1st disk sdb_size|Storage size|Disk/1|Disk size of 2nd disk serial_no|Number|SerialNo|Instance object serial number, incremented on each modification snodes|Custom|Secondary_Nodes|Secondary nodes; usually this will just be one node|Custom|SecondaryNodesGroups|Node groups of secondary nodes|Custom|SecondaryNodesGroupsUUID|Node group UUIDs of secondary nodes status|Text|Status|Instance status; "running" if instance is set to be running and actually is, "ADMIN_down" if instance is stopped and is not running, "ERROR_wrongnode" if instance running, but not on its designated primary node, "ERROR_up" if instance should be stopped, but is actually running, "ERROR_down" if instance should run, but doesn't, "ERROR_nodedown" if instance's primary node is down, "ERROR_nodeoffline" if instance's primary node is marked offline, "ADMIN_offline" if instance is offline and does not use dynamic resources tags|Custom|Tags|Tags uuid|Text|UUID|Instance UUID vcpus|Number|ConfigVCPUs|The "vcpus" backend parameter Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list-fields field/does/not/exist' Stdout was: Name Type Title Description field/does/not/exist Unknown field/does/not/exist Unknown field 'field/does/not/exist' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestInstanceListFields] gnt-instance list-fields ---------- Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist >>>> 2024-09-10 04:49:06.391357 time=0:00:00.600541 [TestInstanceListFields] gnt-instance list-fields <<<< 2024-09-10 04:49:06.391425 start [TestJobListFields] gnt-node list-fields Command: ssh 'gnt-job list-fields >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list-fields id status priority archived ops opresult opstatus oplog opstart opexec opend oppriority summary received_ts start_ts end_ts >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-job list-fields '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers' archived|Boolean|Archived|Whether job is archived end_ts|Custom|End|Timestamp of job end (tuple containing seconds and microseconds) id|Number|ID|Job ID opend|Custom|OpCode_end|List of opcode execution end timestamps opexec|Custom|OpCode_exec|List of opcode execution start timestamps (after acquiring locks) oplog|Custom|OpCode_log|List of opcode output logs oppriority|Custom|OpCode_prio|List of opcode priorities opresult|Custom|OpCode_result|List of opcodes results ops|Custom|OpCodes|List of all opcodes opstart|Custom|OpCode_start|List of opcode start timestamps (before acquiring locks) opstatus|Custom|OpCode_status|List of opcodes status priority|Number|Priority|Current job priority (19 to -20) received_ts|Custom|Received|Timestamp of when job was received (tuple containing seconds and microseconds) start_ts|Custom|Start|Timestamp of job start (tuple containing seconds and microseconds) status|Text|Status|Job status summary|Custom|Summary|List of per-opcode summaries Command: ssh 'gnt-job list-fields field/does/not/exist' Stdout was: Name Type Title Description field/does/not/exist Unknown field/does/not/exist Unknown field 'field/does/not/exist' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestJobListFields] gnt-node list-fields ------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:49:06.974328 time=0:00:00.582903 [TestJobListFields] gnt-node list-fields Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist **** 2024-09-10 04:49:06.974444 skipping [TestBackupListFields] gnt-backup list-fields, test(s) instance-export disabled <<<< 2024-09-10 04:49:06.974461 start [TestNodeInfo] gnt-node info ----- Command: ssh 'gnt-node info' - Node name: primary ip: secondary ip: master candidate: True drained: False offline: False master_capable: True vm_capable: True primary for instances: secondary for instances: node parameters: cpu_speed: default (1) exclusive_storage: default (False) oob_program: default () ovs: default (False) ovs_link: default () ovs_name: default (switch1) spindle_count: default (1) ssh_port: default (22) - Node name: primary ip: secondary ip: master candidate: True drained: False offline: False master_capable: True vm_capable: True primary for instances: secondary for instances: node parameters: cpu_speed: default (1) exclusive_storage: default (False) oob_program: default () ovs: default (False) ovs_link: default () ovs_name: default (switch1) spindle_count: default (1) ssh_port: default (22) - Node name: primary ip: secondary ip: master candidate: True drained: False offline: False master_capable: True vm_capable: True primary for instances: secondary for instances: node parameters: cpu_speed: default (1) exclusive_storage: default (False) oob_program: default () ovs: default (False) ovs_link: default () ovs_name: default (switch1) spindle_count: default (1) ssh_port: default (22) ---- PASSED [TestNodeInfo] gnt-node info ------------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:49:07.170197 time=0:00:00.195736 [TestNodeInfo] gnt-node info vvvv BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:49:07.170237 start [RunClusterTests] Runs tests related to gnt-cluster **** 2024-09-10 04:49:07.170270 skipping [TestClusterInitDisk] gnt-cluster init -D, test(s) create-cluster disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:49:07.170279 skipping [TestClusterRenewCrypto] gnt-cluster renew-crypto, test(s) cluster-renew-crypto disabled <<<< 2024-09-10 04:49:07.170300 start [TestClusterVerify] gnt-cluster verify Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 16, 17 Waiting for job 16 ... Tue Sep 10 04:49:08 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:49:08 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:49:08 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:49:08 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 17 ... Tue Sep 10 04:49:08 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:49:08 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:49:08 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:49:09 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:49:09 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:49:09 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:49:09 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:49:09 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:49:09 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:49:09 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:49:09 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify-disks' ---- PASSED [TestClusterVerify] gnt-cluster verify --------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:49:10.935103 time=0:00:03.764803 [TestClusterVerify] gnt-cluster verify <<<< 2024-09-10 04:49:10.935175 start [TestClusterReservedLvs] gnt-cluster reserved lvs ---- PASSED [TestClusterReservedLvs] gnt-cluster reserved lvs ---------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:49:10.935255 time=0:00:00.000080 [TestClusterReservedLvs] gnt-cluster reserved lvs <<<< 2024-09-10 04:49:10.935285 start [TestClusterModifyEmpty] gnt-cluster modify Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestClusterModifyEmpty] gnt-cluster modify ---------------- Please give at least one of the parameters. >>>> 2024-09-10 04:49:11.125938 time=0:00:00.190653 [TestClusterModifyEmpty] gnt-cluster modify <<<< 2024-09-10 04:49:11.125982 start [TestClusterModifyIPolicy] gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-* Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:48:04 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-vcpu-ratio=1.0' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:12 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 1 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-vcpu-ratio=1.5' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:13 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 1.5 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-vcpu-ratio=2' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:14 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 2 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-vcpu-ratio=a' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/sbin/gnt-cluster", line 21, in sys.exit(main.Main()) ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/share/ganeti/3.1/ganeti/client/", line 2622, in Main return GenericMain(commands, override={"tag_type": constants.TAG_CLUSTER}, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/share/ganeti/3.1/ganeti/", line 1223, in GenericMain (func, options, args) = _ParseArgs(binary, sys.argv, commands, aliases, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/share/ganeti/3.1/ganeti/", line 467, in _ParseArgs options, args = parser.parse_args(args=argv[2:]) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 1387, in parse_args stop = self._process_args(largs, rargs, values) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 1427, in _process_args self._process_long_opt(rargs, values) File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 1501, in _process_long_opt option.process(opt, value, values, self) File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 779, in process value = self.convert_value(opt, value) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 771, in convert_value return self.check_value(opt, value) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 766, in check_value return checker(self, opt, value) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/share/ganeti/3.1/ganeti/", line 472, in check_maybefloat return float(value) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'a' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:14 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 2 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-vcpu-ratio=4.0' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:15 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-spindle-ratio=1.0' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:17 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 1 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-spindle-ratio=1.5' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:18 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 1.5 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-spindle-ratio=2' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:19 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 2 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-spindle-ratio=a' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/sbin/gnt-cluster", line 21, in sys.exit(main.Main()) ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/share/ganeti/3.1/ganeti/client/", line 2622, in Main return GenericMain(commands, override={"tag_type": constants.TAG_CLUSTER}, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/share/ganeti/3.1/ganeti/", line 1223, in GenericMain (func, options, args) = _ParseArgs(binary, sys.argv, commands, aliases, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/share/ganeti/3.1/ganeti/", line 467, in _ParseArgs options, args = parser.parse_args(args=argv[2:]) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 1387, in parse_args stop = self._process_args(largs, rargs, values) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 1427, in _process_args self._process_long_opt(rargs, values) File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 1501, in _process_long_opt option.process(opt, value, values, self) File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 779, in process value = self.convert_value(opt, value) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 771, in convert_value return self.check_value(opt, value) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 766, in check_value return checker(self, opt, value) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/share/ganeti/3.1/ganeti/", line 472, in check_maybefloat return float(value) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'a' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:19 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 2 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-spindle-ratio=32.0' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:21 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s ---- PASSED [TestClusterModifyIPolicy] gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-* -- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:49:21.471363 time=0:00:10.345381 [TestClusterModifyIPolicy] gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-* <<<< 2024-09-10 04:49:21.471461 start [TestClusterModifyISpecs] gnt-cluster modify --specs-* Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:21 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=0,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=12,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:22 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 0 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 12 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=4,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=12,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:23 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 12 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=4,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=12,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=12' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:24 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 12 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 12 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=4,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=4,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:25 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=4,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=12,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=0' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid std specifications Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:25 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=4,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=12,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=16' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid std specifications Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:25 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=4,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=0,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for memory-size: 4/0 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:25 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=12,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=4,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for memory-size: 12/4 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:25 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=12,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=0,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=4' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for memory-size: 12/0 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:25 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=a,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=12,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid parameter memory-size (a) in min instance specs: Invalid format Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:25 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=0,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=12,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=a' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid parameter memory-size (a) in std instance specs: Invalid format Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:25 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=0,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=a,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=4' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid parameter memory-size (a) in max instance specs: Invalid format Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:25 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 4 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs memory-size=128' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:33 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd' gnt-cluster init --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd' gnt-cluster init --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=0,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=12,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:36 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 12 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 0 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=4,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=12,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:37 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 12 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=4,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=12,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=12' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:38 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 12 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 12 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=4,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=4,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:39 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=4,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=12,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=0' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid std specifications Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:39 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=4,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=12,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=16' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid std specifications Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:39 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=4,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=0,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for disk-size: 4/0 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:39 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=12,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=4,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for disk-size: 12/4 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:39 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=12,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=0,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for disk-size: 12/0 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:39 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=a,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=12,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=4' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid parameter disk-size (a) in min instance specs: Invalid format Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:39 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=0,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=12,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=a' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid parameter disk-size (a) in std instance specs: Invalid format Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:39 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=0,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=a,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid parameter disk-size (a) in max instance specs: Invalid format Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:39 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 4 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-size=1024' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:47 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd' gnt-cluster init --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd' gnt-cluster init --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=12,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:50 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 12 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=4,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=12,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:51 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 12 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=4,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=12,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=12' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:52 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 12 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 12 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=4,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=4,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:53 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=4,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=12,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=0' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid std specifications Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:53 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=4,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=12,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=16' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid std specifications Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:53 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=4,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=0,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for disk-count: 4/0 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:53 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=12,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=4,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for disk-count: 12/4 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:53 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=12,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=0,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for disk-count: 12/0 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:53 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=a,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=12,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Parameter Error: 'disk-count' (value a) is not a valid integer Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:53 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=12,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=a' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Parameter Error: 'disk-count' (value a) is not a valid integer Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:53 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=a,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Parameter Error: 'disk-count' (value a) is not a valid integer Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:49:53 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 4 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs disk-count=1' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:01 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd' gnt-cluster init --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd' gnt-cluster init --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=0,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=12,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:03 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 0 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 12 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=4,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=12,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:04 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 12 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=4,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=12,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=12' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:06 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 12 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 12 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=4,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=4,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:07 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=4,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=12,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=0' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid std specifications Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:07 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=4,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=12,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=16' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid std specifications Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:07 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=4,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=0,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for cpu-count: 4/0 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:07 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=12,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=4,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for cpu-count: 12/4 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:07 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=12,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=0,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for cpu-count: 12/0 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:07 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=a,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=12,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=4' Stderr was: Parameter Error: 'cpu-count' (value a) is not a valid integer Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:07 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=0,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=12,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=a' Stderr was: Parameter Error: 'cpu-count' (value a) is not a valid integer Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:07 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=0,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=a,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Parameter Error: 'cpu-count' (value a) is not a valid integer Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:07 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 4 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:14 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd' gnt-cluster init --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd' gnt-cluster init --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=12,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:17 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 12 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=4,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=12,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:18 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 12 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=4,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=12,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=12' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:19 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 12 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 12 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=4,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=4,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=4' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:21 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=4,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=12,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=0' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid std specifications Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:21 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=4,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=12,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=16' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid std specifications Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:21 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=4,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=0,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for nic-count: 4/0 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:21 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=12,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=4,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for nic-count: 12/4 Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:21 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=12,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=0,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=4' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Invalid instance policy: Invalid specification of min/max values for nic-count: 12/0 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:21 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=a,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=12,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Parameter Error: 'nic-count' (value a) is not a valid integer Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:21 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=12,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=a' Stderr was: Parameter Error: 'nic-count' (value a) is not a valid integer Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:21 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd vcpu-ratio: 4 spindle-ratio: 32 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=a,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=4' Stderr was: Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Parameter Error: 'nic-count' (value a) is not a valid integer Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:21 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 4 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 --ipolicy-std-specs nic-count=1' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:28 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd' gnt-cluster init --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster show-ispecs-cmd' gnt-cluster init --ipolicy-std-specs cpu-count=1,disk-count=1,disk-size=1024,memory-size=128,nic-count=1,spindle-use=1 --ipolicy-bounds-specs min:cpu-count=1,disk-count=0,disk-size=512,memory-size=128,nic-count=0,spindle-use=0/max:cpu-count=48,disk-count=8,disk-size=1048576,memory-size=1048576,nic-count=8,spindle-use=8 ---- PASSED [TestClusterModifyISpecs] gnt-cluster modify --specs-* ----- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:50:30.489160 time=0:01:09.017699 [TestClusterModifyISpecs] gnt-cluster modify --specs-* <<<< 2024-09-10 04:50:30.489271 start [TestClusterModifyBe] gnt-cluster modify -B Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -B maxmem=256' Command: ssh 'sh -c '\''gnt-cluster info|grep '\''\'\'''\''^ *maxmem: 256$'\''\'\'''\'''\''' maxmem: 256 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -B minmem=256' Command: ssh 'sh -c '\''gnt-cluster info|grep '\''\'\'''\''^ *minmem: 256$'\''\'\'''\'''\''' minmem: 256 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -B maxmem=a' Stderr was: Parameter Error: 'maxmem' (value a) is not a valid size. error: Invalid format Command: ssh 'sh -c '\''gnt-cluster info|grep '\''\'\'''\''^ *maxmem: 256$'\''\'\'''\'''\''' maxmem: 256 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -B minmem=a' Stderr was: Parameter Error: 'minmem' (value a) is not a valid size. error: Invalid format Command: ssh 'sh -c '\''gnt-cluster info|grep '\''\'\'''\''^ *minmem: 256$'\''\'\'''\'''\''' minmem: 256 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -B maxmem=128,minmem=128' Command: ssh 'sh -c '\''gnt-cluster info|grep '\''\'\'''\''^ *maxmem: 128$'\''\'\'''\'''\''' maxmem: 128 Command: ssh 'sh -c '\''gnt-cluster info|grep '\''\'\'''\''^ *minmem: 128$'\''\'\'''\'''\''' minmem: 128 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -B vcpus=4' Command: ssh 'sh -c '\''gnt-cluster info|grep '\''\'\'''\''^ *vcpus: 4$'\''\'\'''\'''\''' vcpus: 4 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -B vcpus=a' Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -B vcpus=1' Parameter Error: 'vcpus' (value a) is not a valid integer Command: ssh 'sh -c '\''gnt-cluster info|grep '\''\'\'''\''^ *vcpus: 1$'\''\'\'''\'''\''' vcpus: 1 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -B auto_balance=False' Command: ssh 'sh -c '\''gnt-cluster info|grep '\''\'\'''\''^ *auto_balance: False$'\''\'\'''\'''\''' auto_balance: False Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -B auto_balance=1' Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -B auto_balance=True' Parameter Error: 'auto_balance' (value 1) is not a valid boolean Command: ssh 'sh -c '\''gnt-cluster info|grep '\''\'\'''\''^ *auto_balance: True$'\''\'\'''\'''\''' auto_balance: True ---- PASSED [TestClusterModifyBe] gnt-cluster modify -B ---------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:50:39.973898 time=0:00:09.484627 [TestClusterModifyBe] gnt-cluster modify -B <<<< 2024-09-10 04:50:39.973992 start [TestClusterModifyDisk] gnt-cluster modify -D Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -D nonexistent:resync-rate=1' Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -D drbd:nonexistent=1' Unhandled protocol error while talking to the master daemon: Failed to parse request: SubmitJob: Can't parse value for 'diskparams': Invalid string value for type DiskTemplate: "nonexistent" Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify -D drbd:resync-rate=invalid' Parameter Error: Unknown parameter 'nonexistent' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestClusterModifyDisk] gnt-cluster modify -D -------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:50:40.549628 time=0:00:00.575636 [TestClusterModifyDisk] gnt-cluster modify -D Parameter Error: 'resync-rate' (value invalid) is not a valid integer <<<< 2024-09-10 04:50:40.549748 start [TestClusterModifyDiskTemplates] gnt-cluster modify --enabled-disk-templates= Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --enabled-disk-templates=rbd --ipolicy-disk-templates=rbd' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --enabled-disk-templates=pinkbunny' Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --enabled-disk-templates=rbd,rbd --ipolicy-disk-templates=rbd' Unhandled protocol error while talking to the master daemon: Failed to parse request: SubmitJob: Can't parse value for 'enabled_disk_templates': Invalid string value for type DiskTemplate: "pinkbunny" Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --enabled-disk-templates=rbd --ipolicy-disk-templates=rbd' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --enabled-disk-templates=rbd --ipolicy-disk-templates=rbd' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance add --os-type=noop --disk-template=rbd -B minmem=256M,maxmem=768M --disk 0:size=768M,name=disk0 --disk 1:size=512M,name=disk1' Tue Sep 10 04:50:45 2024 * disk 0, size 768M Tue Sep 10 04:50:45 2024 * disk 1, size 512M Tue Sep 10 04:50:45 2024 * creating instance disks... Tue Sep 10 04:50:45 2024 adding instance to cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:50:45 2024 adding disks to cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:50:46 2024 - INFO: Waiting for instance to sync disks Tue Sep 10 04:50:46 2024 - INFO: Instance's disks are in sync Tue Sep 10 04:50:46 2024 - INFO: Waiting for instance to sync disks Tue Sep 10 04:50:46 2024 - INFO: Instance's disks are in sync Tue Sep 10 04:50:46 2024 * running the instance OS create scripts... Tue Sep 10 04:50:46 2024 * starting instance... Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: 628d042b-73eb-4be9-a9ef-1992e8af1fb1 Serial number: 4 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:50:45 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:50:46 State: configured to be up, actual state is up Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:01:62:b3 IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: 60466df3-7d17-4c57-927b-dd7411c74609 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'c263bcdc-0283-4d98-87e9-4b2bd69e1720.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: babb6fff-c50a-4cb3-ba5a-b6e9aba2292d - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'af95a404-7327-45b5-8451-20d36ba3dd1e.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: b772b272-d379-46f6-8cf9-5d69e8276145 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_instance_list' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --enabled-disk-templates=diskless,blockdev --ipolicy-disk-templates=diskless,blockdev' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_state, error details: Cannot disable disk template 'rbd', because there is at least one disk using it: * (on * (on Command: ssh 'gnt-instance remove -f' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --enabled-disk-templates=rbd --ipolicy-disk-templates=rbd' ---- PASSED [TestClusterModifyDiskTemplates] gnt-cluster modify --enabled-disk-templates= >>>> 2024-09-10 04:51:06.195232 time=0:00:25.645484 [TestClusterModifyDiskTemplates] gnt-cluster modify --enabled-disk-templates= <<<< 2024-09-10 04:51:06.195319 start [TestClusterModifyFileStorageDir] gnt-cluster modify --file-storage-dir= ---- PASSED [TestClusterModifyFileStorageDir] gnt-cluster modify --file-storage-dir= >>>> 2024-09-10 04:51:06.195382 time=0:00:00.000063 [TestClusterModifyFileStorageDir] gnt-cluster modify --file-storage-dir= <<<< 2024-09-10 04:51:06.195408 start [TestClusterModifySharedFileStorageDir] gnt-cluster modify --shared-file-storage-dir= ---- PASSED [TestClusterModifySharedFileStorageDir] gnt-cluster modify --shared-file-storage-dir= >>>> 2024-09-10 04:51:06.195435 time=0:00:00.000027 [TestClusterModifySharedFileStorageDir] gnt-cluster modify --shared-file-storage-dir= <<<< 2024-09-10 04:51:06.195457 start [TestClusterModifyInstallImage] gnt-cluster modify --install-image=...' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'mktemp --tmpdir ganeti-install-image.XXXXXX' /tmp/ganeti-install-image.SoaBOt Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --install-image=/tmp/ganeti-install-image.SoaBOt' Command: ssh 'rm /tmp/ganeti-install-image.SoaBOt' ---- PASSED [TestClusterModifyInstallImage] gnt-cluster modify --install-image=...' >>>> 2024-09-10 04:51:07.250856 time=0:00:01.055399 [TestClusterModifyInstallImage] gnt-cluster modify --install-image=...' <<<< 2024-09-10 04:51:07.250929 start [TestClusterModifyUserShutdown] Tests user shutdown cluster wide xen-pvm hypervisor is not enabled, skipping test for this hypervisor xen-hvm hypervisor is not enabled, skipping test for this hypervisor Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster watcher pause 4h' The watcher is paused until Tue Sep 10 08:51:07 2024. Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster watcher info' The watcher is paused until Tue Sep 10 08:51:07 2024. Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --user-shutdown=true' Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' 32805 Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' 29594 Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' 28701 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node info' - Node name: primary ip: secondary ip: master candidate: True drained: False offline: False master_capable: True vm_capable: True primary for instances: secondary for instances: node parameters: cpu_speed: default (1) exclusive_storage: default (False) oob_program: default () ovs: default (False) ovs_link: default () ovs_name: default (switch1) spindle_count: default (1) ssh_port: default (22) Command: ssh 'gnt-node modify --vm-capable=no' Modified node - vm_capable -> False Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' Command: ssh 'gnt-node modify --vm-capable=yes' Modified node - vm_capable -> True Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' 32849 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --enabled-hypervisors=xen-pvm' Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --enabled-hypervisors=kvm' Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' 32898 Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' 29658 Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' 28765 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --user-shutdown=false' Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' Command: ssh 'pgrep ganeti-kvmd' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster watcher continue' The watcher is no longer paused. Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster watcher info' The watcher is not paused. ---- PASSED [TestClusterModifyUserShutdown] Tests user shutdown cluster wide >>>> 2024-09-10 04:51:41.118771 time=0:00:33.867842 [TestClusterModifyUserShutdown] Tests user shutdown cluster wide **** 2024-09-10 04:51:41.118843 skipping [TestClusterRename] gnt-cluster rename, test(s) cluster-rename disabled <<<< 2024-09-10 04:51:41.118855 start [TestClusterVersion] gnt-cluster version Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster version' Software version: 3.1.0~alpha1 Internode protocol: 3010000 Configuration format: 3010000 OS api version: 20 Export interface: 0 VCS version: (ganeti) version ---- PASSED [TestClusterVersion] gnt-cluster version ------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:51:41.317686 time=0:00:00.198831 [TestClusterVersion] gnt-cluster version <<<< 2024-09-10 04:51:41.317776 start [TestClusterInfo] gnt-cluster info Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster info' Cluster name: Cluster UUID: eb24fc39-4add-46f4-aea5-253bbd270ea0 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:48:03 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:51:35 Master node: Architecture (this node): 64bits (x86_64) Tags: (none) Default hypervisor: kvm Enabled hypervisors: kvm Hypervisor parameters: kvm: acpi: True boot_order: disk cdrom2_image_path: cdrom_disk_type: cdrom_image_path: cpu_cores: 0 cpu_mask: all cpu_sockets: 0 cpu_threads: 0 cpu_type: host debug_threads: False disk_aio: threads disk_cache: none disk_discard: ignore disk_type: paravirtual floppy_image_path: initrd_path: /boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd kernel_args: init=/init kernel_path: /vmlinuz keymap: kvm_extra: kvm_flag: kvm_path: /usr/bin/kvm kvm_pci_reservations: 12 machine_version: mem_path: migration_bandwidth: 1000 migration_caps: migration_downtime: 30 migration_mode: live migration_port: 8102 nic_type: paravirtual reboot_behavior: reboot root_path: /dev/vda1 scsi_controller_type: lsi security_domain: security_model: none serial_console: False serial_speed: 38400 soundhw: spice_bind: spice_image_compression: spice_ip_version: 0 spice_jpeg_wan_compression: spice_password_file: spice_playback_compression: True spice_streaming_video: spice_tls_ciphers: HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH spice_use_tls: False spice_use_vdagent: True spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: usb_devices: usb_mouse: use_chroot: False use_guest_agent: False use_localtime: False user_shutdown: False vga: vhost_net: True virtio_net_queues: 1 vnc_bind_address: vnc_password_file: vnc_tls: False vnc_x509_path: vnc_x509_verify: False vnet_hdr: True OS-specific hypervisor parameters: OS parameters: Hidden OSes: Blacklisted OSes: Cluster parameters: candidate pool size: 10 maximal number of jobs running simultaneously: 20 maximal number of jobs simultaneously tracked by the scheduler: 25 mac prefix: aa:00:00 master netdev: virt-bridge master netmask: 24 use external master IP address setup script: False lvm volume group: None lvm reserved volumes: (none) drbd usermode helper: None file storage path: /srv/ganeti/file-storage shared file storage path: /srv/ganeti/shared-file-storage gluster storage path: /var/run/ganeti/gluster maintenance of node health: False uid pool: default instance allocator: hail default instance allocator parameters: primary ip version: 4 preallocation wipe disks: False OS search path: /srv/ganeti/os, /usr/local/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/lib/ganeti/os, /usr/share/ganeti/os ExtStorage Providers search path: /srv/ganeti/extstorage enabled disk templates: rbd install image: /tmp/ganeti-install-image.SoaBOt instance communication network: zeroing image: compression tools: - gzip - gzip-fast - gzip-slow enabled user shutdown: False modify ssh setup: False ssh_key_type: rsa ssh_key_bits: 2048 Default node parameters: cpu_speed: 1 exclusive_storage: False oob_program: ovs: False ovs_link: ovs_name: switch1 spindle_count: 1 ssh_port: 22 Default instance parameters: default: always_failover: False auto_balance: True maxmem: 128 minmem: 128 spindle_use: 1 vcpus: 1 Default nic parameters: default: link: virt-bridge mode: bridged vlan: Default disk parameters: blockdev: diskless: drbd: c-delay-target: 1 c-fill-target: 0 c-max-rate: 61440 c-min-rate: 4096 c-plan-ahead: 20 data-stripes: 1 disk-barriers: n disk-custom: dynamic-resync: False meta-barriers: False meta-stripes: 1 metavg: xenvg net-custom: protocol: C resync-rate: 61440 ext: access: kernelspace file: gluster: access: kernelspace host: port: 24007 volume: gv0 plain: stripes: 1 rbd: access: kernelspace pool: ganeti sharedfile: Instance policy - limits for instances: bounds specs: - max/0: cpu-count: 48 disk-count: 8 disk-size: 1048576 memory-size: 1048576 nic-count: 8 spindle-use: 8 min/0: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 0 disk-size: 512 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 0 spindle-use: 0 std: cpu-count: 1 disk-count: 1 disk-size: 1024 memory-size: 128 nic-count: 1 spindle-use: 1 allowed disk templates: rbd spindle-ratio: 32 vcpu-ratio: 4 Data collectors: cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s diskstats: active: True interval: 5.000s drbd: active: True interval: 5.000s inst-status-xen: active: True interval: 5.000s lv: active: True interval: 5.000s xen-cpu-avg-load: active: True interval: 5.000s ---- PASSED [TestClusterInfo] gnt-cluster info ------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:51:41.511923 time=0:00:00.194147 [TestClusterInfo] gnt-cluster info <<<< 2024-09-10 04:51:41.512027 start [TestClusterGetmaster] gnt-cluster getmaster Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster getmaster' ---- PASSED [TestClusterGetmaster] gnt-cluster getmaster --------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:51:41.702431 time=0:00:00.190404 [TestClusterGetmaster] gnt-cluster getmaster <<<< 2024-09-10 04:51:41.702476 start [TestClusterRedistConf] gnt-cluster redist-conf Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster redist-conf' ---- PASSED [TestClusterRedistConf] gnt-cluster redist-conf ------------ >>>> 2024-09-10 04:51:43.065625 time=0:00:01.363149 [TestClusterRedistConf] gnt-cluster redist-conf <<<< 2024-09-10 04:51:43.065766 start [TestClusterCopyfile] gnt-cluster copyfile /tmp/gnt.qHwY8T Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster copyfile /tmp/gnt.qHwY8T' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /tmp/gnt.qHwY8T' e810c8c5-0310-4476-bbd3-0ead00af27faCommand: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.qnxnr0d5 -oControlMaster=no 'cat /tmp/gnt.qHwY8T' e810c8c5-0310-4476-bbd3-0ead00af27faCommand: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.h28gc0ao -oControlMaster=no 'cat /tmp/gnt.qHwY8T' e810c8c5-0310-4476-bbd3-0ead00af27faCommand: ssh 'rm -f /tmp/gnt.qHwY8T' Command: ssh 'rm -f /tmp/gnt.qHwY8T' Command: ssh 'rm -f /tmp/gnt.qHwY8T' ---- PASSED [TestClusterCopyfile] gnt-cluster copyfile ----------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:51:43.770916 time=0:00:00.705150 [TestClusterCopyfile] gnt-cluster copyfile <<<< 2024-09-10 04:51:43.771051 start [TestClusterCommand] gnt-cluster command Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster command '\''echo -n daf9b43a-2572-41a2-aa51-9064cfdd100e >/tmp/gntf6b4555c-8681-451f-afd6-ba8d1e81d5e4'\''' ------------------------------------------------ node: return code = 0 ------------------------------------------------ node: return code = 0 ------------------------------------------------ node: return code = 0 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /tmp/gntf6b4555c-8681-451f-afd6-ba8d1e81d5e4' daf9b43a-2572-41a2-aa51-9064cfdd100eCommand: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.qnxnr0d5 -oControlMaster=no 'cat /tmp/gntf6b4555c-8681-451f-afd6-ba8d1e81d5e4' daf9b43a-2572-41a2-aa51-9064cfdd100eCommand: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.h28gc0ao -oControlMaster=no 'cat /tmp/gntf6b4555c-8681-451f-afd6-ba8d1e81d5e4' daf9b43a-2572-41a2-aa51-9064cfdd100eCommand: ssh 'rm -f /tmp/gntf6b4555c-8681-451f-afd6-ba8d1e81d5e4' Command: ssh 'rm -f /tmp/gntf6b4555c-8681-451f-afd6-ba8d1e81d5e4' Command: ssh 'rm -f /tmp/gntf6b4555c-8681-451f-afd6-ba8d1e81d5e4' ---- PASSED [TestClusterCommand] gnt-cluster command ------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:51:44.696064 time=0:00:00.925013 [TestClusterCommand] gnt-cluster command **** 2024-09-10 04:51:44.696129 skipping [TestClusterBurnin] Burnin, test(s) cluster-burnin disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:51:44.696141 skipping [TestClusterMasterFailover] gnt-cluster master-failover, test(s) cluster-master-failover disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:51:44.696149 skipping [TestClusterMasterFailoverWithDrainedQueue] gnt-cluster master-failover with drained queue, test(s) cluster-master-failover disabled <<<< 2024-09-10 04:51:44.696160 start [TestClusterOob] out-of-band framework Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 107, 108 Waiting for job 107 ... Tue Sep 10 04:51:46 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:51:46 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:51:46 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:51:46 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 108 ... Tue Sep 10 04:51:46 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:51:46 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:46 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:47 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:47 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:51:47 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:51:47 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:51:47 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:51:47 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:51:47 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:51:47 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --node-parameters oob_program=/tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-not-exist-71717b5b-31e7-4c95-9eb6-3990b6c09f6e' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 111, 112 Waiting for job 111 ... Tue Sep 10 04:51:49 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:51:49 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:51:49 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:51:49 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 112 ... Tue Sep 10 04:51:50 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:51:50 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:50 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:51 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:51 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:51:51 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:51:51 2024 - ERROR: node error stating out of band helper: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-not-exist-71717b5b-31e7-4c95-9eb6-3990b6c09f6e' Tue Sep 10 04:51:51 2024 - ERROR: node error stating out of band helper: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-not-exist-71717b5b-31e7-4c95-9eb6-3990b6c09f6e' Tue Sep 10 04:51:51 2024 - ERROR: node error stating out of band helper: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-not-exist-71717b5b-31e7-4c95-9eb6-3990b6c09f6e' Tue Sep 10 04:51:51 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:51:51 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:51:51 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:51:51 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:51:51 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'touch /tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-exist-ef5738b3-8f0e-42ed-800b-0d85bc721ddb' Command: ssh 'chmod 0400 /tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-exist-ef5738b3-8f0e-42ed-800b-0d85bc721ddb' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster copyfile /tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-exist-ef5738b3-8f0e-42ed-800b-0d85bc721ddb' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --node-parameters oob_program=/tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-exist-ef5738b3-8f0e-42ed-800b-0d85bc721ddb' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 115, 116 Waiting for job 115 ... Tue Sep 10 04:51:54 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:51:54 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:51:54 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:51:54 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 116 ... Tue Sep 10 04:51:54 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:51:54 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:54 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:55 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:55 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:51:55 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:51:55 2024 - ERROR: node out of band helper /tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-exist-ef5738b3-8f0e-42ed-800b-0d85bc721ddb is not executable Tue Sep 10 04:51:55 2024 - ERROR: node out of band helper /tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-exist-ef5738b3-8f0e-42ed-800b-0d85bc721ddb is not executable Tue Sep 10 04:51:55 2024 - ERROR: node out of band helper /tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-exist-ef5738b3-8f0e-42ed-800b-0d85bc721ddb is not executable Tue Sep 10 04:51:55 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:51:55 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:51:55 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:51:55 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:51:55 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'chmod 0500 /tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-exist-ef5738b3-8f0e-42ed-800b-0d85bc721ddb' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster copyfile /tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-exist-ef5738b3-8f0e-42ed-800b-0d85bc721ddb' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 118, 119 Waiting for job 118 ... Tue Sep 10 04:51:58 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:51:58 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:51:58 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:51:58 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 119 ... Tue Sep 10 04:51:58 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:51:58 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:58 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:59 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:51:59 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:51:59 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:51:59 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:51:59 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:51:59 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:51:59 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:51:59 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster command rm /tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-exist-ef5738b3-8f0e-42ed-800b-0d85bc721ddb' ------------------------------------------------ node: return code = 0 ------------------------------------------------ node: return code = 0 ------------------------------------------------ node: return code = 0 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --node-parameters oob_program=' ---- PASSED [TestClusterOob] out-of-band framework --------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:01.380004 time=0:00:16.683844 [TestClusterOob] out-of-band framework <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:01.380093 start [TestInstanceCommunication] Tests instance communication via 'gnt-cluster modify' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-group list --no-headers -o name' default Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list --no-headers -o name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster modify --instance-communication-network=mynetwork' Tue Sep 10 04:52:02 2024 Changing instance communication network to 'mynetwork', only new instances will be affected. Submitted jobs 122 Waiting for job 122 ... Tue Sep 10 04:52:02 2024 Changing instance communication network to 'mynetwork', only new instances will be affected. Submitted jobs 122 Waiting for job 122 ... Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list --no-headers -o name mynetwork' mynetwork Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list --no-headers -o group_list mynetwork' default (routed, communication_rt, ) Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list --no-headers -o gateway mynetwork' - Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list --no-headers -o gateway6 mynetwork' - Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list --no-headers -o network mynetwork' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list --no-headers -o network6 mynetwork' fe80::/10 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-group add mygroup' Submitted jobs 124 Waiting for job 124 ... Submitted jobs 124 Waiting for job 124 ... Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list --no-headers -o group_list mynetwork' mygroup (routed, communication_rt, ), default (routed, communication_rt, ) Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster modify --instance-communication-network=mynetwork' Tue Sep 10 04:52:07 2024 Instance communication network already is 'mynetwork', nothing to do. Tue Sep 10 04:52:07 2024 Instance communication network already is 'mynetwork', nothing to do. Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster modify --instance-communication-network=' Tue Sep 10 04:52:08 2024 Previous instance communication network 'mynetwork' should be removed manually. Tue Sep 10 04:52:08 2024 Disabling instance communication network, only new instances will be affected. Tue Sep 10 04:52:08 2024 Previous instance communication network 'mynetwork' should be removed manually. Tue Sep 10 04:52:08 2024 Disabling instance communication network, only new instances will be affected. Command: ssh 'gnt-network disconnect mynetwork' Command: ssh 'gnt-network remove mynetwork' Command: ssh 'gnt-group remove mygroup' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-group list --no-headers -o name' default Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list --no-headers -o name' ---- PASSED [TestInstanceCommunication] Tests instance communication via 'gnt-cluster modify' >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:13.407419 time=0:00:12.027326 [TestInstanceCommunication] Tests instance communication via 'gnt-cluster modify' <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:13.407505 start [TestVersion] Testing remote API version GET /version ---- PASSED [TestVersion] Testing remote API version ------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:13.443840 time=0:00:00.036335 [TestVersion] Testing remote API version <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:13.443948 start [TestEmptyCluster] Testing remote API on an empty cluster Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node info' - Node name: primary ip: secondary ip: master candidate: True drained: False offline: False master_capable: True vm_capable: True primary for instances: secondary for instances: node parameters: cpu_speed: default (1) exclusive_storage: default (False) oob_program: default () ovs: default (False) ovs_link: default () ovs_name: default (switch1) spindle_count: default (1) ssh_port: default (22) GET / GET /2/info GET /2/tags GET /2/nodes GET /2/nodes?bulk=1 GET /2/groups GET /2/groups?bulk=1 GET /2/instances GET /2/instances?bulk=1 GET /2/os GET /2/filters GET /2/filters?bulk=1 GET /99/resource/not/here/99 PUT /99/resource/not/here/99 POST /99/resource/not/here/99 DELETE /99/resource/not/here/99 PUT /version POST /version DELETE /version Testing get/modify symmetry of /2/info and /2/modify GET successful at /2/info PUT successful at /2/modify ---- PASSED [TestEmptyCluster] Testing remote API on an empty cluster -- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:15.512944 time=0:00:02.068996 [TestEmptyCluster] Testing remote API on an empty cluster <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513130 start [TestRapiQuery] Testing resource queries via remote API ---- PASSED [TestRapiQuery] Testing resource queries via remote API ---- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513279 time=0:00:00.000149 [TestRapiQuery] Testing resource queries via remote API ^^^^ BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513368 time=0:03:08.343131 [RunClusterTests] Runs tests related to gnt-cluster vvvv BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513451 start [RunOsTests] Runs all tests related to gnt-os **** 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513574 skipping [TestOsList] gnt-os list, test(s) ['os', >] disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513633 skipping [TestOsDiagnose] gnt-os diagnose, test(s) ['os', >] disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513708 skipping [TestOsValid] Testing valid OS definition, test(s) ['os', >] disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513766 skipping [TestOsInvalid] Testing invalid OS definition, test(s) ['os', >] disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513812 skipping [TestOsPartiallyValid] Testing partially valid OS definition, test(s) ['os', >] disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513870 skipping [TestOsModifyValid] Testing a valid os modify invocation, test(s) ['os', >] disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513923 skipping [TestOsModifyInvalid] Testing an invalid os modify invocation, test(s) ['os', >] disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:52:15.513978 skipping [TestOsStatesNonExisting] Testing OS states with non-existing OS, test(s) ['os', >] disabled ^^^^ BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:52:15.514028 time=0:00:00.000577 [RunOsTests] Runs all tests related to gnt-os <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:15.514109 start [TestClusterTags] gnt-cluster tags Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster add-tags TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster list-tags' TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster search-tags '\''^TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag\d+$'\''' /cluster TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 /cluster TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 /cluster TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster remove-tags TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2' PUT /2/tags?tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 GET /2/jobs/136 GET /2/tags DELETE /2/tags?tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 GET /2/jobs/137 ---- PASSED [TestClusterTags] gnt-cluster tags ------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:19.739160 time=0:00:04.225051 [TestClusterTags] gnt-cluster tags vvvv BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:52:19.739236 start [RunCommonNodeTests] Run a few common node tests <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:19.739275 start [TestNodeVolumes] gnt-node volumes Command: ssh 'gnt-node volumes' Node PhysDev VG Name Size Instance /dev/vdb ceph-fbbbe1fe-2f5c-4b3a-861d-d3899b4ca75a osd-block-bd4ea2f0-1b5d-4668-a0cb-3941e88a114c 22.0G - /dev/vdb ceph-278bb508-cee0-43fd-8608-42c5b4430fcc osd-block-bb95996d-10d1-4245-b09b-87ed24193dee 22.0G - /dev/vdb ceph-dd876197-e193-4665-9308-03ecfb61e129 osd-block-cc77e594-d1cc-4bbf-a264-4de476a43f65 22.0G - ---- PASSED [TestNodeVolumes] gnt-node volumes ------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:20.711295 time=0:00:00.972020 [TestNodeVolumes] gnt-node volumes <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:20.711417 start [TestNodeStorage] gnt-node storage ---- PASSED [TestNodeStorage] gnt-node storage ------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:20.711474 time=0:00:00.000057 [TestNodeStorage] gnt-node storage **** 2024-09-10 04:52:20.711506 skipping [TestOutOfBand] gnt-node power, test(s) ['node-oob', >] disabled ^^^^ BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:52:20.711521 time=0:00:00.972285 [RunCommonNodeTests] Run a few common node tests vvvv BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:52:20.711548 start [RunGroupListTests] Run tests for listing node groups <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:20.711578 start [TestGroupList] gnt-group list --- Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output ndp/cpu_speed,alloc_policy,ndp/oob_program,ctime,pinst_cnt,ipolicy,mtime,ndp/exclusive_storage,ndp/ovs_name,custom_ipolicy,ndp/ovs_link,custom_ndparams,serial_no,diskparams,ndp/spindle_count,ndp/ssh_port,pinst_list,uuid,node_list,node_cnt,ndparams,tags,ndp/ovs,custom_diskparams,name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output alloc_policy,ctime,custom_diskparams,custom_ipolicy,custom_ndparams,diskparams,ipolicy,mtime,name,ndp/cpu_speed,ndp/exclusive_storage,ndp/oob_program,ndp/ovs,ndp/ovs_link,ndp/ovs_name,ndp/spindle_count,ndp/ssh_port,ndparams,node_cnt,node_list,pinst_cnt,pinst_list,serial_no,tags,uuid >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output ndp/cpu_speed,alloc_policy,ndp/oob_program,ctime,pinst_cnt,ipolicy,mtime,ndp/exclusive_storage,ndp/ovs_name,custom_ipolicy,ndp/ovs_link,custom_ndparams,serial_no,diskparams,ndp/spindle_count,ndp/ssh_port,pinst_list,uuid,node_list,node_cnt,ndparams,tags,ndp/ovs,custom_diskparams,name,ndp/cpu_speed,alloc_policy,ndp/oob_program,ctime,pinst_cnt,ipolicy,mtime,ndp/exclusive_storage,ndp/ovs_name,custom_ipolicy,ndp/ovs_link,custom_ndparams,serial_no,diskparams,ndp/spindle_count,ndp/ssh_port,pinst_list,uuid,node_list,node_cnt,ndparams,tags,ndp/ovs,custom_diskparams,name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output name,custom_diskparams,ndp/ovs,tags,ndparams >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output node_cnt,node_list,uuid,pinst_list >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output ndp/ssh_port,ndp/spindle_count >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output diskparams,serial_no,custom_ndparams,ndp/ovs_link,custom_ipolicy,ndp/ovs_name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output ndp/exclusive_storage,mtime >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output ipolicy,pinst_cnt,ctime,ndp/oob_program,alloc_policy,ndp/cpu_speed >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-group list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' default Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-group list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name default' default Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-group list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name default' default Command: ssh 'gnt-group list' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: unknown_entity, error details: NodeGroup name not found Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestGroupList] gnt-group list ----------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:22.788294 time=0:00:02.076716 [TestGroupList] gnt-group list Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:22.788374 start [TestGroupListFields] gnt-group list-fields Command: ssh 'gnt-group list-fields >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list-fields alloc_policy name serial_no uuid node_cnt node_list pinst_cnt pinst_list tags ipolicy custom_ipolicy custom_ndparams ndparams diskparams custom_diskparams ndp/cpu_speed ndp/exclusive_storage ndp/oob_program ndp/ovs ndp/ovs_link ndp/ovs_name ndp/spindle_count ndp/ssh_port ctime mtime >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-group list-fields '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers' alloc_policy|Text|AllocPolicy|Allocation policy for group ctime|Timestamp|CTime|Creation timestamp custom_diskparams|Custom|CustomDiskParameters|Custom disk parameters custom_ipolicy|Custom|CustomInstancePolicy|Custom instance policy limitations custom_ndparams|Custom|CustomNDParams|Custom node parameters diskparams|Custom|DiskParameters|Disk parameters (merged) ipolicy|Custom|InstancePolicy|Instance policy limitations (merged) mtime|Timestamp|MTime|Modification timestamp name|Text|Group|Group name ndp/cpu_speed|Floating-point number|ndp/cpu_speed|The "cpu_speed" node parameter ndp/exclusive_storage|Boolean|ExclusiveStorage|The "exclusive_storage" node parameter ndp/oob_program|Custom|OutOfBandProgram|The "oob_program" node parameter ndp/ovs|Boolean|OpenvSwitch|The "ovs" node parameter ndp/ovs_link|Custom|OpenvSwitchLink|The "ovs_link" node parameter ndp/ovs_name|Custom|OpenvSwitchName|The "ovs_name" node parameter ndp/spindle_count|Number|SpindleCount|The "spindle_count" node parameter ndp/ssh_port|Number|ndp/ssh_port|The "ssh_port" node parameter ndparams|Custom|NDParams|Node parameters node_cnt|Number|Nodes|Number of nodes node_list|Custom|NodeList|List of nodes pinst_cnt|Number|Instances|Number of primary instances pinst_list|Custom|InstanceList|List of primary instances serial_no|Number|SerialNo|Group object serial number, incremented on each modification tags|Custom|Tags|Tags uuid|Text|UUID|Group UUID Command: ssh 'gnt-group list-fields field/does/not/exist' Stdout was: Name Type Title Description field/does/not/exist Unknown field/does/not/exist Unknown field 'field/does/not/exist' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestGroupListFields] gnt-group list-fields ---------------- Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:23.370172 time=0:00:00.581798 [TestGroupListFields] gnt-group list-fields ^^^^ BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:52:23.370248 time=0:00:02.658700 [RunGroupListTests] Run tests for listing node groups vvvv BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:52:23.370283 start [RunGroupRwTests] Run tests for adding/removing/renaming groups <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:23.370323 start [TestGroupAddRemoveRename] gnt-group add/remove/rename Command: ssh 'gnt-group add group1' Command: ssh 'gnt-group add group2' Command: ssh 'gnt-group add group2' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: already_exists, error details: Desired group name 'group2' already exists as a node group (UUID: e2071ca5-2485-4c68-a45b-d45762320401) Command: ssh 'gnt-group add default' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: already_exists, error details: Desired group name 'default' already exists as a node group (UUID: d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) Command: ssh 'gnt-group rename group1 group2' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: already_exists, error details: Desired new name 'group2' clashes with existing node group (UUID: e2071ca5-2485-4c68-a45b-d45762320401) Command: ssh 'gnt-group rename group1 group3' Command: ssh 'gnt-group rename default group1' Command: ssh 'gnt-group remove group2' Command: ssh 'gnt-group remove group3' Command: ssh 'gnt-group remove group1' Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-group rename group1 default' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_state, error details: Group 'group1' not empty, has the following nodes: 312ddc2d-7a2b-4a34-864b-627d7dc0defd, 97205f04-c483-46ad-abdc-9f0cc29e31e9, cbcf8048-cdab-4d10-96cd-8e7ac9444f62 ---- PASSED [TestGroupAddRemoveRename] gnt-group add/remove/rename ----- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:33.588584 time=0:00:10.218261 [TestGroupAddRemoveRename] gnt-group add/remove/rename <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:33.588672 start [TestGroupAddWithOptions] gnt-group add with options Command: ssh 'gnt-group add --alloc-policy notvalid group1' Stderr was: Unhandled protocol error while talking to the master daemon: Failed to parse request: SubmitJob: Can't parse value for 'alloc_policy': Invalid string value for type AllocPolicy: "notvalid" Command: ssh 'gnt-group add --alloc-policy last_resort --node-parameters oob_program=/bin/true group1' Command: ssh 'gnt-group remove group1' ---- PASSED [TestGroupAddWithOptions] gnt-group add with options ------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:35.731160 time=0:00:02.142488 [TestGroupAddWithOptions] gnt-group add with options <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:35.731256 start [TestGroupModify] gnt-group modify ---- PASSED [TestGroupModify] gnt-group modify ------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:35.731306 time=0:00:00.000050 [TestGroupModify] gnt-group modify <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:35.731338 start [TestRapiNodeGroups] Test several node group operations using RAPI POST /2/groups GET /2/jobs/152 POST /2/groups GET /2/jobs/153 PUT /2/groups/group1/modify GET /2/jobs/154 PUT /2/groups/group2/rename GET /2/jobs/155 Testing get/modify symmetry of /2/groups/group3 and /2/groups/group3/modify GET successful at /2/groups/group3 PUT successful at /2/groups/group3/modify DELETE /2/groups/group1 GET /2/jobs/157 DELETE /2/groups/group3 GET /2/jobs/158 ---- PASSED [TestRapiNodeGroups] Test several node group operations using RAPI >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:41.407395 time=0:00:05.676057 [TestRapiNodeGroups] Test several node group operations using RAPI <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:41.407502 start [TestGroupTags] gnt-group tags --- Command: ssh 'gnt-group add-tags default TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list-tags default' TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster search-tags '\''^TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag\d+$'\''' /nodegroup/default TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 /nodegroup/default TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 /nodegroup/default TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 Command: ssh 'gnt-group remove-tags default TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2' PUT /2/groups/default/tags?tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 GET /2/jobs/162 GET /2/groups/default/tags DELETE /2/groups/default/tags?tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 GET /2/jobs/163 ---- PASSED [TestGroupTags] gnt-group tags ----------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:45.651261 time=0:00:04.243759 [TestGroupTags] gnt-group tags ^^^^ BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:52:45.651362 time=0:00:22.281079 [RunGroupRwTests] Run tests for adding/removing/renaming groups vvvv BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:52:45.651398 start [RunNetworkTests] Run tests for network management <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:45.651437 start [TestNetworkAddRemove] gnt-network add/remove Command: ssh 'gnt-network add --network network1' Command: ssh 'gnt-network add --network network2' Command: ssh 'gnt-network add --network network2' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: already_exists, error details: Desired network name 'network2' already exists as a network (UUID: 9edcf410-a444-4ee3-a722-15ea84156344) Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output gateway,uuid,tags,map,network,reserved_count,mtime,mac_prefix,gateway6,inst_cnt,ctime,inst_list,group_cnt,external_reservations,serial_no,free_count,network6,group_list,name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output ctime,external_reservations,free_count,gateway,gateway6,group_cnt,group_list,inst_cnt,inst_list,mac_prefix,map,mtime,name,network,network6,reserved_count,serial_no,tags,uuid >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output gateway,uuid,tags,map,network,reserved_count,mtime,mac_prefix,gateway6,inst_cnt,ctime,inst_list,group_cnt,external_reservations,serial_no,free_count,network6,group_list,name,gateway,uuid,tags,map,network,reserved_count,mtime,mac_prefix,gateway6,inst_cnt,ctime,inst_list,group_cnt,external_reservations,serial_no,free_count,network6,group_list,name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output name,group_list,network6,free_count,serial_no,external_reservations,group_cnt,inst_list,ctime >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output inst_cnt,gateway6,mac_prefix,mtime,reserved_count,network,map,tags,uuid,gateway >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' network1 network2 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name network2 network1' network2 network1 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name network1 network2' network1 network2 Command: ssh 'gnt-network list' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: unknown_entity, error details: Network name not found Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist Command: ssh 'gnt-network list-fields >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list-fields tags name network gateway network6 gateway6 mac_prefix serial_no uuid group_cnt group_list inst_cnt inst_list free_count reserved_count map external_reservations ctime mtime >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list-fields '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers' ctime|Timestamp|CTime|Creation timestamp external_reservations|Text|ExternalReservations|External reservations free_count|Number|FreeCount|Number of available addresses gateway|Custom|Gateway|IPv4 gateway gateway6|Custom|IPv6Gateway|IPv6 gateway group_cnt|Number|NodeGroups|Number of nodegroups group_list|Custom|GroupList|List of nodegroups (group name, NIC mode, NIC link) inst_cnt|Number|Instances|Number of instances inst_list|Custom|InstanceList|List of instances mac_prefix|Custom|MacPrefix|MAC address prefix map|Text|Map|Actual mapping mtime|Timestamp|MTime|Modification timestamp name|Text|Network|Name network|Text|Subnet|IPv4 subnet network6|Custom|IPv6Subnet|IPv6 subnet reserved_count|Number|ReservedCount|Number of reserved addresses serial_no|Number|SerialNo|Network object serial number, incremented on each modification tags|Custom|Tags|Tags uuid|Text|UUID|Network UUID Command: ssh 'gnt-network list-fields field/does/not/exist' Stdout was: Name Type Title Description field/does/not/exist Unknown field/does/not/exist Unknown field 'field/does/not/exist' Stderr was: Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist Command: ssh 'gnt-network remove network1' Command: ssh 'gnt-network remove network2' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output gateway,uuid,tags,map,network,reserved_count,mtime,mac_prefix,gateway6,inst_cnt,ctime,inst_list,group_cnt,external_reservations,serial_no,free_count,network6,group_list,name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output ctime,external_reservations,free_count,gateway,gateway6,group_cnt,group_list,inst_cnt,inst_list,mac_prefix,map,mtime,name,network,network6,reserved_count,serial_no,tags,uuid >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output gateway,uuid,tags,map,network,reserved_count,mtime,mac_prefix,gateway6,inst_cnt,ctime,inst_list,group_cnt,external_reservations,serial_no,free_count,network6,group_list,name,gateway,uuid,tags,map,network,reserved_count,mtime,mac_prefix,gateway6,inst_cnt,ctime,inst_list,group_cnt,external_reservations,serial_no,free_count,network6,group_list,name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output name,group_list,network6,free_count,serial_no,external_reservations,group_cnt,inst_list,ctime >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output inst_cnt,gateway6,mac_prefix,mtime,reserved_count,network,map,tags,uuid,gateway >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: unknown_entity, error details: Network name not found Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestNetworkAddRemove] gnt-network add/remove -------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:52:53.972611 time=0:00:08.321174 [TestNetworkAddRemove] gnt-network add/remove Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist <<<< 2024-09-10 04:52:53.972711 start [TestNetworkConnect] gnt-network connect/disconnect Command: ssh 'gnt-group add group1' Command: ssh 'gnt-network add --network network1' Command: ssh 'gnt-network connect --nic-parameters mode=bridged,link=xen-br0 network1 group1' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output gateway,uuid,tags,map,network,reserved_count,mtime,mac_prefix,gateway6,inst_cnt,ctime,inst_list,group_cnt,external_reservations,serial_no,free_count,network6,group_list,name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output ctime,external_reservations,free_count,gateway,gateway6,group_cnt,group_list,inst_cnt,inst_list,mac_prefix,map,mtime,name,network,network6,reserved_count,serial_no,tags,uuid >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output gateway,uuid,tags,map,network,reserved_count,mtime,mac_prefix,gateway6,inst_cnt,ctime,inst_list,group_cnt,external_reservations,serial_no,free_count,network6,group_list,name,gateway,uuid,tags,map,network,reserved_count,mtime,mac_prefix,gateway6,inst_cnt,ctime,inst_list,group_cnt,external_reservations,serial_no,free_count,network6,group_list,name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output name,group_list,network6,free_count,serial_no,external_reservations,group_cnt,inst_list,ctime >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output inst_cnt,gateway6,mac_prefix,mtime,reserved_count,network,map,tags,uuid,gateway >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' network1 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name network1' network1 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-network list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name network1' network1 Command: ssh 'gnt-network list' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: unknown_entity, error details: Network name not found Command: ssh 'gnt-network list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-network disconnect network1 group1' Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist Command: ssh 'gnt-group remove group1' Command: ssh 'gnt-network remove network1' ---- PASSED [TestNetworkConnect] gnt-network connect/disconnect -------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:53:01.013515 time=0:00:07.040804 [TestNetworkConnect] gnt-network connect/disconnect <<<< 2024-09-10 04:53:01.013625 start [TestNetworkTags] gnt-network tags Command: ssh 'gnt-network add --network network1' Command: ssh 'gnt-network add-tags network1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2' Command: ssh 'gnt-network list-tags network1' TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster search-tags '\''^TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag\d+$'\''' /network/network1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 /network/network1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 /network/network1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 Command: ssh 'gnt-network remove-tags network1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2' PUT /2/networks/network1/tags?tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 GET /2/jobs/179 GET /2/networks/network1/tags DELETE /2/networks/network1/tags?tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1&tag=TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 GET /2/jobs/180 Command: ssh 'gnt-network remove network1' ---- PASSED [TestNetworkTags] gnt-network tags ------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164131 time=0:00:06.150506 [TestNetworkTags] gnt-network tags ^^^^ BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164225 time=0:00:21.512827 [RunNetworkTests] Run tests for network management vvvv BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164258 start [RunFilterTests] Run tests for job filter management **** 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164301 skipping [TestFilterList] gnt-filter list, test(s) filters disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164310 skipping [TestFilterListFields] gnt-filter list-fields, test(s) filters disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164317 skipping [TestFilterAddRemove] gnt-filter add/delete, test(s) filters disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164323 skipping [TestFilterReject] Tests that the REJECT filter does reject new jobs and that the, test(s) filters disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164330 skipping [TestFilterOpCode] Tests that filtering with the "opcode" predicate works, test(s) filters disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164337 skipping [TestFilterReasonChain] Tests that filters are processed in the right order and that the, test(s) filters disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164343 skipping [TestFilterContinue] Tests that the CONTINUE filter has no effect, test(s) filters disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164350 skipping [TestFilterAcceptPause] Tests that the PAUSE filter allows scheduling, but prevents starting,, test(s) filters disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164356 skipping [TestFilterWatermark] Tests that the filter watermark is set correctly, test(s) filters disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164363 skipping [TestFilterRateLimit] Tests that the RATE_LIMIT filter does reject new jobs when all, test(s) filters disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164370 skipping [TestAdHocReasonRateLimit] Tests that ad-hoc rate limiting using --reason="rate-limit:n:..." works, test(s) filters disabled ^^^^ BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164374 time=0:00:00.000116 [RunFilterTests] Run tests for job filter management <<<< 2024-09-10 04:53:07.164455 start [TestNodeReadd] gnt-node add --readd Command: ssh 'gnt-node add --no-ssh-key-check --secondary-ip= --readd --no-node-setup' Stdout was: -- WARNING -- The option --no-node-setup is disabled. Whether or not the SSH setup is manipulated while adding a node is determined by the 'modify_ssh_setup' value in the cluster-wide configuration instead. Tue Sep 10 04:53:08 2024 - INFO: Readding a node, the offline/drained flags were reset Tue Sep 10 04:53:08 2024 - INFO: Node will be a master candidate Stderr was: ALERT: ganeti-noded started in debug mode. Private and secret parameters WILL be logged! Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' ---- PASSED [TestNodeReadd] gnt-node add --readd ----------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:53:13.200182 time=0:00:06.035727 [TestNodeReadd] gnt-node add --readd <<<< 2024-09-10 04:53:13.200255 start [TestNodeModify] gnt-node modify - Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --candidate-pool-size=2' Command: ssh 'gnt-node modify --master-candidate=no --auto-promote' Modified node - master_candidate -> False Command: ssh 'gnt-node modify --force --master-candidate=yes' Modified node - master_candidate -> True Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 190, 191 Waiting for job 190 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:18 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:53:18 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:53:18 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:53:18 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 191 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:19 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:53:19 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:19 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:20 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:20 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:53:20 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:53:20 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:53:20 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:53:20 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:53:20 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:53:20 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'gnt-node modify --force --master-candidate=no' Modified node - master_candidate -> False Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 194, 195 Waiting for job 194 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:22 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:53:22 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:53:22 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:53:22 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 195 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:23 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:53:23 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:23 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:24 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:24 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:53:24 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:53:24 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:53:24 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:53:24 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:53:24 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:53:24 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'gnt-node modify --force --drained=yes' Modified node - drained -> True Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 198, 199 Waiting for job 198 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:26 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:53:26 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:53:26 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:53:26 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 199 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:26 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:53:26 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:26 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:27 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:27 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:53:27 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:53:27 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:53:27 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:53:27 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:53:27 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:53:27 2024 - NOTICE: 1 drained node(s) found. Tue Sep 10 04:53:27 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'gnt-node modify --force --drained=no' Modified node - drained -> False Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 202, 203 Waiting for job 202 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:29 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:53:29 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:53:29 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:53:29 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 203 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:30 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:53:30 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:30 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:31 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:31 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:53:31 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:53:31 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:53:31 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:53:31 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:53:31 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:53:31 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'gnt-node modify --force --offline=yes' Tue Sep 10 04:53:32 2024 Failed to stop KVM daemon on node '': Node is marked offline Modified node - offline -> True Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 206, 207 Waiting for job 206 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:33 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:53:33 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:53:33 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:53:33 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 207 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:33 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:53:33 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:33 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:34 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:34 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:53:34 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:53:34 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:53:34 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:53:34 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:53:34 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:53:34 2024 - NOTICE: 1 offline node(s) found. Tue Sep 10 04:53:34 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'gnt-node modify --force --offline=no' Tue Sep 10 04:53:35 2024 - WARNING: Transitioning node from offline to online state without using re-add. Please make sure the node is healthy! Modified node - offline -> False Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 210, 211 Waiting for job 210 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:36 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:53:36 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:53:36 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:53:36 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 211 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:36 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:53:36 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:36 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:37 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:37 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:53:37 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:53:37 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:53:37 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:53:37 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:53:37 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:53:37 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'gnt-node modify --master-candidate=yes' Modified node - master_candidate -> True Command: ssh 'gnt-node modify --secondary-ip=' Modified node - secondary_ip -> Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster modify --candidate-pool-size=10' Tue Sep 10 04:53:44 2024 - INFO: Note: more nodes are candidates (3) than desired (2) ---- PASSED [TestNodeModify] gnt-node modify --------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:53:44.519989 time=0:00:31.319734 [TestNodeModify] gnt-node modify <<<< 2024-09-10 04:53:44.520058 start [TestDelay] gnt-debug delay ------ Command: ssh 'gnt-debug delay 1' Command: ssh 'gnt-debug delay --no-master 1' Command: ssh 'gnt-debug delay --no-master -n 1' ---- PASSED [TestDelay] gnt-debug delay -------------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:53:49.906742 time=0:00:05.386684 [TestDelay] gnt-debug delay Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'sha1sum /var/lib/ganeti/' 55ff39c92bfc4959eeff2c31fd5d5b2e315d1d99 /var/lib/ganeti/ Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 222, 223 Waiting for job 222 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:51 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:53:51 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:53:51 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:53:51 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 223 ... Tue Sep 10 04:53:51 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:53:51 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:51 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:52 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:53:52 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:53:52 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:53:52 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:53:52 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:53:52 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:53:52 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:53:52 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'sha1sum /var/lib/ganeti/' 55ff39c92bfc4959eeff2c31fd5d5b2e315d1d99 /var/lib/ganeti/ <<<< 2024-09-10 04:53:52.831354 start [TestNodeTags] gnt-node tags ----- Command: ssh 'gnt-node add-tags TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list-tags' TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster search-tags '\''^TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag\d+$'\''' /nodes/ TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 /nodes/ TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 /nodes/ TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 Command: ssh 'gnt-node remove-tags TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2' PUT /2/nodes/ GET /2/jobs/227 GET /2/nodes/ DELETE /2/nodes/ GET /2/jobs/228 ---- PASSED [TestNodeTags] gnt-node tags ------------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:53:57.443604 time=0:00:04.612250 [TestNodeTags] gnt-node tags <<<< 2024-09-10 04:53:57.443750 start [TestNode] Testing getting node(s) info via remote API GET /2/nodes/ GET /2/nodes GET /2/nodes?bulk=1 Testing get/modify symmetry of /2/nodes/ and /2/nodes/ GET successful at /2/nodes/ POST successful at /2/nodes/ ---- PASSED [TestNode] Testing getting node(s) info via remote API ----- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:53:58.188098 time=0:00:00.744348 [TestNode] Testing getting node(s) info via remote API vvvv BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:53:58.188204 start [RunInstanceTests] Create and exercise instances **** 2024-09-10 04:53:58.188248 skipping Creating instances of template plain, test(s) instance-add-plain-disk disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:58.188258 skipping Creating instances of template drbd, test(s) instance-add-drbd-disk disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:58.188266 skipping Creating instances of template diskless, test(s) instance-add-diskless disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:58.188273 skipping Creating instances of template file, test(s) instance-add-file disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:53:58.188279 skipping Creating instances of template sharedfile, test(s) instance-add-shared-file disabled ---- Starting instance tests with default HVparams --------------------- <<<< 2024-09-10 04:53:58.188356 start [TestInstanceAddRADOSBlockDevice] gnt-instance add -t rbd Command: ssh 'gnt-instance add --os-type=noop --disk-template=rbd -B minmem=256M,maxmem=768M --disk 0:size=768M,name=disk0 --disk 1:size=512M,name=disk1' Tue Sep 10 04:53:59 2024 * disk 0, size 768M Tue Sep 10 04:53:59 2024 * disk 1, size 512M Tue Sep 10 04:53:59 2024 * creating instance disks... Tue Sep 10 04:53:59 2024 adding instance to cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:53:59 2024 adding disks to cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:53:59 2024 - INFO: Waiting for instance to sync disks Tue Sep 10 04:53:59 2024 - INFO: Instance's disks are in sync Tue Sep 10 04:53:59 2024 - INFO: Waiting for instance to sync disks Tue Sep 10 04:53:59 2024 - INFO: Instance's disks are in sync Tue Sep 10 04:53:59 2024 * running the instance OS create scripts... Tue Sep 10 04:53:59 2024 * starting instance... Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 4 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 State: configured to be up, actual state is up Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_instance_list' ---- PASSED [TestInstanceAddRADOSBlockDevice] gnt-instance add -t rbd -- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:54:01.335031 time=0:00:03.146675 [TestInstanceAddRADOSBlockDevice] gnt-instance add -t rbd **** 2024-09-10 04:54:01.335140 skipping [TestInstanceUserDown] Tests user shutdown, test(s) instance-user-down disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:54:01.335157 skipping [TestInstanceCommunication] Tests instance communication via 'gnt-instance modify', test(s) instance-communication disabled <<<< 2024-09-10 04:54:01.335166 start [TestClusterEpo] gnt-cluster epo - Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list --verbose --no-headers -o powered' (unavail) (unavail) (unavail) Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster epo --groups --all' Stderr was: Only one of --groups or --all are allowed Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster epo --all some_arg' Stderr was: Arguments in combination with --all are not allowed Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster epo -f' Stderr was: is the master node, please do a master-failover to another node not affected by the EPO or use --all if you intend to shutdown the whole cluster Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster watcher pause 12h' The watcher is paused until Tue Sep 10 16:54:02 2024. Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster epo -f --all' Node does not support out-of-band handling, it can not be handled in a fully automated manner Node does not support out-of-band handling, it can not be handled in a fully automated manner Node does not support out-of-band handling, it can not be handled in a fully automated manner Submit shutdown of instance Submitted jobs 232 Waiting for job 232 for ... All instances have been stopped successfully Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance list --no-headers -o status' ERROR_down Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster epo --on -f --all' Node does not support out-of-band handling, it can not be handled in a fully automated manner Node does not support out-of-band handling, it can not be handled in a fully automated manner Waiting until all nodes are available again Submit startup of instance Submitted jobs 233 Waiting for job 233 for ... All instances have been started successfully Node became available Node became available Node became available Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance list --no-headers -o status' running Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster watcher continue' The watcher is no longer paused. ---- PASSED [TestClusterEpo] gnt-cluster epo --------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:54:11.370805 time=0:00:10.035639 [TestClusterEpo] gnt-cluster epo <<<< 2024-09-10 04:54:11.370866 start [TestPauseWatcher] Tests and pauses the watcher Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster watcher pause 4h' The watcher is paused until Tue Sep 10 08:54:11 2024. Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster watcher info' The watcher is paused until Tue Sep 10 08:54:11 2024. ---- PASSED [TestPauseWatcher] Tests and pauses the watcher ------------ >>>> 2024-09-10 04:54:11.935415 time=0:00:00.564549 [TestPauseWatcher] Tests and pauses the watcher **** 2024-09-10 04:54:11.935521 skipping [TestInstanceAutomaticRestart] Test automatic restart of instance by ganeti-watcher, test(s) instance-automatic-restart disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:54:11.935532 skipping [TestInstanceConsecutiveFailures] Test five consecutive instance failures, test(s) instance-consecutive-failures disabled <<<< 2024-09-10 04:54:11.935537 start [TestResumeWatcher] Tests and unpauses the watcher Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster watcher continue' The watcher is no longer paused. Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-cluster watcher info' The watcher is not paused. ---- PASSED [TestResumeWatcher] Tests and unpauses the watcher --------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:54:12.483334 time=0:00:00.547797 [TestResumeWatcher] Tests and unpauses the watcher <<<< 2024-09-10 04:54:12.483399 start [TestNodeListDrbd] gnt-node list-drbd Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list-drbd --no-header' ---- PASSED [TestNodeListDrbd] gnt-node list-drbd ---------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:54:12.682295 time=0:00:00.198896 [TestNodeListDrbd] gnt-node list-drbd **** 2024-09-10 04:54:12.682390 skipping Converting instance of template rbd, test(s) conversion feature disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:54:12.682403 skipping [TestInstanceModifyDisks] gnt-instance modify --disk, test(s) instance-modify-disks disabled <<<< 2024-09-10 04:54:12.682412 start [TestInstanceShutdown] gnt-instance shutdown Command: ssh 'gnt-instance shutdown' Waiting for job 234 for ... ---- PASSED [TestInstanceShutdown] gnt-instance shutdown --------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:54:29.080630 time=0:00:16.398218 [TestInstanceShutdown] gnt-instance shutdown **** 2024-09-10 04:54:29.080741 skipping [TestRapiStoppedInstanceConsole] Test getting stopped instance's console information via RAPI, test(s) ['instance-shutdown', 'instance-console', ] disabled <<<< 2024-09-10 04:54:29.080757 start [TestInstanceStoppedModify] gnt-instance modify (stopped instance) Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --online' Modified instance - admin_state -> down Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --offline' Modified instance - admin_state -> offline Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance shutdown' Stdout was: Waiting for job 237 for ... Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-instance shutdown --force' Job 237 for has failed: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_state, error details: Instance '' is marked to be offline, can't use instance from outside down, up states Waiting for job 238 for ... Tue Sep 10 04:54:32 2024 - WARNING: Ignoring offline instance check Command: ssh 'gnt-instance start' Stdout was: Waiting for job 239 for ... Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-instance start --force' Job 239 for has failed: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_state, error details: Instance '' is marked to be offline, can't use instance from outside down, up states Stdout was: Waiting for job 240 for ... Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --offline' Job 240 for has failed: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_state, error details: Instance '' is marked to be offline, can't use instance from outside down, up states Modified instance - admin_state -> offline Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --online' Modified instance - admin_state -> down Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. ---- PASSED [TestInstanceStoppedModify] gnt-instance modify (stopped instance) >>>> 2024-09-10 04:54:36.511234 time=0:00:07.430477 [TestInstanceStoppedModify] gnt-instance modify (stopped instance) <<<< 2024-09-10 04:54:36.511317 start [TestInstanceStartup] gnt-instance startup Command: ssh 'gnt-instance startup' Waiting for job 243 for ... ---- PASSED [TestInstanceStartup] gnt-instance startup ----------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:54:38.118741 time=0:00:01.607424 [TestInstanceStartup] gnt-instance startup <<<< 2024-09-10 04:54:38.118825 start [TestRapiInstanceShutdown] Test stopping an instance via RAPI GET /2/jobs/244 ---- PASSED [TestRapiInstanceShutdown] Test stopping an instance via RAPI >>>> 2024-09-10 04:54:54.384042 time=0:00:16.265217 [TestRapiInstanceShutdown] Test stopping an instance via RAPI <<<< 2024-09-10 04:54:54.384147 start [TestRapiInstanceStartup] Test starting an instance via RAPI GET /2/jobs/245 ---- PASSED [TestRapiInstanceStartup] Test starting an instance via RAPI >>>> 2024-09-10 04:54:55.897190 time=0:00:01.513043 [TestRapiInstanceStartup] Test starting an instance via RAPI <<<< 2024-09-10 04:54:55.897304 start [TestInstanceList] gnt-instance list Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/nic_type,nic.macs,nic.bridge/5,,hv/disk_discard,disk.uuid/12,disk.size/8,disk.size/11,hv/cpu_cores,disk.size/1,nic.bridge/4,,disk.spindles/0,nic.networks.names,hv/spice_bind,,hv/root_path,hv/cpu_mask,,disk.uuid/4,console,disk.size/3,be/minmem,os,be/memory,hv/kvm_pci_reservations,hv/usb_mouse,nic.vlan/6,nic.uuid/7,nic.ip/6,disk_usage,be/auto_balance,hv/pci_pass,hv/serial_speed,disk.uuid/8,hv/cdrom2_image_path,hv/debug_threads,hv/bootloader_args,disk.uuid/0,nic.vlan/5,disk.spindles/10,nic.uuid/1,be/vcpus,nic.ip/0,hv/disk_type,hypervisor,disk.spindles/13,disk.uuid/6,custom_osparams,nic.mode/4,hv/cpu_type,,,nic.mac/3,,be/spindle_use,nic.ip/5,disk.uuid/9,hv/floppy_image_path,,disk.count,hv/use_guest_agent,pnode,hv/spice_playback_compression,admin_up,hv/scsi_controller_type,nic.modes,disk.spindles,,hv/spice_streaming_video,,disk.uuids,disk.spindles/6,nic.ip/3,nic.vlan/0,nic.uuid/4,,hv/use_localtime,hv/kernel_args,tags,disk.spindles/9,,hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression,,hv/vga,hv/cdrom_image_path,hv/devices,hv/viridian,uuid,,disk.size/5,,,hv/vnc_tls,,oper_vcpus,hv/keymap,serial_no,oper_ram,nic.vlan/7,hv/migration_downtime,,,custom_beparams,nic.uuids,hv/disk_aio,nic.uuid/0,nic.uuid/6,,,,disk.size/9,nic.names,nic.mode/5,sdb_size,disk.size/15,disk.spindles/12,hv/blockdev_prefix,,nic.bridge/0,hv/vnet_hdr,disk.uuid/13,status,hv/vnc_x509_verify,nic.mode/7,,,disk.size/2,nic.networks,,disk.uuid/2,nic.vlan/1,disk.spindles/1,disks_active,,disk.size/14,nic.vlan/2,hv/boot_order,hv/machine_version,disk.size/0,nic.bridge/7,admin_state_source,hv/cdrom_disk_type,nic.mac/2,nic.mode/2,nic.mode/6,,disk.spindles/11,,hv/pae,hv/mem_path,disk.size/7,hv/cpu_weight,nic.mac/4,hv/use_bootloader,hv/drop_capabilities,hv/bootloader_path,nic.uuid/5,,nic.bridge/6,,disk.names,,,disk.uuid/15,vcpus,hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression,hv/spice_password_file,,hv/cpu_cap,,nic.mac/5,hv/reboot_behavior,hv/user_shutdown,hv/spice_image_compression,nic.mac/0,mac,disk.size/4,hv/startup_timeout,,hv/migration_caps,custom_hvparams,nic.bridge/1,nic.mode/3,disk.uuid/7,nic.ip/2,,,,nic.uuid/2,disk.uuid/14,,custom_nicparams,disk.uuid/11,hv/vnc_x509_path,hv/initrd_path,nic.ip/1,hv/disk_cache,,hv/kvm_path,disk.spindles/15,nic.mac/7,ip,hv/acpi,network_port,disk.sizes,disk.uuid/5,,nic.mac/6,disk.spindles/2,oper_state,hv/usb_devices,disk.uuid/3,,nic_network,hv/spice_ip_version,hv/vhost_net,disk.uuid/1,disk.spindles/5,nic.mode/1,nic.vlan/4,nic_link,forthcoming,hvparams,snodes,hv/spice_use_vdagent,nic.bridge/3,disk_template,,osparams,hv/use_chroot,nic.uuid/3,,bridge,disk.size/10,nic.bridges,nic.vlans,hv/vif_script,hv/vif_type,nic.bridge/2,hv/serial_console,hv/kvm_extra,hv/security_model,hv/extra_config,hv/security_domain,disk.spindles/8,nic.vlan/3,,hv/soundhw,ctime,hv/init_script,hv/device_model,hv/extra_cgroups,hv/cpu_sockets,hv/spice_use_tls,nic_mode,be/maxmem,nic.ip/7,disk.uuid/10,nic.links,hv/kvm_flag,hv/cpuid,be/always_failover,nic.mode/0,nic.ips,,hv/spice_tls_ciphers,,mtime,sda_size,nic.mac/1,nic.count,disk.spindles/3,disk.size/6,hv/vnc_bind_address,hv/num_ttys,hv/kernel_path,admin_state,nic.ip/4,disk.spindles/4,hv/virtio_net_queues,,beparams,,,disk.spindles/14,disk.size/12,disk.size/13,,hv/vnc_password_file,name,hv/cpu_threads,disk.spindles/7 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output admin_state,admin_state_source,admin_up,be/always_failover,be/auto_balance,be/maxmem,be/memory,be/minmem,be/spindle_use,be/vcpus,beparams,bridge,console,ctime,custom_beparams,custom_hvparams,custom_nicparams,custom_osparams,disk.count,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,disk.names,disk.size/0,disk.size/1,disk.size/10,disk.size/11,disk.size/12,disk.size/13,disk.size/14,disk.size/15,disk.size/2,disk.size/3,disk.size/4,disk.size/5,disk.size/6,disk.size/7,disk.size/8,disk.size/9,disk.sizes,disk.spindles,disk.spindles/0,disk.spindles/1,disk.spindles/10,disk.spindles/11,disk.spindles/12,disk.spindles/13,disk.spindles/14,disk.spindles/15,disk.spindles/2,disk.spindles/3,disk.spindles/4,disk.spindles/5,disk.spindles/6,disk.spindles/7,disk.spindles/8,disk.spindles/9,disk.uuid/0,disk.uuid/1,disk.uuid/10,disk.uuid/11,disk.uuid/12,disk.uuid/13,disk.uuid/14,disk.uuid/15,disk.uuid/2,disk.uuid/3,disk.uuid/4,disk.uuid/5,disk.uuid/6,disk.uuid/7,disk.uuid/8,disk.uuid/9,disk.uuids,disk_template,disk_usage,disks_active,forthcoming,hv/acpi,hv/blockdev_prefix,hv/boot_order,hv/bootloader_args,hv/bootloader_path,hv/cdrom2_image_path,hv/cdrom_disk_type,hv/cdrom_image_path,hv/cpu_cap,hv/cpu_cores,hv/cpu_mask,hv/cpu_sockets,hv/cpu_threads,hv/cpu_type,hv/cpu_weight,hv/cpuid,hv/debug_threads,hv/device_model,hv/devices,hv/disk_aio,hv/disk_cache,hv/disk_discard,hv/disk_type,hv/drop_capabilities,hv/extra_cgroups,hv/extra_config,hv/floppy_image_path,hv/init_script,hv/initrd_path,hv/kernel_args,hv/kernel_path,hv/keymap,hv/kvm_extra,hv/kvm_flag,hv/kvm_path,hv/kvm_pci_reservations,hv/machine_version,hv/mem_path,hv/migration_caps,hv/migration_downtime,hv/nic_type,hv/num_ttys,hv/pae,hv/pci_pass,hv/reboot_behavior,hv/root_path,hv/scsi_controller_type,hv/security_domain,hv/security_model,hv/serial_console,hv/serial_speed,hv/soundhw,hv/spice_bind,hv/spice_image_compression,hv/spice_ip_version,hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression,hv/spice_password_file,hv/spice_playback_compression,hv/spice_streaming_video,hv/spice_tls_ciphers,hv/spice_use_tls,hv/spice_use_vdagent,hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression,hv/startup_timeout,hv/usb_devices,hv/usb_mouse,hv/use_bootloader,hv/use_chroot,hv/use_guest_agent,hv/use_localtime,hv/user_shutdown,hv/vga,hv/vhost_net,hv/vif_script,hv/vif_type,hv/viridian,hv/virtio_net_queues,hv/vnc_bind_address,hv/vnc_password_file,hv/vnc_tls,hv/vnc_x509_path,hv/vnc_x509_verify,hv/vnet_hdr,hvparams,hypervisor,ip,mac,mtime,name,network_port,nic.bridge/0,nic.bridge/1,nic.bridge/2,nic.bridge/3,nic.bridge/4,nic.bridge/5,nic.bridge/6,nic.bridge/7,nic.bridges,nic.count,nic.ip/0,nic.ip/1,nic.ip/2,nic.ip/3,nic.ip/4,nic.ip/5,nic.ip/6,nic.ip/7,nic.ips,,,,,,,,,nic.links,nic.mac/0,nic.mac/1,nic.mac/2,nic.mac/3,nic.mac/4,nic.mac/5,nic.mac/6,nic.mac/7,nic.macs,nic.mode/0,nic.mode/1,nic.mode/2,nic.mode/3,nic.mode/4,nic.mode/5,nic.mode/6,nic.mode/7,nic.modes,,,,,,,,,nic.names,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nic.networks,nic.networks.names,nic.uuid/0,nic.uuid/1,nic.uuid/2,nic.uuid/3,nic.uuid/4,nic.uuid/5,nic.uuid/6,nic.uuid/7,nic.uuids,nic.vlan/0,nic.vlan/1,nic.vlan/2,nic.vlan/3,nic.vlan/4,nic.vlan/5,nic.vlan/6,nic.vlan/7,nic.vlans,nic_link,nic_mode,nic_network,oper_ram,oper_state,oper_vcpus,os,osparams,pnode,,,sda_size,sdb_size,serial_no,snodes,,,status,tags,uuid,vcpus >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/nic_type,nic.macs,nic.bridge/5,,hv/disk_discard,disk.uuid/12,disk.size/8,disk.size/11,hv/cpu_cores,disk.size/1,nic.bridge/4,,disk.spindles/0,nic.networks.names,hv/spice_bind,,hv/root_path,hv/cpu_mask,,disk.uuid/4,console,disk.size/3,be/minmem,os,be/memory,hv/kvm_pci_reservations,hv/usb_mouse,nic.vlan/6,nic.uuid/7,nic.ip/6,disk_usage,be/auto_balance,hv/pci_pass,hv/serial_speed,disk.uuid/8,hv/cdrom2_image_path,hv/debug_threads,hv/bootloader_args,disk.uuid/0,nic.vlan/5,disk.spindles/10,nic.uuid/1,be/vcpus,nic.ip/0,hv/disk_type,hypervisor,disk.spindles/13,disk.uuid/6,custom_osparams,nic.mode/4,hv/cpu_type,,,nic.mac/3,,be/spindle_use,nic.ip/5,disk.uuid/9,hv/floppy_image_path,,disk.count,hv/use_guest_agent,pnode,hv/spice_playback_compression,admin_up,hv/scsi_controller_type,nic.modes,disk.spindles,,hv/spice_streaming_video,,disk.uuids,disk.spindles/6,nic.ip/3,nic.vlan/0,nic.uuid/4,,hv/use_localtime,hv/kernel_args,tags,disk.spindles/9,,hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression,,hv/vga,hv/cdrom_image_path,hv/devices,hv/viridian,uuid,,disk.size/5,,,hv/vnc_tls,,oper_vcpus,hv/keymap,serial_no,oper_ram,nic.vlan/7,hv/migration_downtime,,,custom_beparams,nic.uuids,hv/disk_aio,nic.uuid/0,nic.uuid/6,,,,disk.size/9,nic.names,nic.mode/5,sdb_size,disk.size/15,disk.spindles/12,hv/blockdev_prefix,,nic.bridge/0,hv/vnet_hdr,disk.uuid/13,status,hv/vnc_x509_verify,nic.mode/7,,,disk.size/2,nic.networks,,disk.uuid/2,nic.vlan/1,disk.spindles/1,disks_active,,disk.size/14,nic.vlan/2,hv/boot_order,hv/machine_version,disk.size/0,nic.bridge/7,admin_state_source,hv/cdrom_disk_type,nic.mac/2,nic.mode/2,nic.mode/6,,disk.spindles/11,,hv/pae,hv/mem_path,disk.size/7,hv/cpu_weight,nic.mac/4,hv/use_bootloader,hv/drop_capabilities,hv/bootloader_path,nic.uuid/5,,nic.bridge/6,,disk.names,,,disk.uuid/15,vcpus,hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression,hv/spice_password_file,,hv/cpu_cap,,nic.mac/5,hv/reboot_behavior,hv/user_shutdown,hv/spice_image_compression,nic.mac/0,mac,disk.size/4,hv/startup_timeout,,hv/migration_caps,custom_hvparams,nic.bridge/1,nic.mode/3,disk.uuid/7,nic.ip/2,,,,nic.uuid/2,disk.uuid/14,,custom_nicparams,disk.uuid/11,hv/vnc_x509_path,hv/initrd_path,nic.ip/1,hv/disk_cache,,hv/kvm_path,disk.spindles/15,nic.mac/7,ip,hv/acpi,network_port,disk.sizes,disk.uuid/5,,nic.mac/6,disk.spindles/2,oper_state,hv/usb_devices,disk.uuid/3,,nic_network,hv/spice_ip_version,hv/vhost_net,disk.uuid/1,disk.spindles/5,nic.mode/1,nic.vlan/4,nic_link,forthcoming,hvparams,snodes,hv/spice_use_vdagent,nic.bridge/3,disk_template,,osparams,hv/use_chroot,nic.uuid/3,,bridge,disk.size/10,nic.bridges,nic.vlans,hv/vif_script,hv/vif_type,nic.bridge/2,hv/serial_console,hv/kvm_extra,hv/security_model,hv/extra_config,hv/security_domain,disk.spindles/8,nic.vlan/3,,hv/soundhw,ctime,hv/init_script,hv/device_model,hv/extra_cgroups,hv/cpu_sockets,hv/spice_use_tls,nic_mode,be/maxmem,nic.ip/7,disk.uuid/10,nic.links,hv/kvm_flag,hv/cpuid,be/always_failover,nic.mode/0,nic.ips,,hv/spice_tls_ciphers,,mtime,sda_size,nic.mac/1,nic.count,disk.spindles/3,disk.size/6,hv/vnc_bind_address,hv/num_ttys,hv/kernel_path,admin_state,nic.ip/4,disk.spindles/4,hv/virtio_net_queues,,beparams,,,disk.spindles/14,disk.size/12,disk.size/13,,hv/vnc_password_file,name,hv/cpu_threads,disk.spindles/7,hv/nic_type,nic.macs,nic.bridge/5,,hv/disk_discard,disk.uuid/12,disk.size/8,disk.size/11,hv/cpu_cores,disk.size/1,nic.bridge/4,,disk.spindles/0,nic.networks.names,hv/spice_bind,,hv/root_path,hv/cpu_mask,,disk.uuid/4,console,disk.size/3,be/minmem,os,be/memory,hv/kvm_pci_reservations,hv/usb_mouse,nic.vlan/6,nic.uuid/7,nic.ip/6,disk_usage,be/auto_balance,hv/pci_pass,hv/serial_speed,disk.uuid/8,hv/cdrom2_image_path,hv/debug_threads,hv/bootloader_args,disk.uuid/0,nic.vlan/5,disk.spindles/10,nic.uuid/1,be/vcpus,nic.ip/0,hv/disk_type,hypervisor,disk.spindles/13,disk.uuid/6,custom_osparams,nic.mode/4,hv/cpu_type,,,nic.mac/3,,be/spindle_use,nic.ip/5,disk.uuid/9,hv/floppy_image_path,,disk.count,hv/use_guest_agent,pnode,hv/spice_playback_compression,admin_up,hv/scsi_controller_type,nic.modes,disk.spindles,,hv/spice_streaming_video,,disk.uuids,disk.spindles/6,nic.ip/3,nic.vlan/0,nic.uuid/4,,hv/use_localtime,hv/kernel_args,tags,disk.spindles/9,,hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression,,hv/vga,hv/cdrom_image_path,hv/devices,hv/viridian,uuid,,disk.size/5,,,hv/vnc_tls,,oper_vcpus,hv/keymap,serial_no,oper_ram,nic.vlan/7,hv/migration_downtime,,,custom_beparams,nic.uuids,hv/disk_aio,nic.uuid/0,nic.uuid/6,,,,disk.size/9,nic.names,nic.mode/5,sdb_size,disk.size/15,disk.spindles/12,hv/blockdev_prefix,,nic.bridge/0,hv/vnet_hdr,disk.uuid/13,status,hv/vnc_x509_verify,nic.mode/7,,,disk.size/2,nic.networks,,disk.uuid/2,nic.vlan/1,disk.spindles/1,disks_active,,disk.size/14,nic.vlan/2,hv/boot_order,hv/machine_version,disk.size/0,nic.bridge/7,admin_state_source,hv/cdrom_disk_type,nic.mac/2,nic.mode/2,nic.mode/6,,disk.spindles/11,,hv/pae,hv/mem_path,disk.size/7,hv/cpu_weight,nic.mac/4,hv/use_bootloader,hv/drop_capabilities,hv/bootloader_path,nic.uuid/5,,nic.bridge/6,,disk.names,,,disk.uuid/15,vcpus,hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression,hv/spice_password_file,,hv/cpu_cap,,nic.mac/5,hv/reboot_behavior,hv/user_shutdown,hv/spice_image_compression,nic.mac/0,mac,disk.size/4,hv/startup_timeout,,hv/migration_caps,custom_hvparams,nic.bridge/1,nic.mode/3,disk.uuid/7,nic.ip/2,,,,nic.uuid/2,disk.uuid/14,,custom_nicparams,disk.uuid/11,hv/vnc_x509_path,hv/initrd_path,nic.ip/1,hv/disk_cache,,hv/kvm_path,disk.spindles/15,nic.mac/7,ip,hv/acpi,network_port,disk.sizes,disk.uuid/5,,nic.mac/6,disk.spindles/2,oper_state,hv/usb_devices,disk.uuid/3,,nic_network,hv/spice_ip_version,hv/vhost_net,disk.uuid/1,disk.spindles/5,nic.mode/1,nic.vlan/4,nic_link,forthcoming,hvparams,snodes,hv/spice_use_vdagent,nic.bridge/3,disk_template,,osparams,hv/use_chroot,nic.uuid/3,,bridge,disk.size/10,nic.bridges,nic.vlans,hv/vif_script,hv/vif_type,nic.bridge/2,hv/serial_console,hv/kvm_extra,hv/security_model,hv/extra_config,hv/security_domain,disk.spindles/8,nic.vlan/3,,hv/soundhw,ctime,hv/init_script,hv/device_model,hv/extra_cgroups,hv/cpu_sockets,hv/spice_use_tls,nic_mode,be/maxmem,nic.ip/7,disk.uuid/10,nic.links,hv/kvm_flag,hv/cpuid,be/always_failover,nic.mode/0,nic.ips,,hv/spice_tls_ciphers,,mtime,sda_size,nic.mac/1,nic.count,disk.spindles/3,disk.size/6,hv/vnc_bind_address,hv/num_ttys,hv/kernel_path,admin_state,nic.ip/4,disk.spindles/4,hv/virtio_net_queues,,beparams,,,disk.spindles/14,disk.size/12,disk.size/13,,hv/vnc_password_file,name,hv/cpu_threads,disk.spindles/7 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.spindles/7,hv/cpu_threads,name,hv/vnc_password_file,,disk.size/13,disk.size/12,disk.spindles/14, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,beparams, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/virtio_net_queues,disk.spindles/4,nic.ip/4,admin_state,hv/kernel_path,hv/num_ttys,hv/vnc_bind_address >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/6,disk.spindles/3,nic.count >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.mac/1,sda_size >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output mtime, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/spice_tls_ciphers,,nic.ips,nic.mode/0,be/always_failover >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/cpuid,hv/kvm_flag,nic.links,disk.uuid/10,nic.ip/7 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output be/maxmem,nic_mode,hv/spice_use_tls >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/cpu_sockets,hv/extra_cgroups,hv/device_model >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/init_script,ctime,hv/soundhw,,nic.vlan/3,disk.spindles/8,hv/security_domain,hv/extra_config >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/security_model,hv/kvm_extra,hv/serial_console,nic.bridge/2,hv/vif_type,hv/vif_script,nic.vlans,nic.bridges >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/10,bridge,,nic.uuid/3,hv/use_chroot >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output osparams,,disk_template,nic.bridge/3,hv/spice_use_vdagent,snodes,hvparams,forthcoming >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic_link,nic.vlan/4,nic.mode/1,disk.spindles/5,disk.uuid/1,hv/vhost_net,hv/spice_ip_version,nic_network, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.uuid/3,hv/usb_devices,oper_state,disk.spindles/2,nic.mac/6, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.uuid/5,disk.sizes,network_port,hv/acpi,ip,nic.mac/7,disk.spindles/15 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/kvm_path,,hv/disk_cache,nic.ip/1,hv/initrd_path,hv/vnc_x509_path,disk.uuid/11,custom_nicparams,,disk.uuid/14 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.uuid/2, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.ip/2,disk.uuid/7,nic.mode/3,nic.bridge/1,custom_hvparams,hv/migration_caps,,hv/startup_timeout >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/4,mac,nic.mac/0 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/spice_image_compression,hv/user_shutdown,hv/reboot_behavior >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.mac/5,,hv/cpu_cap,,hv/spice_password_file,hv/spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression,vcpus >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.uuid/15,,,disk.names,,nic.bridge/6,,nic.uuid/5 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/bootloader_path,hv/drop_capabilities,hv/use_bootloader,nic.mac/4,hv/cpu_weight,disk.size/7 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/mem_path,hv/pae,,disk.spindles/11,,nic.mode/6,nic.mode/2,nic.mac/2 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/cdrom_disk_type,admin_state_source,nic.bridge/7,disk.size/0,hv/machine_version,hv/boot_order,nic.vlan/2 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/14,,disks_active,disk.spindles/1,nic.vlan/1,disk.uuid/2 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,nic.networks,disk.size/2,,,nic.mode/7 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/vnc_x509_verify,status,disk.uuid/13,hv/vnet_hdr,nic.bridge/0,,hv/blockdev_prefix >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.spindles/12,disk.size/15,sdb_size,nic.mode/5,nic.names,disk.size/9 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,,,nic.uuid/6,nic.uuid/0,hv/disk_aio,nic.uuids,custom_beparams >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,,hv/migration_downtime,nic.vlan/7,oper_ram,serial_no,hv/keymap,oper_vcpus >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,hv/vnc_tls,,,disk.size/5,,uuid,hv/viridian,hv/devices >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/cdrom_image_path,hv/vga, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/spice_jpeg_wan_compression,,disk.spindles/9,tags,hv/kernel_args,hv/use_localtime, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.uuid/4,nic.vlan/0,nic.ip/3,disk.spindles/6,disk.uuids >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,hv/spice_streaming_video,,disk.spindles,nic.modes,hv/scsi_controller_type >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output admin_up,hv/spice_playback_compression,pnode,hv/use_guest_agent,disk.count,,hv/floppy_image_path,disk.uuid/9 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.ip/5,be/spindle_use,,nic.mac/3, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output,hv/cpu_type,nic.mode/4 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output custom_osparams,disk.uuid/6 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.spindles/13,hypervisor,hv/disk_type,nic.ip/0,be/vcpus,nic.uuid/1,disk.spindles/10,nic.vlan/5,disk.uuid/0 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/bootloader_args,hv/debug_threads,hv/cdrom2_image_path,disk.uuid/8,hv/serial_speed >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/pci_pass,be/auto_balance,disk_usage,nic.ip/6,nic.uuid/7,nic.vlan/6,hv/usb_mouse,hv/kvm_pci_reservations >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output be/memory,os,be/minmem,disk.size/3,console,disk.uuid/4,,hv/cpu_mask,hv/root_path, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output hv/spice_bind,nic.networks.names,disk.spindles/0,,nic.bridge/4 >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/1,hv/cpu_cores >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output disk.size/11,disk.size/8,disk.uuid/12,hv/disk_discard, >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output nic.bridge/5,nic.macs,hv/nic_type >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: unknown_entity, error details: Instance name not found Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestInstanceList] gnt-instance list ----------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:55:05.773261 time=0:00:09.875957 [TestInstanceList] gnt-instance listWarning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist <<<< 2024-09-10 04:55:05.773341 start [TestInstanceInfo] gnt-instance info Command: ssh 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 18 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:54:55 State: configured to be up, actual state is up Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 ---- PASSED [TestInstanceInfo] gnt-instance info ----------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:55:06.674531 time=0:00:00.901190 [TestInstanceInfo] gnt-instance info <<<< 2024-09-10 04:55:06.674615 start [TestInstanceModify] gnt-instance modify Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 18 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:54:55 State: configured to be up, actual state is up Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --net -1:add --hotplug' Tue Sep 10 04:55:08 2024 - INFO: Trying to hotplug device... Tue Sep 10 04:55:08 2024 - INFO: Hotplug done. Modified instance - nic.1 -> add:mac=aa:00:00:cc:75:04,ip=None,mode=bridged,link=virt-bridge,network=None - nic.1 -> hotplug:done Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --net -1:modify,mac=aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff --hotplug --force' Tue Sep 10 04:55:09 2024 - INFO: Trying to hotplug device... Tue Sep 10 04:55:10 2024 - INFO: Hotplug done. Modified instance - nic.mac/1 -> aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff - -> virt-bridge - nic.mode/1 -> bridged - nic.vlan/1 -> - nic/1 -> hotplug:done Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --net -1:remove --hotplug' Tue Sep 10 04:55:11 2024 - INFO: Trying to hotplug device... Tue Sep 10 04:55:12 2024 - INFO: Hotplug done. Modified instance - NIC/1 -> remove - NIC/1 -> hotplug:done Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --disk -1:add,size=1G --hotplug' Tue Sep 10 04:55:13 2024 * disk 2, size 1.0G Tue Sep 10 04:55:13 2024 - INFO: Trying to hotplug device... Tue Sep 10 04:55:13 2024 - INFO: Hotplug done. Tue Sep 10 04:55:13 2024 - INFO: Waiting for instance to sync disks Tue Sep 10 04:55:14 2024 - INFO: Instance's disks are in sync Modified instance - disk/2 -> add:size=1024,mode=rw - disk/2 -> hotplug:done Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --disk -1:remove --hotplug' Tue Sep 10 04:55:14 2024 - INFO: Trying to hotplug device... Tue Sep 10 04:55:16 2024 - INFO: Hotplug done. Modified instance - disk/2 -> remove - disk/2 -> hotplug:done Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B minmem=128' Modified instance - be/minmem -> 128 Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B maxmem=128' Modified instance - be/maxmem -> 128 Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B minmem=256M,maxmem=768M' Modified instance - be/minmem -> 256 - be/maxmem -> 768 Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B vcpus=2' Modified instance - be/vcpus -> 2 Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B vcpus=1' Modified instance - be/vcpus -> 1 Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B vcpus=default' Modified instance - be/vcpus -> default Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B always_failover=true' Modified instance - be/always_failover -> True Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B always_failover=default' Modified instance - be/always_failover -> default Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -H kernel_path=/sbin/init' Modified instance - hv/kernel_path -> /sbin/init Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Note that changing hypervisor parameters without performing a restart might lead to a crash while performing a live migration. This will be addressed in future Ganeti versions. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -H kernel_path=default' Modified instance - hv/kernel_path -> default Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Note that changing hypervisor parameters without performing a restart might lead to a crash while performing a live migration. This will be addressed in future Ganeti versions. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --os-parameters os-image=' Modified instance - os/os-image -> Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --os-parameters os-image=default' Modified instance - os/os-image -> default Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify' Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --offline' Please give at least one of the parameters. Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_state, error details: Instance '' is marked to be up, can't change to offline without being down first Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify --online' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_state, error details: Instance '' is marked to be up, can't change to online (down) without being offline first ---- PASSED [TestInstanceModify] gnt-instance modify ------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:55:29.519284 time=0:00:22.844669 [TestInstanceModify] gnt-instance modify <<<< 2024-09-10 04:55:29.519396 start [TestRapiInstanceModify] Test modifying instance via RAPI GET /2/jobs/267 GET /2/jobs/268 ---- PASSED [TestRapiInstanceModify] Test modifying instance via RAPI -- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:55:31.154590 time=0:00:01.635194 [TestRapiInstanceModify] Test modifying instance via RAPI **** 2024-09-10 04:55:31.154673 skipping [TestInstanceConsole] gnt-instance console, test(s) instance-console disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:55:31.154691 skipping [TestRapiInstanceConsole] Test getting instance console information via RAPI, test(s) ['instance-console', ] disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:55:31.154703 skipping , test(s) instance-device-names disabled <<<< 2024-09-10 04:55:31.154715 start [TestInstanceShutdown] gnt-instance shutdown Command: ssh 'gnt-instance shutdown' Waiting for job 269 for ... ---- PASSED [TestInstanceShutdown] gnt-instance shutdown --------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:55:37.470315 time=0:00:06.315600 [TestInstanceShutdown] gnt-instance shutdown **** 2024-09-10 04:55:37.470409 skipping [TestInstanceReinstall] gnt-instance reinstall, test(s) instance-reinstall disabled **** 2024-09-10 04:55:37.470430 skipping [TestRapiInstanceReinstall] Test reinstalling an instance via RAPI, test(s) ['instance-reinstall', ] disabled <<<< 2024-09-10 04:55:37.470452 start [TestInstanceRenameAndBack] gnt-instance rename Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 41 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:55:36 State: configured to be down, actual state is down Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_instance_list' /tmp/gnt.pHPpRF Command: ssh '{ cat /etc/hosts && echo -e '\''::1 meeeeh-not-exists\n127.0.0.1 meeeeh-not-exists'\''; } > /tmp/gnt.pHPpRF && mv /tmp/gnt.pHPpRF /etc/hosts' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance rename --name-check' Stdout was: Tue Sep 10 04:55:39 2024 - INFO: Resolved given name '' to 'localhost' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Resolved hostname 'localhost' does not look the same as given hostname '' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 41 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:55:36 State: configured to be down, actual state is down Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_instance_list' /tmp/gnt.R6Dotj Command: ssh 'sed -e '\''/^\(::1\|127\.0\.0\.1\)\s\+meeeeh-not-exists'\'' /etc/hosts > /tmp/gnt.R6Dotj && mv /tmp/gnt.R6Dotj /etc/hosts' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 41 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:55:36 State: configured to be down, actual state is down Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh 'gnt-instance rename --name-check' Instance '' renamed to '' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 43 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:55:42 State: configured to be down, actual state is down Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_instance_list' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance rename --name-check' Instance '' renamed to '' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 45 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:55:45 State: configured to be down, actual state is down Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_instance_list' ---- PASSED [TestInstanceRenameAndBack] gnt-instance rename ------------ >>>> 2024-09-10 04:55:46.914656 time=0:00:09.444204 [TestInstanceRenameAndBack] gnt-instance rename <<<< 2024-09-10 04:55:46.914778 start [TestRapiInstanceRenameAndBack] Test renaming instance via RAPI GET /2/jobs/278 GET /2/jobs/279 ---- PASSED [TestRapiInstanceRenameAndBack] Test renaming instance via RAPI >>>> 2024-09-10 04:55:50.251958 time=0:00:03.337180 [TestRapiInstanceRenameAndBack] Test renaming instance via RAPI <<<< 2024-09-10 04:55:50.252034 start [TestInstanceRenameAndBack] gnt-instance rename Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 49 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:55:49 State: configured to be down, actual state is down Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_instance_list' /tmp/gnt.qaYhvZ Command: ssh '{ cat /etc/hosts && echo -e '\''::1 meeeeh-not-exists\n127.0.0.1 meeeeh-not-exists'\''; } > /tmp/gnt.qaYhvZ && mv /tmp/gnt.qaYhvZ /etc/hosts' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance rename --name-check' Stdout was: Tue Sep 10 04:55:51 2024 - INFO: Resolved given name '' to 'localhost' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_input, error details: Resolved hostname 'localhost' does not look the same as given hostname '' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 49 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:55:49 State: configured to be down, actual state is down Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_instance_list' /tmp/gnt.R7gRJj Command: ssh 'sed -e '\''/^\(::1\|127\.0\.0\.1\)\s\+meeeeh-not-exists'\'' /etc/hosts > /tmp/gnt.R7gRJj && mv /tmp/gnt.R7gRJj /etc/hosts' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 49 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:55:49 State: configured to be down, actual state is down Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh 'gnt-instance rename --name-check' Instance '' renamed to '' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 51 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:55:55 State: configured to be down, actual state is down Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_instance_list' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance rename --name-check' Instance '' renamed to '' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance info' - Instance name: UUID: e83d8dda-65d8-4d10-b104-9f28daff0f67 Serial number: 53 Creation time: 2024-09-10 04:53:59 Modification time: 2024-09-10 04:55:58 State: configured to be down, actual state is down Nodes: - primary: group: default (UUID d2eacdb9-a98d-48e2-9ab4-8e50c7c282bf) - secondaries: Operating system: noop Operating system parameters: Allocated network port: 11000 Hypervisor: kvm Hypervisor parameters: acpi: default (True) boot_order: default (disk) cdrom2_image_path: default () cdrom_disk_type: default () cdrom_image_path: default () cpu_cores: default (0) cpu_mask: default (all) cpu_sockets: default (0) cpu_threads: default (0) cpu_type: default (host) debug_threads: default (False) disk_aio: default (threads) disk_cache: default (none) disk_discard: default (ignore) disk_type: default (paravirtual) floppy_image_path: default () initrd_path: default (/boot/ganeti_busybox_initrd) kernel_args: default (init=/init) kernel_path: default (/vmlinuz) keymap: default () kvm_extra: default () kvm_flag: default () kvm_path: default (/usr/bin/kvm) kvm_pci_reservations: default (12) machine_version: default () mem_path: default () migration_caps: default () migration_downtime: default (30) nic_type: default (paravirtual) reboot_behavior: default (reboot) root_path: default (/dev/vda1) scsi_controller_type: default (lsi) security_domain: default () security_model: default (none) serial_console: default (False) serial_speed: default (38400) soundhw: default () spice_bind: default ( spice_image_compression: default () spice_ip_version: default (0) spice_jpeg_wan_compression: default () spice_password_file: default () spice_playback_compression: default (True) spice_streaming_video: default () spice_tls_ciphers: default (HIGH:-DES:-3DES:-EXPORT:-DH) spice_use_tls: default (False) spice_use_vdagent: default (True) spice_zlib_glz_wan_compression: default () usb_devices: default () usb_mouse: default () use_chroot: default (False) use_guest_agent: default (False) use_localtime: default (False) user_shutdown: default (False) vga: default () vhost_net: default (True) virtio_net_queues: default (1) vnc_bind_address: default () vnc_password_file: default () vnc_tls: default (False) vnc_x509_path: default () vnc_x509_verify: default (False) vnet_hdr: default (True) Back-end parameters: always_failover: default (False) auto_balance: default (True) maxmem: 768 memory: default (768) minmem: 256 spindle_use: default (1) vcpus: default (1) NICs: - nic/0: MAC: aa:00:00:09:fc:4d IP: None mode: bridged link: virt-bridge vlan: network: None UUID: e25aaa94-2731-42fd-9c2c-b387c7263cc7 name: None Disk template: rbd Disks: - disk/0: rbd, size 768M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', '212a89f2-ab92-4dc2-a564-953a31395c81.rbd.disk0'] on primary: /dev/rbd0 (252:0) name: disk0 UUID: 84cee2ee-f717-4617-9e54-148e63588d49 - disk/1: rbd, size 512M access mode: rw logical_id: ['rbd', 'fbb2a7cb-3169-43fb-87b6-0c3f623abc54.rbd.disk1'] on primary: /dev/rbd1 (252:16) name: disk1 UUID: fee5fc0d-9f55-4135-a203-ef948493d3b6 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'cat /var/lib/ganeti/ssconf_instance_list' ---- PASSED [TestInstanceRenameAndBack] gnt-instance rename ------------ >>>> 2024-09-10 04:55:59.675488 time=0:00:09.423454 [TestInstanceRenameAndBack] gnt-instance rename <<<< 2024-09-10 04:55:59.675608 start [TestRapiInstanceRenameAndBack] Test renaming instance via RAPI GET /2/jobs/288 GET /2/jobs/289 ---- PASSED [TestRapiInstanceRenameAndBack] Test renaming instance via RAPI >>>> 2024-09-10 04:56:03.303011 time=0:00:03.627403 [TestRapiInstanceRenameAndBack] Test renaming instance via RAPI <<<< 2024-09-10 04:56:03.303105 start [TestInstanceGrowDisk] gnt-instance grow-disk Command: ssh 'gnt-instance grow-disk 0 512M' Tue Sep 10 04:56:04 2024 Growing disk 0 of instance '' by 512M to 1.2G Tue Sep 10 04:56:04 2024 - INFO: Waiting for instance to sync disks Tue Sep 10 04:56:04 2024 - INFO: Instance's disks are in sync Command: ssh 'gnt-instance grow-disk --absolute 0 768M' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_state, error details: Requested size (768M) is smaller than current disk size (1.2G) Command: ssh 'gnt-instance grow-disk --absolute 0 1792' Tue Sep 10 04:56:06 2024 Growing disk 0 of instance '' by 512M to 1.8G Tue Sep 10 04:56:07 2024 - INFO: Waiting for instance to sync disks Tue Sep 10 04:56:07 2024 - INFO: Instance's disks are in sync Command: ssh 'gnt-instance grow-disk 1 512M' Tue Sep 10 04:56:08 2024 Growing disk 1 of instance '' by 512M to 1.0G Tue Sep 10 04:56:08 2024 - INFO: Waiting for instance to sync disks Tue Sep 10 04:56:08 2024 - INFO: Instance's disks are in sync Command: ssh 'gnt-instance grow-disk --absolute 1 512M' Stderr was: Command: ssh 'gnt-instance grow-disk --absolute 1 1536' Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_state, error details: Requested size (512M) is smaller than current disk size (1.0G) Tue Sep 10 04:56:10 2024 Growing disk 1 of instance '' by 512M to 1.5G Tue Sep 10 04:56:11 2024 - INFO: Waiting for instance to sync disks Tue Sep 10 04:56:11 2024 - INFO: Instance's disks are in sync ---- PASSED [TestInstanceGrowDisk] gnt-instance grow-disk -------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:56:11.526639 time=0:00:08.223534 [TestInstanceGrowDisk] gnt-instance grow-disk <<<< 2024-09-10 04:56:11.526717 start [TestInstanceStartup] gnt-instance startup Command: ssh 'gnt-instance startup' Waiting for job 296 for ... ---- PASSED [TestInstanceStartup] gnt-instance startup ----------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:56:13.140855 time=0:00:01.614138 [TestInstanceStartup] gnt-instance startup <<<< 2024-09-10 04:56:13.140946 start [TestInstanceReboot] gnt-instance reboot Command: ssh 'gnt-instance reboot --type=soft' Waiting for job 297 for ... Command: ssh 'gnt-instance reboot --type=hard' Waiting for job 298 for ... Command: ssh 'gnt-instance reboot --type=full' Waiting for job 299 for ... Command: ssh 'gnt-instance shutdown' Waiting for job 300 for ... Command: ssh 'gnt-instance reboot' Waiting for job 301 for ... Tue Sep 10 04:57:04 2024 - INFO: Instance was already stopped, starting now Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance list --no-headers -o status' running ---- PASSED [TestInstanceReboot] gnt-instance reboot ------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:57:05.922422 time=0:00:52.781476 [TestInstanceReboot] gnt-instance reboot <<<< 2024-09-10 04:57:05.922497 start [TestInstanceTags] gnt-instance tags Command: ssh 'gnt-instance add-tags TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2' Command: ssh 'gnt-instance list-tags' TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster search-tags '\''^TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag\d+$'\''' /instances/ TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 /instances/ TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 /instances/ TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2 Command: ssh 'gnt-instance remove-tags TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag0 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag1 TEMP-Ganeti-QA-Tag2' PUT /2/instances/ GET /2/jobs/305 GET /2/instances/ DELETE /2/instances/ GET /2/jobs/306 ---- PASSED [TestInstanceTags] gnt-instance tags ----------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:57:10.088534 time=0:00:04.166037 [TestInstanceTags] gnt-instance tags <<<< 2024-09-10 04:57:10.088624 start [TestClusterVerify] gnt-cluster verify Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify' Submitted jobs 308, 309 Waiting for job 308 ... Tue Sep 10 04:57:11 2024 * Verifying cluster config Tue Sep 10 04:57:11 2024 * Verifying cluster certificate files Tue Sep 10 04:57:11 2024 * Verifying hypervisor parameters Tue Sep 10 04:57:11 2024 * Verifying all nodes belong to an existing group Waiting for job 309 ... Tue Sep 10 04:57:11 2024 * Verifying group 'default' Tue Sep 10 04:57:11 2024 * Gathering data (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:57:11 2024 * Gathering information about nodes (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:57:12 2024 * Gathering disk information (3 nodes) Tue Sep 10 04:57:12 2024 * Verifying configuration file consistency Tue Sep 10 04:57:12 2024 * Verifying node status Tue Sep 10 04:57:12 2024 * Verifying instance status Tue Sep 10 04:57:12 2024 * Verifying orphan volumes Tue Sep 10 04:57:12 2024 * Verifying N+1 Memory redundancy Tue Sep 10 04:57:12 2024 * Other Notes Tue Sep 10 04:57:13 2024 * Hooks Results Command: ssh 'gnt-cluster verify-disks' Submitted jobs 311 Waiting for job 311 ... No disks need to be activated. ---- PASSED [TestClusterVerify] gnt-cluster verify --------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:57:14.584707 time=0:00:04.496083 [TestClusterVerify] gnt-cluster verify <<<< 2024-09-10 04:57:14.584815 start [TestInstance] Testing getting instance(s) info via remote API GET /2/instances/ GET /2/instances GET /2/instances?bulk=1 PUT /2/instances/ PUT /2/instances/ PUT /2/instances/ GET /2/jobs/314 Tue Sep 10 04:57:16 2024 Generating X509 certificate on ---- PASSED [TestInstance] Testing getting instance(s) info via remote API >>>> 2024-09-10 04:57:16.400764 time=0:00:01.815949 [TestInstance] Testing getting instance(s) info via remote API <<<< 2024-09-10 04:57:16.400943 start [TestNodeList] gnt-node list ----- Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output pinst_cnt,mtime,ndparams,sip,dfree,master,sinst_list,name,pinst_list,ndp/ovs_name,bootid,ndp/spindle_count,dtotal,serial_no,powered,ndp/oob_program,sinst_cnt,ndp/exclusive_storage,ctime,csockets,custom_ndparams,cnodes,pip,uuid,spfree,mfree,mnode,hv_state,ndp/ovs,sptotal,master_candidate,tags,disk_state,mtotal,cnos,group,drained,ctotal,role,ndp/ssh_port,ndp/cpu_speed,master_capable,offline,group.uuid,vm_capable,ndp/ovs_link >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output bootid,cnodes,cnos,csockets,ctime,ctotal,custom_ndparams,dfree,disk_state,drained,dtotal,group,group.uuid,hv_state,master,master_candidate,master_capable,mfree,mnode,mtime,mtotal,name,ndp/cpu_speed,ndp/exclusive_storage,ndp/oob_program,ndp/ovs,ndp/ovs_link,ndp/ovs_name,ndp/spindle_count,ndp/ssh_port,ndparams,offline,pinst_cnt,pinst_list,pip,powered,role,serial_no,sinst_cnt,sinst_list,sip,spfree,sptotal,tags,uuid,vm_capable >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output pinst_cnt,mtime,ndparams,sip,dfree,master,sinst_list,name,pinst_list,ndp/ovs_name,bootid,ndp/spindle_count,dtotal,serial_no,powered,ndp/oob_program,sinst_cnt,ndp/exclusive_storage,ctime,csockets,custom_ndparams,cnodes,pip,uuid,spfree,mfree,mnode,hv_state,ndp/ovs,sptotal,master_candidate,tags,disk_state,mtotal,cnos,group,drained,ctotal,role,ndp/ssh_port,ndp/cpu_speed,master_capable,offline,group.uuid,vm_capable,ndp/ovs_link,pinst_cnt,mtime,ndparams,sip,dfree,master,sinst_list,name,pinst_list,ndp/ovs_name,bootid,ndp/spindle_count,dtotal,serial_no,powered,ndp/oob_program,sinst_cnt,ndp/exclusive_storage,ctime,csockets,custom_ndparams,cnodes,pip,uuid,spfree,mfree,mnode,hv_state,ndp/ovs,sptotal,master_candidate,tags,disk_state,mtotal,cnos,group,drained,ctotal,role,ndp/ssh_port,ndp/cpu_speed,master_capable,offline,group.uuid,vm_capable,ndp/ovs_link >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output ndp/ovs_link,vm_capable,group.uuid,offline,master_capable >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output ndp/cpu_speed,ndp/ssh_port,role,ctotal,drained >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output group,cnos,mtotal >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output disk_state,tags,master_candidate,sptotal,ndp/ovs,hv_state,mnode >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output mfree,spfree >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output uuid,pip >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output cnodes,custom_ndparams,csockets,ctime,ndp/exclusive_storage >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output sinst_cnt,ndp/oob_program,powered,serial_no,dtotal >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output ndp/spindle_count,bootid,ndp/ovs_name,pinst_list >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output name,sinst_list,master >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output dfree,sip,ndparams >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output mtime,pinst_cnt >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-node list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' Command: ssh 'gnt-node list' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: unknown_entity, error details: Node name not found Command: ssh 'gnt-node list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestNodeList] gnt-node list ------------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:57:22.173477 time=0:00:05.772534 [TestNodeList] gnt-node list <<<< 2024-09-10 04:57:22.173582 start [TestJobList] gnt-job list ------- Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output opstatus,opend,opexec,id,status,priority,start_ts,end_ts,archived,opresult,received_ts,summary,opstart,oppriority,ops,oplog >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output archived,end_ts,id,opend,opexec,oplog,oppriority,opresult,ops,opstart,opstatus,priority,received_ts,start_ts,status,summary >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output opstatus,opend,opexec,id,status,priority,start_ts,end_ts,archived,opresult,received_ts,summary,opstart,oppriority,ops,oplog,opstatus,opend,opexec,id,status,priority,start_ts,end_ts,archived,opresult,received_ts,summary,opstart,oppriority,ops,oplog >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output oplog,ops,oppriority,opstart,summary >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output received_ts,opresult >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output archived,end_ts,start_ts,priority,status,id,opexec,opend >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output opstatus >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-job list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output id' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-job list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output id 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 300 299 298 297 296 295 294 293 292 291 290 289 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 281 280 279 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 269 268 267 266 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1' 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 300 299 298 297 296 295 294 293 292 291 290 289 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 281 280 279 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 271 270 269 268 267 266 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 257 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 240 239 238 237 236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-job list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output id 75 291 188 233 166 272 185 105 51 296 84 187 247 240 228 279 218 164 41 255 239 71 34 55 243 70 131 148 48 153 28 238 283 99 96 212 23 182 314 175 81 20 290 56 222 129 209 235 146 98 208 18 273 250 264 244 104 215 125 167 168 64 68 25 106 213 152 261 65 253 89 241 60 191 236 149 246 61 259 299 305 311 141 173 210 94 251 47 155 142 219 159 100 59 40 27 87 80 32 49 223 158 58 140 53 120 312 225 200 202 16 52 270 256 114 82 154 196 309 83 293 46 145 230 136 3 276 150 245 115 62 43 275 151 2 304 7 117 42 101 207 260 92 4 214 91 298 69 211 24 9 147 271 190 121 287 108 39 171 226 269 37 143 206 63 139 13 30 278 199 90 172 307 195 204 266 265 10 249 162 193 133 97 78 67 79 144 242 107 169 8 122 1 257 292 258 95 73 138 119 102 14 93 109 137 19 124 50 252 310 12 184 161 234 274 300 205 301 181 74 160 85 112 268 179 31 262 11 72 267 163 177 288 156 110 54 132 66 103 88 44 134 178 29 282 135 170 6 285 26 15 286 221 192 183 289 123 126 86 36 201 313 231 203 224 198 35 165 176 302 5 128 248 263 277 76 45 127 227 186 216 174 116 232 118 284 189 297 194 306 33 281 294 254 220 130 308 77 22 280 157 229 57 303 113 38 197 237 217 180 21 17 295 111' 75 291 188 233 166 272 185 105 51 296 84 187 247 240 228 279 218 164 41 255 239 71 34 55 243 70 131 148 48 153 28 238 283 99 96 212 23 182 314 175 81 20 290 56 222 129 209 235 146 98 208 18 273 250 264 244 104 215 125 167 168 64 68 25 106 213 152 261 65 253 89 241 60 191 236 149 246 61 259 299 305 311 141 173 210 94 251 47 155 142 219 159 100 59 40 27 87 80 32 49 223 158 58 140 53 120 312 225 200 202 16 52 270 256 114 82 154 196 309 83 293 46 145 230 136 3 276 150 245 115 62 43 275 151 2 304 7 117 42 101 207 260 92 4 214 91 298 69 211 24 9 147 271 190 121 287 108 39 171 226 269 37 143 206 63 139 13 30 278 199 90 172 307 195 204 266 265 10 249 162 193 133 97 78 67 79 144 242 107 169 8 122 1 257 292 258 95 73 138 119 102 14 93 109 137 19 124 50 252 310 12 184 161 234 274 300 205 301 181 74 160 85 112 268 179 31 262 11 72 267 163 177 288 156 110 54 132 66 103 88 44 134 178 29 282 135 170 6 285 26 15 286 221 192 183 289 123 126 86 36 201 313 231 203 224 198 35 165 176 302 5 128 248 263 277 76 45 127 227 186 216 174 116 232 118 284 189 297 194 306 33 281 294 254 220 130 308 77 22 280 157 229 57 303 113 38 197 237 217 180 21 17 295 111 Command: ssh 'gnt-job list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestJobList] gnt-job list --------------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:57:24.391820 time=0:00:02.218238 [TestJobList] gnt-job list <<<< 2024-09-10 04:57:24.391953 start [TestInstanceModifyPrimaryAndBack] gnt-instance modify --new-primary Test only supported for the file disk template ---- PASSED [TestInstanceModifyPrimaryAndBack] gnt-instance modify --new-primary >>>> 2024-09-10 04:57:24.392008 time=0:00:00.000055 [TestInstanceModifyPrimaryAndBack] gnt-instance modify --new-primary <<<< 2024-09-10 04:57:24.392037 start [TestGroupList] gnt-group list --- Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output ndp/cpu_speed,alloc_policy,ndp/oob_program,ctime,pinst_cnt,ipolicy,mtime,ndp/exclusive_storage,ndp/ovs_name,custom_ipolicy,ndp/ovs_link,custom_ndparams,serial_no,diskparams,ndp/spindle_count,ndp/ssh_port,pinst_list,uuid,node_list,node_cnt,ndparams,tags,ndp/ovs,custom_diskparams,name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output alloc_policy,ctime,custom_diskparams,custom_ipolicy,custom_ndparams,diskparams,ipolicy,mtime,name,ndp/cpu_speed,ndp/exclusive_storage,ndp/oob_program,ndp/ovs,ndp/ovs_link,ndp/ovs_name,ndp/spindle_count,ndp/ssh_port,ndparams,node_cnt,node_list,pinst_cnt,pinst_list,serial_no,tags,uuid >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output ndp/cpu_speed,alloc_policy,ndp/oob_program,ctime,pinst_cnt,ipolicy,mtime,ndp/exclusive_storage,ndp/ovs_name,custom_ipolicy,ndp/ovs_link,custom_ndparams,serial_no,diskparams,ndp/spindle_count,ndp/ssh_port,pinst_list,uuid,node_list,node_cnt,ndparams,tags,ndp/ovs,custom_diskparams,name,ndp/cpu_speed,alloc_policy,ndp/oob_program,ctime,pinst_cnt,ipolicy,mtime,ndp/exclusive_storage,ndp/ovs_name,custom_ipolicy,ndp/ovs_link,custom_ndparams,serial_no,diskparams,ndp/spindle_count,ndp/ssh_port,pinst_list,uuid,node_list,node_cnt,ndparams,tags,ndp/ovs,custom_diskparams,name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output name,custom_diskparams,ndp/ovs,tags,ndparams >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output node_cnt,node_list,uuid,pinst_list >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output ndp/ssh_port,ndp/spindle_count >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output diskparams,serial_no,custom_ndparams,ndp/ovs_link,custom_ipolicy,ndp/ovs_name >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output ndp/exclusive_storage,mtime >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output ipolicy,pinst_cnt,ctime,ndp/oob_program,alloc_policy,ndp/cpu_speed >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-group list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name' default Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-group list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name default' default Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-group list '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers --output name default' default Command: ssh 'gnt-group list' Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: unknown_entity, error details: NodeGroup name not found Command: ssh 'gnt-group list --output=field/does/not/exist >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestGroupList] gnt-group list ----------------------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:57:26.470475 time=0:00:02.078438 [TestGroupList] gnt-group list Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist <<<< 2024-09-10 04:57:26.470553 start [TestGroupListFields] gnt-group list-fields Command: ssh 'gnt-group list-fields >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh 'gnt-group list-fields alloc_policy name serial_no uuid node_cnt node_list pinst_cnt pinst_list tags ipolicy custom_ipolicy custom_ndparams ndparams diskparams custom_diskparams ndp/cpu_speed ndp/exclusive_storage ndp/oob_program ndp/ovs ndp/ovs_link ndp/ovs_name ndp/spindle_count ndp/ssh_port ctime mtime >> /var/log/ganeti/qa-output.log' Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-group list-fields '\''--separator=|'\'' --no-headers' alloc_policy|Text|AllocPolicy|Allocation policy for group ctime|Timestamp|CTime|Creation timestamp custom_diskparams|Custom|CustomDiskParameters|Custom disk parameters custom_ipolicy|Custom|CustomInstancePolicy|Custom instance policy limitations custom_ndparams|Custom|CustomNDParams|Custom node parameters diskparams|Custom|DiskParameters|Disk parameters (merged) ipolicy|Custom|InstancePolicy|Instance policy limitations (merged) mtime|Timestamp|MTime|Modification timestamp name|Text|Group|Group name ndp/cpu_speed|Floating-point number|ndp/cpu_speed|The "cpu_speed" node parameter ndp/exclusive_storage|Boolean|ExclusiveStorage|The "exclusive_storage" node parameter ndp/oob_program|Custom|OutOfBandProgram|The "oob_program" node parameter ndp/ovs|Boolean|OpenvSwitch|The "ovs" node parameter ndp/ovs_link|Custom|OpenvSwitchLink|The "ovs_link" node parameter ndp/ovs_name|Custom|OpenvSwitchName|The "ovs_name" node parameter ndp/spindle_count|Number|SpindleCount|The "spindle_count" node parameter ndp/ssh_port|Number|ndp/ssh_port|The "ssh_port" node parameter ndparams|Custom|NDParams|Node parameters node_cnt|Number|Nodes|Number of nodes node_list|Custom|NodeList|List of nodes pinst_cnt|Number|Instances|Number of primary instances pinst_list|Custom|InstanceList|List of primary instances serial_no|Number|SerialNo|Group object serial number, incremented on each modification tags|Custom|Tags|Tags uuid|Text|UUID|Group UUID Command: ssh 'gnt-group list-fields field/does/not/exist' Stdout was: Name Type Title Description field/does/not/exist Unknown field/does/not/exist Unknown field 'field/does/not/exist' Stderr was: ---- PASSED [TestGroupListFields] gnt-group list-fields ---------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:57:27.052575 time=0:00:00.582022 [TestGroupListFields] gnt-group list-fields Warning: Queried for unknown fields field/does/not/exist <<<< 2024-09-10 04:57:27.052702 start [TestInstanceFailover] gnt-instance failover Command: ssh 'gnt-instance failover --force' Tue Sep 10 04:57:28 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Tue Sep 10 04:57:28 2024 Failover instance Tue Sep 10 04:57:28 2024 * checking disk consistency between source and target Tue Sep 10 04:57:28 2024 * shutting down instance on source node Tue Sep 10 04:57:33 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:57:33 2024 * deactivating the instance's disks on source node Tue Sep 10 04:57:33 2024 * activating the instance's disks on target node Tue Sep 10 04:57:34 2024 * starting the instance on the target node Command: ssh 'gnt-instance failover --force' Tue Sep 10 04:57:35 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Tue Sep 10 04:57:35 2024 Failover instance Tue Sep 10 04:57:35 2024 * checking disk consistency between source and target Tue Sep 10 04:57:35 2024 * shutting down instance on source node Tue Sep 10 04:57:50 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:57:51 2024 * deactivating the instance's disks on source node Tue Sep 10 04:57:51 2024 * activating the instance's disks on target node Tue Sep 10 04:57:51 2024 * starting the instance on the target node ---- PASSED [TestInstanceFailover] gnt-instance failover --------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:57:52.253868 time=0:00:25.201166 [TestInstanceFailover] gnt-instance failover <<<< 2024-09-10 04:57:52.253968 start [TestRapiInstanceFailover] Test failing over instance via RAPI GET /2/jobs/317 Tue Sep 10 04:57:53 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Tue Sep 10 04:57:53 2024 Failover instance Tue Sep 10 04:57:53 2024 * checking disk consistency between source and target Tue Sep 10 04:57:53 2024 * shutting down instance on source node Tue Sep 10 04:58:08 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:58:08 2024 * deactivating the instance's disks on source node Tue Sep 10 04:58:08 2024 * activating the instance's disks on target node Tue Sep 10 04:58:09 2024 * starting the instance on the target node GET /2/jobs/318 Tue Sep 10 04:58:10 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Tue Sep 10 04:58:10 2024 Failover instance Tue Sep 10 04:58:10 2024 * checking disk consistency between source and target Tue Sep 10 04:58:10 2024 * shutting down instance on source node Tue Sep 10 04:58:25 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:58:25 2024 * deactivating the instance's disks on source node Tue Sep 10 04:58:26 2024 * activating the instance's disks on target node Tue Sep 10 04:58:26 2024 * starting the instance on the target node ---- PASSED [TestRapiInstanceFailover] Test failing over instance via RAPI >>>> 2024-09-10 04:58:27.223345 time=0:00:34.969377 [TestRapiInstanceFailover] Test failing over instance via RAPI <<<< 2024-09-10 04:58:27.223429 start [TestInstanceMigrate] gnt-instance migrate Command: ssh -oEscapeChar=none -oBatchMode=yes -lroot -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oClearAllForwardings=yes -oForwardAgent=yes -oControlPath=/tmp/ganeti-qa-multiplexer.d8p20rse -oControlMaster=no 'gnt-instance list --no-headers --separator=: --units m -o be/always_failover' N Command: ssh 'gnt-instance migrate --force' Tue Sep 10 04:58:28 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Tue Sep 10 04:58:28 2024 Migrating instance Tue Sep 10 04:58:28 2024 * checking disk consistency between source and target Tue Sep 10 04:58:28 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:58:28 2024 * opening instance disks on node in shared mode Tue Sep 10 04:58:29 2024 * opening instance disks on node in shared mode Tue Sep 10 04:58:29 2024 * preparing to accept the instance Tue Sep 10 04:58:29 2024 * migrating instance to Tue Sep 10 04:58:29 2024 * starting memory transfer Tue Sep 10 04:58:30 2024 * memory transfer complete Tue Sep 10 04:58:30 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:58:30 2024 * opening instance disks on node in exclusive mode Tue Sep 10 04:58:30 2024 * unmapping instance's disks disk0, disk1 from Tue Sep 10 04:58:31 2024 * done Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B always_failover=True' Modified instance - be/always_failover -> True Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance migrate --force' Tue Sep 10 04:58:33 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Tue Sep 10 04:58:33 2024 - INFO: Instance configured to always failover; fallback to failover Tue Sep 10 04:58:33 2024 Failover instance Tue Sep 10 04:58:33 2024 * checking disk consistency between source and target Tue Sep 10 04:58:33 2024 * shutting down instance on source node Tue Sep 10 04:58:38 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:58:38 2024 * deactivating the instance's disks on source node Tue Sep 10 04:58:38 2024 * activating the instance's disks on target node Tue Sep 10 04:58:39 2024 * starting the instance on the target node Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B always_failover=False' Modified instance - be/always_failover -> False Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance shutdown' Waiting for job 323 for ... Command: ssh 'gnt-instance migrate --force' Stdout was: Tue Sep 10 04:58:58 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Stderr was: Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation: error type: wrong_state, error details: Can't migrate, please use failover: Instance is not running Command: ssh 'gnt-instance migrate --force --allow-failover' Tue Sep 10 04:58:58 2024 - INFO: Instance is marked down or offline, fallback allowed, switching to failover Tue Sep 10 04:58:59 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Tue Sep 10 04:58:59 2024 - INFO: Not checking memory on the secondary node as instance will not be started Tue Sep 10 04:58:59 2024 Failover instance Tue Sep 10 04:58:59 2024 * not checking disk consistency as instance is not running Tue Sep 10 04:58:59 2024 * shutting down instance on source node Tue Sep 10 04:58:59 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:58:59 2024 * deactivating the instance's disks on source node Command: ssh 'gnt-instance start' Waiting for job 326 for ... Command: ssh 'gnt-instance migrate --force' Tue Sep 10 04:59:02 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Tue Sep 10 04:59:03 2024 Migrating instance Tue Sep 10 04:59:03 2024 * checking disk consistency between source and target Tue Sep 10 04:59:03 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:59:03 2024 * opening instance disks on node in shared mode Tue Sep 10 04:59:03 2024 * opening instance disks on node in shared mode Tue Sep 10 04:59:03 2024 * preparing to accept the instance Tue Sep 10 04:59:03 2024 * migrating instance to Tue Sep 10 04:59:03 2024 * starting memory transfer Tue Sep 10 04:59:05 2024 * memory transfer complete Tue Sep 10 04:59:05 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:59:05 2024 * opening instance disks on node in exclusive mode Tue Sep 10 04:59:05 2024 * unmapping instance's disks disk0, disk1 from Tue Sep 10 04:59:05 2024 * done Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B always_failover=true' Modified instance - be/always_failover -> True Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance migrate --force' Tue Sep 10 04:59:07 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Tue Sep 10 04:59:07 2024 - INFO: Instance configured to always failover; fallback to failover Tue Sep 10 04:59:08 2024 Failover instance Tue Sep 10 04:59:08 2024 * checking disk consistency between source and target Tue Sep 10 04:59:08 2024 * shutting down instance on source node Tue Sep 10 04:59:13 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:59:13 2024 * deactivating the instance's disks on source node Tue Sep 10 04:59:13 2024 * activating the instance's disks on target node Tue Sep 10 04:59:13 2024 * starting the instance on the target node Command: ssh 'gnt-instance modify -B always_failover=false' Modified instance - be/always_failover -> False Please don't forget that most parameters take effect only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by ganeti; restarting from within the instance will not be enough. Command: ssh 'gnt-instance migrate --force' Tue Sep 10 04:59:16 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Tue Sep 10 04:59:16 2024 Migrating instance Tue Sep 10 04:59:16 2024 * checking disk consistency between source and target Tue Sep 10 04:59:16 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:59:16 2024 * opening instance disks on node in shared mode Tue Sep 10 04:59:16 2024 * opening instance disks on node in shared mode Tue Sep 10 04:59:17 2024 * preparing to accept the instance Tue Sep 10 04:59:17 2024 * migrating instance to Tue Sep 10 04:59:17 2024 * starting memory transfer Tue Sep 10 04:59:18 2024 * memory transfer complete Tue Sep 10 04:59:18 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:59:18 2024 * opening instance disks on node in exclusive mode Tue Sep 10 04:59:18 2024 * unmapping instance's disks disk0, disk1 from Tue Sep 10 04:59:19 2024 * done ---- PASSED [TestInstanceMigrate] gnt-instance migrate ----------------- >>>> 2024-09-10 04:59:19.339521 time=0:00:52.116092 [TestInstanceMigrate] gnt-instance migrate <<<< 2024-09-10 04:59:19.339623 start [TestRapiInstanceMigrate] Test migrating instance via RAPI GET /2/jobs/332 Tue Sep 10 04:59:20 2024 - INFO: Selected nodes for instance via iallocator hail: Tue Sep 10 04:59:20 2024 Migrating instance Tue Sep 10 04:59:20 2024 * checking disk consistency between source and target Tue Sep 10 04:59:20 2024 * closing instance disks on node Tue Sep 10 04:59:20 2024 * opening instance disks on node in shared mode Tue Sep 10 04:59:20 2024 * opening instance disks on node in shared mode Tue Sep 10 04:59:20 2024 * preparing to accept the instance Tue Sep 10 04:59:21 2024 * migrating instance to Tue Sep 10 04:59:21 2024 * starting memory transfer Tue Sep 10 04:59:22 2024 * memory transfer complete ---- FAILED [TestRapiInstanceMigrate] Test migrating instance via RAPI: Could not finalize instance migration: Error 28: Failed to connect to port 1811 after 5005 ms: Timeout was reached >>>> 2024-09-10 04:59:27.681958 time=0:00:08.342335 [TestRapiInstanceMigrate] Test migrating instance via RAPI ---- BLOCK FAILED [RunInstanceTests] Create and exercise instances: Could not finalize instance migration: Error 28: Failed to connect to port 1811 after 5005 ms: Timeout was reached ^^^^ BLOCK 2024-09-10 04:59:27.682057 time=0:05:29.493853 [RunInstanceTests] Create and exercise instances Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 1192, in main() File "/usr/src/ganeti/ganeti/rapi/", line 274, in wrapper return fn(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 1187, in main RunQa() File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 1082, in RunQa RunTestBlock(RunInstanceTests) File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 186, in RunTestBlock return fn(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 852, in RunInstanceTests RunInstanceTestsFull(create_fun, inodes, supported_conversions, templ) File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 923, in RunInstanceTestsFull RunHardwareFailureTests(instance, inodes) File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 552, in RunHardwareFailureTests RunTestIf(["instance-migrate", qa_rapi.Enabled], File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 162, in RunTestIf RunTest(fn, *args, **kwargs) File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 119, in RunTest retval = fn(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 817, in wrapper result = fn(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 1039, in TestRapiInstanceMigrate _WaitForRapiJob(_rapi_client.MigrateInstance( File "/usr/src/ganeti/qa/", line 806, in _WaitForRapiJob return rapi.client_utils.PollJob(_rapi_client, job_id, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/src/ganeti/ganeti/rapi/", line 120, in PollJob return cli.GenericPollJob(job_id, RapiJobPollCb(rapi_client), reporter) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/src/ganeti/ganeti/", line 787, in GenericPollJob errors.MaybeRaise(msg) File "/usr/src/ganeti/ganeti/", line 550, in MaybeRaise raise errcls(*args) ganeti.errors.OpExecError: Could not finalize instance migration: Error 28: Failed to connect to port 1811 after 5005 ms: Timeout was reached